Episode 6: My Favorite Supplements for Gut Health
Manage episode 358695939 series 3445809
In today’s episode I talked about my favorite supplements for supporting a healthy gut. I covered 3 broad categories: probiotics, nutrients and herbal medicine. I shared the benefits of supplements that fall under these categories, and I also told you the name and brand of some of my favorite products in case you’d like to try them. I will be listing all of my favorite supplements that I mentioned today down below so you can easily see them. I hope that you found this episode helpful and if you have any questions or comments for me, I would love to hear from you. Thank you so much for tuning in, and I hope you'll join me for the next one.
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MY FAVORITE PRODUCTS - If a link is not provided, please use the Fullscript link at the bottom to access them. From simply copy/paste the name of the product into the catalog search bar and automatically receive 15% off retail pricing.
- Therbiotic Complete by Klaire Labs
- Orthobiotic by Orthomolecular Labs
Nutrient Support
- Liquid Vitamin D3/K2 by Orthomolecular Products
- Magnesium Glycinate Plus by Integrative Therapeutics
- CALM by Natural Vitality https://amzn.to/40jht9f
- L- Glutamine Powder by Klaire Labs
- L- Glutamine Powder by Designs for Health
- L- Glutamine Powder by Pure Encapsulations
Herbal Medicine
- Aloe Vera Juice - Inner Leaf by Lily of the Desert https://amzn.to/3yQShLC
- Aloe Vera Juice and Gel by Nature’s Way https://amzn.to/3Z1pK0z
- Golden Milk by Gaia Herbs https://amzn.to/3YZ8VTO
- Good as Gold by Ora Organics
- Dose For Your Liver by Dose Daily Co. https://glnk.io/8lynl/arreola-naturopathic
- Turmeric Extra Strength by YouTheory https://amzn.to/3LBrMBw
- Gas & Bloating Tea by Gaia Herbs: https://amzn.to/3QiBpnE
- Fennel Tea by Traditional Medicinals https://amzn.to/3JuskG0
- Gas Relief by Traditional Medicinals https://amzn.to/3bzmlTV
- Slippery Elm Powder by Vital Nutrients
- Slippery Elm Powder by Heritage https://amzn.to/3LAKE3r
- Combination products
- Glutashield by Orthomolecular Products - Purchase on Full
- GI Revive by Designs for Health
How To Order Supplements using Fullscript
If you are interested in purchasing high-quality, practitioner-grade supplements with a special discount off retail pricing from brands that I know or personally trust, visit the Arreola Naturopathic Dispensary by FULLSCRIPT
Affiliate Disclosure: Please note that when you purchase through the Arreola Naturopathic Fullscript Dispensary, you receive a 15% discount on retail prices and Arreola Naturopathic, Inc. will receive a small commission. I appreciate your support.
10 episodes