E339-A Heartfelt Chat with Dr. Foojan Zeine & Dr. David Burns about Empathy & Overcoming Resistance
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E339– Inner Voice – A Heartfelt Chat with Dr. Foojan. In this episode, Dr. Foojan Zeine chats with Dr. David D. Burns, an American psychiatrist and adjunct professor emeritus in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Stanford University School of Medicine. He is the author of bestselling books such as Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy, The Feeling Good Handbook, and Feeling Great: The Revolutionary New Treatment for Depression and Anxiety. Dr. Burns developed an approach to psychotherapy called T.E.A.M. Therapy. T.E.A.M. is an acronym denoting Testing, Empathy, Assessment of Resistance (formerly Agenda Setting), and Methods. TEAM claims to address some of the shortcomings in cognitive therapy and proposes that motivation influences our thoughts, feelings, and actions just as much as our thoughts (or cognitions). Burns states that he draws from at least 15 schools of therapy and hopes that the TEAM approach will be as revolutionary a breakthrough in psychotherapy as C.B.T. was decades ago. www.feelinggood.com, and for the app, go to www.feelinggreat.com. Dr. Burns shared his experience with empathy in joining psychological resistances or conditions for treatment purposes. Check out my website: www.FoojanZeine.com, www.AwarenessIntegration.com, www.Foojan.com
101 episodes