SW Florida author/healer Lainie Sevante Wulkan (aka The Food Oracle) is my very special guest!
Manage episode 457516415 series 3219045
Southwest Florida author/multi-modality healer/founder of CIFT Lainie Sevante Wulkan (aka The Food Oracle) talks about her latest release “High Vibrational Wellness: Intuitive Healing Therapies to Nourish Your Body” offering insights on making food fun & healthy again, creating inner peace after emotionally abusive relationships, transmitting toxins & pollutants, conquering negative thoughts, using tapping to handle emotional eating from generational wounds and more! Lainie is also the founder of CIFT (Center for Intuitive Food Therapy) later graduating from CSU-Northridge in Food Science plus holds advance certification in Food Healing and how she began her career playing cards plus currently writing a 7-volume series “Feed Your Chakra” and find out what foods are tied to certain behaviors! Check out the amazing Lainie Sevante Wulkan and her latest release on all major platforms and www.centerforintuitivefoodtherapy.com today! #lainiesevantewulkan #author #southwestflorida #multimodalityhealer #thefoodoracle #highvibrationalwellness #intuitivehealingtherapy #foodhelaing #foodtherapy #healthyfood #CIFT #csunorthridge #feedyourchakra #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerlainiesevantewulkan #themikewagnershowlainiesevantewulkan
2020 episodes