Episode 8-Parenting From a Spiritual Perspective with guest Dr. Michelle Anthony
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On this week's episode of Embracing Your Season host Paige Clingenpeel has a great conversation with Dr. Michelle Anthony, Executive Pastor of Families at New Life Church and Dean of FamilyMin Academy. They discuss parenting from a spiritual perspective, partnering with God and partnering with others which are topics from two of her books, Spiritual Parenting and Becoming A Spiritually Healthy Family.
Paige’s Takeaways:
- Parent from a spiritual perspective - Our world is designed by a creator. That means we have been given the gift of our children and God is going to equip us to parent these kids well. God has chosen us to be this little one's parent and gives us a better viewpoint on how this world has eternal value. We are raising kids to be disciples of Jesus so they can go on and transform this world for His glory and His honor.
- We are partnering with God - The God of the universe didn’t only give us these kids but he isn’t leaving us alone in this. He walks with us and gives us wisdom. He gives us a body of believers that can walk alongside us. Have mentors that can speak into your life to help us parent. Don’t parent in isolation!
- Six dysfunctions of parenting styles - Not saying “no” or controlling our kids, being hypersensitive to them. These things actually are handicapping our kids. When we don’t say “no” or we micromanage them and don’t allow them to fail or take steps on their own we are actually discouraging them from autonomy and making choices that are valuable for them.
Questions to think through:
- What dysfunctional parenting styles have I taken from the generations before me?
- What are things I am choosing on my own?
These questions shouldn’t necessarily be done in isolation. You can ask mentors, counselors, dear friends that have lived life with you. What are some of the answers they might give you that we might have blinders to? This will help us to be better parents as well as a healthy, spiritual person.
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Spiritual Parenting - An Awakening For Today’s Families
68 episodes