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European Lab

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European Lab forum propose à travers des conférences, des débats, des projections et des rencontres inspirantes, de décrypter les grandes mutations de notre époque et de connecter les porteurs de projets. Dans une démarche transdisciplinaire et prospective, le forum aborde des thèmes comme : la ville de demain, l’engagement politique de la société civile, la transformation numérique, la place des médias et de la jeunesse dans la reconquête démocratique. European Lab forum a été fondé en 2011 ...
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Les trente dernières années présentent un paradoxe étonnant : alors que les plus riches ont vu leurs fortunes se multiplier et leur part dans la distribution des revenus mondiaux devenir de plus en plus écrasante, les plus pauvres du monde, eux aussi, ont connu une période de progrès remarquable. Le nombre de personnes vivant dans une pauvreté extrême a été divisé par deux ; les mortalités infantile et maternelle ont également été divisées par deux ; presque tous les enfants du monde vont au ...
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show series
Esther Duflo Collège de France Pauvreté et politiques publiques 2023-2024 Colloque - Approches expérimentales en éducation – Learning Together for Children's Learning: An Interdisciplinary Convening : Mathématiciens sur les marchés : que nous dit la déconnexion entre l'école et la vie Session 2 – College, an Opportunity and a Challenge Colloque org…
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Esther Duflo Collège de France Pauvreté et politiques publiques 2023-2024 Colloque - Approches expérimentales en éducation – Learning Together for Children's Learning: An Interdisciplinary Convening : Développer la cohésion sociale au collège : résultats de plusieurs expérimentations Session 2 – College, an Opportunity and a Challenge Colloque orga…
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Esther Duflo Collège de France Pauvreté et politiques publiques 2023-2024 Colloque - Approches expérimentales en éducation – Learning Together for Children's Learning: An Interdisciplinary Convening : Groupes de besoins, groupes de niveau, enseignement personnalisé : que dit la recherche Session 2 – College, an Opportunity and a Challenge Colloque …
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Esther Duflo Collège de France Pauvreté et politiques publiques 2023-2024 Colloque - Approches expérimentales en éducation – Learning Together for Children's Learning: An Interdisciplinary Convening : Mixité sociale au collège : retour sur les expérimentations menées en France Session 2 – College, an Opportunity and a Challenge Colloque organisé pa…
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Esther Duflo Collège de France Pauvreté et politiques publiques 2023-2024 Colloque - Approches expérimentales en éducation – Learning Together for Children's Learning: An Interdisciplinary Convening : Comment lire les résultats de l'enquête PISA Session 2 – College, an Opportunity and a Challenge Colloque organisé par Esther Duflo, Professeur du co…
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Esther Duflo Collège de France Pauvreté et politiques publiques 2023-2024 Colloque - Approches expérimentales en éducation – Learning Together for Children's Learning: An Interdisciplinary Convening : Reading Acquisition and its Deficits: Advances in Behavioral and Brain Research Session 1 – Fundamental Learning Colloque organisé par Esther Duflo, …
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Esther Duflo Collège de France Pauvreté et politiques publiques 2023-2024 Colloque - Approches expérimentales en éducation – Learning Together for Children's Learning: An Interdisciplinary Convening : How Children Learn Session 1 – Fundamental Learning Colloque organisé par Esther Duflo, Professeur du collège de France, chaire Pauvreté et politique…
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Esther Duflo Collège de France Pauvreté et politiques publiques 2023-2024 Colloque - Approches expérimentales en éducation – Learning Together for Children's Learning: An Interdisciplinary Convening : From Cradle to Kindergarten Session 1 – Fundamental Learning Colloque organisé par Esther Duflo, Professeur du collège de France, chaire Pauvreté et …
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Esther Duflo Collège de France Pauvreté et politiques publiques 2023-2024 Colloque - Approches expérimentales en éducation – Learning Together for Children's Learning: An Interdisciplinary Convening : État des lieux des résultats français dans le premier degré : évaluations nationales (Repères CP, CE1) Session 1 – Fundamental Learning Colloque orga…
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Esther Duflo Collège de France Pauvreté et politiques publiques 2023-2024 Colloque - Approches expérimentales en éducation – Learning Together for Children's Learning: An Interdisciplinary Convening : Introduction Colloque organisé par Esther Duflo, Professeur du collège de France, chaire Pauvreté et politiques publiques. Avec le soutien de la Fond…
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Grand événement : Approches expérimentales en éducation (5/5) - Carlo Barone : Les effets des interventions de soutien à la parentalité sur le développement cognitif et socio-émotionnel des enfants Intervenant : Carlo Barone professeur en sociologie au Centre de recherche sur les inégalités sociales de Sciences Po Cette présentation examine les étu…
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The reading oscillates between a wish to share and convey the authors voices and another one to archive them for their memory to be shared. The selection of texts wishes to underline the cultural and political ties between several decolonial contexts. The texts will convey the voices of, cultural workers, journalists and story-tellers and commented…
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The European media space could use some good design. The intersection between journalism and design is there to be explored. New media projects need better good designed set-ups, models and inclusive approaches, meant to be accessible to all, without technical, structural, and societal barriers. The new creed of Are We Europe – Designing Europe’s M…
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The digital scene is no exception to the strong concentration observed in the media landscape. Once a space of diverse opinions, the internet is now deeply influenced by Tech Giants, who, through major acquisitions, wield considerable power over key platforms of democratic discourse (for example, Twitter, which has become X). Technology has become …
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Building collaborative, resilient communities is at the core of a strong independent media landscape in Europe. For this, new ways of doing journalism need to be designed and discussed. The Circle is a first answer to the sector’s renewal. It is a new approach to cross-border journalism and collaboration. By bringing together creatives, journalists…
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Dive into the rich tapestry of European storytelling at our Radio Lab, an integral part of our crossborder collaboration-focused media event. Immerse yourself in the diverse world of European podcasts through captivating presentations, riveting extracts, and exclusive mini-interviews with the brilliant minds behind the shows. Join us in exploring t…
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Grand événement : Approches expérimentales en éducation (4/5) - Élise Huillery : Développer la coopération, la confiance et l'autonomie des élèves : pourquoi et comment Intervenant : Élise Huillery professeure des universités en économie à l'université Paris-Dauphine, chercheuse affiliée au Laboratoire J-PAL et au LIEPP Sciences Po Résumé : Les pol…
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Grand événement - Approches expérimentales en éducation 3/5 - Abhijit Banerjee : La pensée critique Intervenant : Abhijit Banerjee Ford Foundation International Professor of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Abhijit Banerjee is currently the Ford Foundation International Professor of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of …
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Esther Duflo Collège de France Pauvreté et politiques publiques 2023-2024 06 - Lutter contre la pauvreté : de la science à la pratique : Média, réseaux sociaux, propagande, et démocratie Résumé Comment les médias traditionnels et les nouveaux médias façonnent les opinions et affectent les résultats électoraux ?…
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Esther Duflo Collège de France Pauvreté et politiques publiques 2023-2024 Grand événement : Approches expérimentales en éducation (2/5) : Les défis de l'orientation Marc Gurgand Directeur de recherche au CNRS et professeur à l'École d'économie de Paris Résumé Au cours de sa scolarité, un élève est amené à faire plusieurs choix qui affectent autant …
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Esther Duflo Collège de France Pauvreté et politiques publiques 2023-2024 05 - Lutter contre la pauvreté : de la science à la pratique : La protection (et la destruction) de l'environnement : Économie politique Résumé Quelles sont les difficultés pour faire accepter et réellement mettre en œuvre les politiques de protection de l'environnement ? Et …
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Esther Duflo Collège de France Pauvreté et politiques publiques 2023-2024 04 - Lutter contre la pauvreté : de la science à la pratique : Taxation et finances publiques Résumé Les pays pauvres lèvent relativement peu d'impôts, et cela contraint leur capacité d'agir pour aider leur population. Comment se répartissent les recettes fiscale ? Comment ce…
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Esther Duflo Collège de France Pauvreté et politiques publiques 2023-2024 03 - Lutter contre la pauvreté : de la science à la pratique : Entrepreneurs et entreprises Résumé Dans les pays à revenus faibles ou moyens, on trouve une multitude de toutes petites entreprises, et peu de grandes. Comment l'expliquer ? Et comment fonctionnent les entreprise…
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Esther Duflo Collège de France Pauvreté et politiques publiques 2023-2024 02 - Lutter contre la pauvreté : de la science à la pratique : Les relations sociales et les réseaux informels Résumé Avant Facebook, il y avait le réseau social formé par les membres d'une même communauté ou village. Comment l'information circule-elle dans le réseau social ?…
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Esther Duflo Collège de France Pauvreté et politiques publiques 2023-2024 Grand événement : Approches expérimentales en éducation (1/5) : Introduction aux expérimentations en éducation Résumé Esther Duflo ouvrira le cycle du séminaire Agir pour l'éducation avec une introduction à la série de cours. Elle présentera à cette occasion ses ouvrages à de…
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Esther Duflo Collège de France Pauvreté et politiques publiques 2023-2024 01 - Lutter contre la pauvreté : de la science à la pratique : Risque, assurance, et protection Résumé Les plus pauvres font face à une multitude de risques, encore aggravés par le changement climatique. Comment sont-ils protégés ? Comment le seront-ils dans le futur ?…
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A spotlight talk into the local grassroots scenes of Budapest and Vilnius. From festivals, music releases and community radio, this panel brings together active players to both draw parallels between these cities and what the role cross-border collaboration can offer for the distribution of music on the margins.With:Nerijus Damasevicius aka SHN (Mi…
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The panel discussion will explore how the media influence the image of Eastern Europe, focusing on the challenges of Russian-centric narratives and bias. It will delve into how Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine is potentially leading to a redefinition of narratives about Russia's imperial policy as well as Eastern European countries. In this co…
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In a context of mass media and concentration landscape, media and culture structures tend to be owned by a few big companies, leading to a homonagised representation of culture. This concentration restricts global culture and stifles emerging voices and perspectives. By decentralizing cultural media, it can ensure pluralism in cultural content and …
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As independent festivals thrive worldwide, some add another string to their bow by creating a media focused on topics they care about. These festival extensions or communication platforms provide additional content, maintaining year-round engagement, delving deeper into subjects and artists showcased at the festival. Festivals with a strong identit…
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Over the last five years, the issue of journalism has become increasingly important within the European institutions. From the democratic backsliding, online harassment, market concentration, self-censorship, the algorithms of social media, it seems that now the media ecosystem is being seen more and more as a European matter. But so far, it seems,…
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The media often adopt a local or national approach to news. Yet many subjects need to be studied at a transnational level, particularly at European level. How can we document economic and financial, political, migration or environmental issues by stopping at borders? To carry out these investigations on a European scale, new transnational structure…
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What role does environmental and ecological journalism play in the current context of global media coverage of climate and environmental issues? Closely linked to activism, independent green media advocate a politicizing approach to ecological discourse.With:Afsaneh Angelina Rafii (Icarus Complex Magazine I UK)Sarah Freres (Imagine Magazine I BE)Sa…
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Between growing capitalistic tendencies in the sector and the increasingly obvious political interference of certain States, the European media landscape is going through a series of crises. Many independent media are evolving in this context, continuing to operate despite these threats. The Sphera network, which brings together a number of them, i…
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How do podcasts incorporate alternative and independent points of view? Do they help to improve the quality of information in the European media landscape? The round table will look at a number of specific case studies, presented by a diverse panel of professionals from media organisations.With:Alexander Damiano Ricci (Bulle Media I IT)Evi Kiorri (…
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This panel will centre the ways to provide meaningful support to a scene affected by war. Taking part in the conversation will be Ukrainian cultural scene representatives Tanya Voytko and Nastya Zamorska, and Odesa-based artist undo despot, who will join in via a video call. Basing on personal experience of the speakers, this talk will concern the …
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Created with the artist Nastia, an iconic figure of the Ukrainian electronic scene, this exchange focuses on how alternative artistic scenes, particularly the club culture in Ukraine, have mobilized since February 24, 2022. More than a year after the start of Russia's massive invasion of the country, multiple solidarity networks continue to operate…
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From 17 to 19 May 2023, Nuits sonores Lab presented 3 days of discussions, workshops, conferences and formats blending debate and music in Lyon.60 artists, activists, thinkers, journalists and actors from the independent culture sector all over Europe echoed the vibrations currently being felt around the world.…
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From 17 to 19 May 2023, Nuits sonores Lab presented 3 days of discussions, workshops, conferences and formats blending debate and music in Lyon.60 artists, activists, thinkers, journalists and actors from the independent culture sector all over Europe echoed the vibrations currently being felt around the world.…
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From 17 to 19 May 2023, Nuits sonores Lab presented 3 days of discussions, workshops, conferences and formats blending debate and music in Lyon.60 artists, activists, thinkers, journalists and actors from the independent culture sector all over Europe echoed the vibrations currently being felt around the world.…
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From 17 to 19 May 2023, Nuits sonores Lab presented 3 days of discussions, workshops, conferences and formats blending debate and music in Lyon.60 artists, activists, thinkers, journalists and actors from the independent culture sector all over Europe echoed the vibrations currently being felt around the world.…
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From 17 to 19 May 2023, Nuits sonores Lab presented 3 days of discussions, workshops, conferences and formats blending debate and music in Lyon.60 artists, activists, thinkers, journalists and actors from the independent culture sector all over Europe echoed the vibrations currently being felt around the world.…
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From 17 to 19 May 2023, Nuits sonores Lab presented 3 days of discussions, workshops, conferences and formats blending debate and music in Lyon.60 artists, activists, thinkers, journalists and actors from the independent culture sector all over Europe echoed the vibrations currently being felt around the world.…
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From 17 to 19 May 2023, Nuits sonores Lab presented 3 days of discussions, workshops, conferences and formats blending debate and music in Lyon.60 artists, activists, thinkers, journalists and actors from the independent culture sector all over Europe echoed the vibrations currently being felt around the world.…
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From 17 to 19 May 2023, Nuits sonores Lab presented 3 days of discussions, workshops, conferences and formats blending debate and music in Lyon.60 artists, activists, thinkers, journalists and actors from the independent culture sector all over Europe echoed the vibrations currently being felt around the world.…
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From 17 to 19 May 2023, Nuits sonores Lab presented 3 days of discussions, workshops, conferences and formats blending debate and music in Lyon.60 artists, activists, thinkers, journalists and actors from the independent culture sector all over Europe echoed the vibrations currently being felt around the world.…
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From 17 to 19 May 2023, Nuits sonores Lab presented 3 days of discussions, workshops, conferences and formats blending debate and music in Lyon.60 artists, activists, thinkers, journalists and actors from the independent culture sector all over Europe echoed the vibrations currently being felt around the world.…
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From 17 to 19 May 2023, Nuits sonores Lab presented 3 days of discussions, workshops, conferences and formats blending debate and music in Lyon.60 artists, activists, thinkers, journalists and actors from the independent culture sector all over Europe echoed the vibrations currently being felt around the world.…
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