015: Healing What's Within through Curiosity and Connection with Chuck DeGroat
Manage episode 441541223 series 3579228
Trauma fundamentally disconnects us.
It can disconnect our brains from our bodies. It can sever relationships and entire communities. Those of us familiar with trauma know it can have a real impact on our faith or beliefs. It warps our understanding of others, our sense of safety, and even our own identity.
So how do we find connection again?
When we are alienated from ourselves, each other, and God, how do we find our way back home?
These are the questions that therapist and author Chuck DeGroat tackles in his latest book, Healing What’s Within. This is not a sequel or follow up to his previous When Narcissism Comes to Church, but rather a look at his own journey and process of dealing with his own trauma after spiritual abuse.
His deep knowledge and understanding of therapeutic work coupled with his experience as a minister, DeGroat offers incredibly practical tools for us to examine our own stories with curiosity and compassion and find our way back home to safety and security.
He reiterates our deepest message and hope, that we are indeed not just broken, but deeply Beloved.
Get the full show notes here. 📄
Episode Resources and Links
- Broken to Beloved Conference (for pastors and church leaders)
- Broken to Beloved Gathering (for the wounded and their advocates)
- Episode 001: with Dr. Alison Cook
Guest Spotlight
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- Healing What’s Within at Bookshop.org | on Amazon
- When Narcissism Comes to Church on Bookshop.org | on Amazon
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Broken to Beloved is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that works to provide those wounded by spiritual abuse and religious trauma with practical resources moving toward healing and wholeness, and to provide pastors and church leaders with resources to grow in trauma awareness and implement safeguarding practices. Get more information or give a tax-free donation here.
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41 episodes