show episodes
Tennis Lounge est un podcast tennis axé sur la préparation mentale et la gestion de carrière des joueurs de tennis voulant devenir pro ou évoluant sur le circuit ATP, WTA et ITF. Analysant les techniques des meilleurs joueurs tels que Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal, Serena Williams ou Novak Djokovic, et faisant appel aux acteurs du sport vous apprendrez des solutions concrètes pour:-Gérer la pression en match;-Augmenter votre confiance sur le court;-Financer sa carrière de joueur de tennis;-Amé ...
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In All Fairness is a Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice podcast channel welcoming representatives from the legal community and exploring how we can all contribute to improving the administration of justice in Canada. Legal professionals will benefit from informed discussions on key issues, essential knowledge and insights to strengthen their practice. En toute justice est une série de balados de l’Institut canadien d’administration de la justice qui donne la parole à différ ...
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I am an ayurvedic therapist and yoga teacher, I offer you a podcast per week in the form of ayurvedic subject and health wellness. This allows you to discover this natural medicine, methods of healing to be able to practice it in your daily life. What is it for? Prevention, maintenance and healing and to be autonomous to correct your health imbalances.
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Née le 5 mars 1965 à Londres (Angleterre). Edith Heard est généticienne de formation. Elle a suivi des études en sciences naturelles à l'Université de Cambridge au Royaume-Uni et a préparé son doctorat au « Imperial Cancer Research Fund » à Londres. Edith Heard est arrivée en France, à l'Institut Pasteur en 1990. Elle dirige aujourd'hui à l'Institut Curie, l'Unité de Génétique et biologie du développement et l'équipe « Épigenèse et développement des mammifères ». Elle a reçu de nombreuses di ...
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show series
In this episode, host Christine O’Doherty is joined by special guests Tina Parbhakar, Amy Schwab, and Jane Morley, K.C., to explore the Transform the Family Justice System Collaborative, an innovative initiative in British Columbia, launched in 2022. As key contributors to this groundbreaking user-centred initiative, the guests share their insights…
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David Lazzam, CIAJ's articling student, welcomes back Diana Lowe and Justice Rod Jerke to delve into the power of storytelling in driving systemic change within family law systems. Together, they discuss how narratives can serve as catalysts for transformation while revisiting the progress and new direction of the Reforming the Family Justice Syste…
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Dans cet épisode, Me Caroline Bourbonnais reçoit Carolle Tremblay, avocate accréditée en droit collaboratif familial, et l'honorable J. Sébastien Vaillancourt, juge coordonnateur de la gestion familiale au district de Montréal à la Cour supérieure du Québec. Ensemble, ils discutent du droit collaboratif, une approche innovante dans le domaine du dr…
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Stephen Bindman, Visiting Professor and Executive in Residence at the uOttawa Faculty of Law, welcomes Professor Kent Roach, one of Canada's most prolific scholars and writers in the area of criminal law and wrongful convictions. In this episode, they discuss Professor Roach's book "Wrongfully Convicted," exploring how he became involved in studyin…
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Shayla Praud (Eagle Clan from the Nisga’a Nation), Dominga Robinson (Nakota Jamaican l Pheasant Rump Nakota First Nation) and Justin Thompson (Member of Nipissing First Nation), students at the time of recording earlier this year, share their views on Indigenous self-governance. Together, they discuss how Indigenous legal systems and practices cont…
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In this episode, Nathan Afilalo, CIAJ's former Legal Affairs Manager at the time, welcomes two guests to discuss engaging with Indigenous legal orders in Canada from two perspectives: the academic side with Associate Professor Hadley Friedland and the institutional side with Crown Counsel Sarah Arngna'naaq. These two guests present their work and a…
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Qu'est-ce que la rédaction législative? À l'approche de la Conférence sur la rédaction législative, organisée par l'ICAJ à Ottawa du 16 au 18 septembre 2024, des experts en la matière parlent de leur travail et des aspects passionnants de cette profession qui est souvent méconnue. Les sujets abordés incluent le rôle des rédacteurs dans les différen…
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Discover the seven key changes to improve New Brunswick's justice system discussed at the 2023 Access to Justice Summit. The New Brunswick Access to Justice Summit, Digital Transformation: Putting People at the Heart of the Justice System, held in August 2023 at the University of New Brunswick (UNB) Faculty of Law, brought stakeholders from the pro…
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Lors de cet entretien, le professeur Vladyslav Lanovoy traitera du recours à la force par les États en droit international (jus ad bellum), qui est encadré par la Charte des Nations Unies. Il s’exprimera également sur la Cour internationale de justice. Si la justice pénale internationale s’intéresse à la responsabilité des individus, la Cour intern…
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In this episode, uOttawa Associate Professor Vanessa MacDonnell welcomes The Honourable Sheilah L. Martin, Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Public Law Conference, which will be held from July 3rd to July 5, 2024, in Ottawa. This year’s conference theme, “Public Law: Rights, Duties, and Power,” w…
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Cet entretien avec la professeure Miriam Cohen et Maître Alexis Larivière traitera du thème des victimes dans le contexte de la justice pénale internationale. Au cours de cet épisode, les invités aborderont l’historique, la philosophie et la justification de la participation des victimes en justice pénale internationale. Les invités discuteront ens…
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Au cours de cet entretien, Maîtres Marie-Hélène Proulx et Mylène Dimitri traiteront de la défense des accusés devant les tribunaux pénaux internationaux. Elles décriront le système de justice pénale internationale du point de vue fonctionnel, particulièrement à la Cour pénale internationale, de la perspective particulière des accusés. Les thèmes su…
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Dans cet entretien, Maître Johann Soufi se penchera sur l’historique de la justice pénale internationale, la création de la Cour pénale internationale et sa juridiction et expliquera en quoi consiste le principe de complémentarité. Il exposera également les grandes lignes du mandat et du fonctionnement des organes de la Cour. Seront aussi abordées …
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Lors de cet entretien, la professeure Julia Grignon et Mme Anne-Lise Lierville traiteront du thème du droit des conflits armés (jus in bello), aussi nommé droit international humanitaire. L’épisode explorera d’abord les sources du droit international humanitaire, ensuite les circonstances dans lesquelles il s’applique, les personnes visées, les pri…
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Who are Legislative and Parliamentary Counsel? What do they do? In this episode, lawyers involved with the 2024 CIAJ Legislative Drafting Conference speak about their work and an exciting part of the profession that is often quite removed from the spotlight. Topics include the role of drafters in different offices and the evolution of the professio…
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In this episode, CIAJ's host Sarah Rowe is welcoming lawyer Dylan Gibbs, Founder & Author of Hearsay, a plain language email newsletter aiming to keep Canadian lawyers informed of key decisions and topical legal news. Together, they discuss the launch of this weekly bulletin and the need for more accessible and innovative approaches to legal writin…
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Edith Heard Collège de France Epigénétique et mémoire cellulaire Cours 2023-2024 Conférence - Harold E. Varmus : How Can Science and Its Benefits Be Shared Globally? How Medical Science Can Be Used in Developing Countries Harold E. Varmus Prix Nobel de physiologie ou médecine Résumé In the final lecture, I will talk about the ways in which parts of…
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Edith Heard Collège de France Epigénétique et mémoire cellulaire Cours 2023-2024 04 - L'épigénétique à l'interface organisme-environnement : Exemples d'impacts environnementaux sur le règne végétalPar Edith Heard
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In this fourth episode of a four-part series on “Concise Decision-Writing,” Chairperson of the Canada Agricultural Review Tribunal Emily Crocco is inviting physician, researcher and podcaster Dr. Ken Milne to learn more about knowledge translation (the process of converting research results into practice), and what the legal system can learn about …
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Edith Heard Collège de France Epigénétique et mémoire cellulaire Cours 2023-2024 Conférence - Harold E. Varmus : How Do Scientists Inform Others about Their Work? Why Evolving Publication Practices Are Contentious Harold E. Varmus Prix Nobel de physiologie ou médecine Résumé I will talk about how scientists inform others about their results, with e…
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In this third episode of a four-part series on “Concise Decision-Writing,” Chairperson of the Canada Agricultural Review Tribunal Emily Crocco is inviting Lawyer and PhD Candidate Jonathan Khan to discuss the importance of reliable data in determining how the judicial system can be redesigned to be more equitable and accessible. Rédiger des décisio…
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Edith Heard Collège de France Epigénétique et mémoire cellulaire Cours 2023-2024 Conférence - Harold E. Varmus : How Do Scientific Discoveries Affect the Way We Live? How Studies of a Chicken Virus Changed Cancer Therapy Harold E. Varmus Prix Nobel de physiologie ou médecine Résumé The main theme of the second lecture concerns the way in which fund…
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Dans ce deuxième épisode d'une série en quatre parties sur la rédaction de décisions concises, la présidente de la Commission de révision agricole du Canada, Emily Crocco, reçoit le professeur et expert de renommée internationale en droit public Paul Daly, qui explique comment la rédaction de décisions concises s'inscrit dans la «culture de la just…
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Edith Heard Collège de France Epigénétique et mémoire cellulaire Cours 2023-2024 Conférence : Reflections on the Scientific Enterprise Who Becomes a Professional Scientist and Why? My Path from Literature and Medicine to Basic Biology Harold E. Varmus Prix Nobel de physiologie ou médecine Résumé I will begin by talking about the nature of scientifi…
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Dans ce premier épisode d'une série en quatre parties sur la rédaction de décisions concises, la directrice générale de l'ICAJ, Me Christine O'Doherty, reçoit la présidente de la Commission de révision agricole du Canada, Emily Crocco, afin de discuter de ses récents travaux de recherche portant sur cette question. Invités, documentation et plus d'…
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In this episode, CIAJ’s host Nathan Afilalo is welcoming the founding editor of the Black (Canadian) Law Journal Mohammed Odusanya and acting editor-in-chief Dana-Kaye Matthews to learn more about this academic, peer-reviewed, bilingual journal founded in 2021.  Speakers, documentation and more details on CIAJ's website…
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Bienvenue dans ce premier épisode consacré à l'IA générative pour la Marque Employeur ! Nous allons tout d'abord essayer de comprendre le fonctionnement de ce que l'on appelle l'IA générative. Celle-ci soulève de nombreux espoirs, mais aussi des controverses liées à l'utilisation de données protégées par le droit d'auteur, au remplacement potentiel…
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How can we contribute to strengthening judicial systems in developing countries? In this episode, CIAJ is welcoming FJA’s Deputy Commissioner Errolyn Humphreys to learn more on the Technical Assistance Partnership (TAP) Project, a five-year initiative that leverages Canadian judicial expertise to provide targeted support in areas critical for uphol…
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Ce podcast, enregistré par Parlons RH lors de l'événement HR Technologie 2024, a offert une plateforme d'échange enrichissante sur l'impact de l'intelligence artificielle (IA) dans le domaine des ressources humaines (RH). Nous remercions chaleureusement Parlons RH pour cette initiative, ainsi que les invités: Guillaume Vigneron, fondateur de la Sup…
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Drug toxicity is a leading cause of death in Canada and around the world. Over the course of three episodes, we will address three interrelated topics related to the toxic drug crisis. This second episode will focus on how safe supply can help to combat the toxic drug Crisis. From January to September of 2022, fentanyl was involved in more than 81%…
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In 1992, at the age of 23 and pregnant with her fourth child, Maria Shepherd plead guilty to manslaughter in the death of her three-year-old stepdaughter, Kasandra, to avoid a much longer sentence which would have torn her away from her family. 25 years later, she was acquitted on the basis of new forensic expert evidence. She has realized her drea…
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Drug toxicity is a leading cause of death in Canada and around the world. Over the course of three episodes, we will address three interrelated topics related to the toxic drug crisis. This first episode will focus on harm reduction and the impact of stigma on people who use drugs. While the Supreme Court of Canada has recognized the importance of …
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In 1991, Canada was “the first country to accept refugee petitions based on persecution due to sexual orientation or gender identity.” Over the years, recognition of 2SLGBTQIA+ vulnerability has caused the number of sexual orientation and gender identity refugee claims to increase in the country. Does Canada’s identity as a safe haven allow for an …
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In this episode, host Daniel Escott is joined by Janet McIntyre, former Director of Justice Canada's Access to Justice Secretariat, for a discussion on the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal 16, the role of the Secretariat domestically and internationally, and the gradual shift to a people-centred approach to justice. Speakers, documentat…
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In this episode, host Daniel Escott is joined by Trevor C.W. Farrow, a renowned access to justice researcher and incoming Dean of Osgoode Hall Law School, for a discussion on the pre-, during, and post-pandemic views of traditional access to justice. Dean Farrow provides a wealth of information on the problems that arise from a lack of access to ju…
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In this episode, host Daniel J. Escott explores the transformative landscape of access to justice in Canada in the company of his guests, esteemed legal experts Mark Benton, K.C. and Brea Lowenberger. Together, they discuss the impact of the Action Committee on Access to Justice in Civil and Family Matters at both national and local levels and expl…
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In this episode, CIAJ Lawyer Nathan Afilalo is welcoming Aaron Mills, a member of the Anishinaabe, Couchiching First Nation and Assistant Professor and the Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Constitutionalism and Philosophy at McGill University Faculty of Law. Together, they discuss professor Mills' theory of rooted constitutionalism, teaching Ind…
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Welcome to the podcast of yoga and lifestyle medicine Hope to find you well today🙏 Remember your diet is your 1st medicine, your lifestyle and emotions are also good keys to master with to prevent and cure yourself. You have only one body! Today I will talk inflammation: what is it, symptoms, how to cure, recipies,diet, herbs .... 🌿 ✨Find me here: …
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Welcome to the podcast of yoga and lifestyle medicine Hope to find you well today🙏 Remember your diet is your 1st medicine, your lifestyle and emotions are also good keys to master with to prevent and cure yourself. Today I will talk about Ritucharya: Effects of seasons in our mind and body, what to do with diet, herbs .... 🌿 ✨Find me here: https:/…
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Welcome to the podcast of yoga and lifestyle medicine Hope to find you well today🙏 Remember your diet is your 1st medicine, your lifestyle and emotions are also good keys to work with to prevent and cure yourself. Today I will talk about Hypothyroidism: Why it is happening, diet, herbs .... what we need, what we should do...🌿 ✨Find me here: https:/…
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Edith Heard Collège de France Epigénétique et mémoire cellulaire Cours 2022-2023 Biais liés au sexe dans la susceptibilité aux maladies : causes génétiques et épigénétiques L'importance de la régulation du dosage des gènes sur le chromosome X dans la susceptibilité à certaines maladiesPar Edith Heard
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Edith Heard Collège de France Epigénétique et mémoire cellulaire Cours 2022-2023 Biais liés au sexe dans la susceptibilité aux maladies : causes génétiques et épigénétiques L'impact de l'expression des gènes liés aux chromosomes X inactif et Y sur les différences entre les sexesPar Edith Heard
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Edith Heard Collège de France Epigénétique et mémoire cellulaire Cours 2022-2023 Biais liés au sexe dans la susceptibilité aux maladies : causes génétiques et épigénétiques Biais liés au sexe : comment distinguer les effets dus aux chromosomes sexuels, hormones ou mode de vie ?Par Edith Heard
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Edith Heard Collège de France Epigénétique et mémoire cellulaire Cours 2022-2023 Biais liés au sexe dans la susceptibilité aux maladies : causes génétiques et épigénétiques Introduction : les maladies ont-elles un sexe ?Par Edith Heard
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La notion de territoire a beaucoup évolué au fil du temps. Les défis auxquels nous faisons face aujourd’hui sont d’échelle planétaire. Dans un contexte de mondialisation, les frontières nationales ont-elles encore un sens? Pour répondre à cette question, l’ICAJ reçoit Richard Ouellet, professeur de droit international économique à la Faculté de dro…
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Quel est le point commun entre Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal, Amélie Mauresmo, Novak Djokovic, Coco Gauff, Martina Hingis, Marat Safin, Carlos Alcaraz, Juan-Martin Del Potro, Dinara Safina, Stan Wawrinka, Jo-Wilfried Tsonga, Kim Clijsters? Au delà, d’avoir tous eu des carrières exceptionnelles, tous ces champions sont passés par les Petits As. Tous l…
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According to a Justice Canada Survey in 2021, only 20% of Canadians are confident that the criminal justice system is fair to all people. What can we do to improve this situation? In this excerpt from CIAJ's 2022 Conference on dignity, CIAJ Lawyer Nathan Afilalo welcomes Rheanne Scott (Director, Justice and Community Safety, PwC Canada) for a speci…
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