Atlanta author/writer & student of history Mike Cobb with “Dead Beckoning” & “The Devil You Knew”!
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Atlanta author/writer & student of history Mike Cobb talks about his back-to-back releases “Dead Beckoning” and “The Devil You Knew”! Mike is an amazing writer and student of history with numerous works in fiction, non-fiction (short & long), articles and blogs with a focus on historical fiction, Southern literary fiction, crime fiction, true crime, and rigorous research who originally began his career as a scientist! The 1st book is about a blockbuster story of a cold case from the annals of Atlanta history about the death of a prominent downtown businessman in 1896 by a single gunshot, and how corruption, deception and cheating exists in the city government while the 2nd book takes place in ’63 in Atlanta where 3 adolescent girls go missing & a killer is on the loose as a young man infatuated with one of the girls gets caught in the drama and suspense of the kidnappers later sets out to find the killer in ’80 as a newspaper reporter to really find out who did it! Check out the amazing Mike Cobb and all of his releases on major platforms and today! #mikecobb #atlanta #author #studentofhistory #deadbeckoning #thedevilyouknew #fiction #nonfiction #southernliteraryfiction #atlantahistory #atlantamurder #corruption #kidnapping #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnermikecobb #themikewagnershowmikecobb
2005 episodes