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stemma podcast


Chaque semaine+
O stemma podcast é a alma do stemma media & sports. Histórias com começos, recomeços, meios e chegadas. Toda terça-feira um episódio novo para vocês! Conteúdo disponível também no YouTube (StemmaTV) e Instagram (@stemmasport).
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Root & STEM explores issues and storytelling with artists, journalists, teachers and communities engaged in STEAM-focused projects. Hear their unique stories, learn about new technologies, and discover how science, technology, engineering, arts, and math are enabling change for communities across Canada.
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Stem cell science is changing medicine and our understanding of human development. The Stem Cell Channel takes you into the labs where cutting edge-research takes place, introduces you to the scientists leading the way, and breaks down how these amazing discoveries impact everyday life and health.
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Stemmernes Tårn

Christian Fuhlendorff

Chaque mois
Dette er en Dungeons and Dragons podcast. Det hele startede på den sagnomspundne Radio 24/7. Sidenhen blev den til en podcast, som voksede sig over på YouTube, har haft 3. sæsoner hos Tv Zulu. Men nu starter vi podcasten op igen, i en helt ny version! Mange nye stemmer vil komme til, i en gode sammeblandning med folk I kender lyden af i forvejen. Forhåbentligt ender det i en episk fortælling, hvor helte vokser frem og andre falder. Hvor onde kræfter lægger skumle planer og hvor gode kræfter ...
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Maya Drouin

Chaque mois
THROUGH THIS PODCAST, find out about all the secrets and information on navigating a career in science,technology,engineering,mathematics(STEM). I’m from GENZ, the generation who is at the front of the frontline of change. There is a lack of resources and information on women inside the field as well as the upcoming individuals of the sector. GENZinSTEM aims to bridge that gap. All through the inspiring guests that take the stage, presented by a curious genZer’s lens.
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Welcome to She Speaks STEM, the official podcast of the Graduate Society Women Engineers (GradSWE) at the University of Toronto. This show brings together emerging scholars, trailblazing researchers, and accomplished alumni to share their insights and experiences navigating the world of engineering and the broader STEM landscape. From cutting-edge research and career advancement tips to personal growth stories and mentorship guidance, each episode fosters community, empowerment, and curiosit ...
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STEM Everyday

Chris Woods (DailySTEM)

Chaque mois+
The STEM Everyday podcast focuses on how easy it is to incorporate STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) into education. We explore and share great ideas that inspire students to take ownership in their learning. Episodes include short (20 minute) interviews with educators, innovators, & authors who are using creative ways to add STEM to their classrooms and communities everyday!
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Stemming the Tide

Uncharted North

Chaque semaine
Uncharted North presents Stemming the Tide, an actual play podcast. We will be diving into Paizo Inc.'s megadungeon Adventure Path: Abomination Vaults. Join Game Master Freeman Iceton as he leads James Kidd, Scott Barber and Duncan Forbes into the mysterious ruins of the Gauntlight Keep. If you’re looking for storytelling filled with action, adventure and a some laughs along the way, you’ve come to the right place. Subscribe for weekly episodes, dropping every Monday! And hit us up at unchar ...
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Hosted by Aarna Sahu, Aarna's News is a collection of stories from brilliant women themselves in the STEM industry--that is, Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and everything in between. Here, we dive deep into the women who've changed the workforce and also inspire others to take on these fields. Episodes every Monday at 7AM PST.
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Dr David Greene r3 Stem Cell

R3 Stem Cell Dr. David greene

Chaque mois
While running his pain clinic Dr. David Greene R3 Stem Cell became an expert in medical marketing eventually producing a book on the subject. In order to make the most of his time he dictated chapters while driving back and forth to business school. The book includes chapters on all of his marketing strategies for not only attracting new patients but also keeping them engaged over time.
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In deze christelijke podcast ontmoet je vervolgde broers en zussen. Je hoort unieke, bemoedigende en inspirerende verhalen van vervolgde christenen. Richard Groenenboom en Arco van Doleweerd, werkzaam bij SDOK. brengen de verhalen dichtbij. Podcast De Stem is een podcast voor christenen in Nederland die willen groeien in geloof en in het volgen van Jezus. Je ontmoet inspirerende mensen uit allerlei landen. Zij dagen je uit in geloof, overgave, moed en vertrouwen. Ontdek meer op ...
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Women in STEM Career & Confidence is the podcast for scientific and professional women who want to restore confidence, make meaningful impact and balance the things and people that mean most to them. Dr Hannah Roberts will be sharing with you insights and inspiration into the mindset and skillset to help you navigate your career and lead powerfully.
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Women have been a minority in the engineering field for years, which has made it harder for them to grow their careers. The Women in Engineering Podcast (WIE) is a vital resource for women in engineering, offering inspiration, knowledge, and how to career advice. Hosted by Mechanical Engineer Tiffani Teachey, the show features interviews with successful female engineers who are looking to help the next generation of female engineers succeed. This podcast is a go-to destination for female eng ...
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Race in STEM

Race in STEM

Chaque mois
Race in STEM is a global community of empowered people of colour in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics space. Our platform is a vessel for collaboration, a catalyst for career opportunities, and a safe, judgement-free space to share one another’s experiences and ideas. Through unity, our network represents a chance to change the reality of work, challenge stereotypes, and amplify the voices of the unheard as we continue our journey towards a more equitable future for all.
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The St.Emlyn’s Podcast

St Emlyn’s Blog and Podcast

Chaque mois+
A UK based Emergency Medicine podcast for anyone who works in emergency care. The St Emlyn ’s team are all passionate educators and clinicians who strive to bring you the best evidence based education. Our four pillars of learning are evidence-based medicine, clinical excellence, personal development and the philosophical overview of emergency care. We have a strong academic faculty and reputation for high quality education presented through multimedia platforms and articles. St Emlyn’s is a ...
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The Stem Cell Doc Podcast

Dr. Mark Fedorczyk

Chaque mois
Welcome to "The Stem Cell Doc Podcast" with Dr. Mark Fedorczyk, DC, FSCT. Join us as we explore the world of regenerative medicine and stem cell therapy, where we discuss the incredible benefits of stem cells. Hear inspiring stories from individuals who have reclaimed their passions and vitality with stem cell treatments. Dive into conversations with elite athletes who have accelerated their recovery and performance through Dr. Mark’s innovative techniques. Whether you're a patient seeking t ...
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Women in Engineering: Success Stories from STEM Professionals

Tiffani Teachey & Rebecca Swabey, P. Eng.

Chaque mois+
Women have been a minority in the engineering field for years, which has made it harder for them to grow their careers. The Women in Engineering Podcast (WIE) is a vital resource for women in engineering, offering inspiration, knowledge, and how to career advice. Hosted by Mechanical Engineer Tiffani Teachey, the show features interviews with successful female engineers who are looking to help the next generation of female engineers succeed. This podcast is a go-to destination for female eng ...
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Welcome to "Unspoken Truths: Women in STEM," a captivating podcast where we delve into the journeys of female leaders shaping the landscape of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Join us as we uncover the stories of women across various STEM industries and academia, as they courageously navigate societal norms and challenges within their respective fields. From breaking barriers, to shattering stereotypes, these remarkable women reveal the unspoken truths behind their triumphs ...
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Sam Jones & Rubén Rodríguez Pérez

Chaque mois
Women in STEM share the interesting work they do, but more so the path—however bumpy—that brought them to where they are today. STEMpod is hosted and produced by Sam Jones, PhD, alongside producer Rubén Rodríguez Pérez. Artwork is by Rachel Sibley.
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De Stemcast

De Stemcast

Chaque mois
In De Stemcast neem ik jou mee in de aanloop naar de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen. In elke aflevering behandel ik een verkiezingsprogramma van één politieke partij. Geen moeilijke woorden en geen onduidelijke punten. Want laten we eerlijk zijn, de politiek is al ingewikkeld genoeg. Instagram en Twitter: @DeStemcast Wie ben ik? @nickypapilaja
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Stemtox Skin Systems

Stemtox Skin Systems

Chaque mois
At Stemtox Skin Systems Reviews, we’ve developed a truly unique formula. Both you and your skin can feel good about our A.TOX and B.TOX products, which have been carefully synthesized from only the highest quality ingredients.
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SHPE Out Loud is a leadership podcast that guides young professional Hispanics working in STEM by creating a community that provides support and a sense of belonging. There is a disparity between the Hispanic population and representation in STEM. On the podcast we will interview thought leaders in STEM as well as SHPE members to share their stories. We will have authentic conversations that support and inspire Hispanics working in STEM. SHPE (Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers) is t ...
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show series
Celebrating IWD & Campus Initiatives with Marisa Sterling How can we create more inclusive and supportive spaces in engineering? In this special International Women’s Day episode, we sit down with Marisa Sterling, Assistant Dean of Diversity, Inclusion, and Professionalism at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering. W…
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Real Stories, Real Impact! In this episode of The Stem Cell Doc Podcast, we’re thrilled to welcome Daniel and Charlene, who share their inspiring journeys and how they connected with Dr. Mark, the stem cell doc. Discover how this treatment has the potential to improve your quality of life by reducing pain, enhancing performance, and allowing you to…
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Today we have JP Errico, a scientist and inventor whose work focuses on neuroimmunology and the many ways it impacts cellular metabolism, inflammation, mental health and how we age. He recently joined IHMC as a Senior Research Scientist. JP is particularly known for his research on vagus-nerve stimulation and is the author of the book, The Vagus-Im…
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This is the 520th episode of the Fun with the Maryland STEM Festival Podcast. The podcast highlights adults and students doing fun and exciting things in STEM in our area. This episode, recorded on February 28th, features Erin Sutton. Erin discusses her work at JHU APL, including the Dragonfly project, and her efforts to encourage young people to e…
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In this episode, I talk with Megan Todaro, PE, project engineer at Pennoni, about how AI is transforming engineering, ranging from predictive maintenance to smart cities infrastructure. We explore engineering innovations with AI, real-world applications, and industry challenges that engineers face as technology evolves. The impact of AI transformin…
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In this conversation, Carrie shares her unique journey from studying environmental policy and law to becoming co-CEO of Clue, a femtech startup. She discusses the importance of diverse backgrounds in the tech sector, particularly in understanding consumer needs and data privacy. Carrie emphasizes the challenges and lessons learned in leadership wit…
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If you're experiencing spine pain and either wish to avoid surgery or are not a candidate for it, advanced regenerative stem cell therapies could be a viable alternative. Over the past decade, regenerative medicine has seen significant advancements, making non-surgical options more effective than ever. When top-tier stem cell therapy providers, suc…
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In this episode of Aarna’s News, host Aarna Sahu sits down with Nicole Leffer, a seasoned marketing leader and generative AI expert, to explore how AI is transforming marketing strategies, workflows, and business outcomes. With 3.5+ years of hands-on AI experience, Nicole has helped marketing and revenue teams integrate tools like ChatGPT and gener…
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In this episode, Courtney Cameron, East Region Coordinator for Makers Making Change, discusses her role and the organization's mission to provide low-cost, open-source assistive technology. Makers Making Change operates under the Neil Squire Society, which focuses on designing and producing affordable assistive technology for people with disabiliti…
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Binod uit Nepal is hindoepriester en geneest van een dodelijke ziekte nadat Jezus aan hem verschijnt in een droom. Als hij vervolgens besluit om Jezus te gaan volgen, wordt Binod door zijn familie op straat gezet en verliest hij ook zijn baan. In deze podcast vertelt de nu gedreven evangelist hoe hij het volhoudt, ondanks alle tegenslagen. Heb jij …
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Karen Christman, Sheila Chari, Stella Hurtley, and Robert Stephenson explore academic publishing in stem cell research, focusing on reproducibility, collaboration, and public communication. Editors from top journals discuss curating impactful research, sharing clinical trial data, and addressing challenges in scaling and standardizing therapies. Th…
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February is Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month, and there is a growing interconnection of robotics in CTE curriculums (and vice versa) happening in education. With a teaching background and a journey spanning two decades, Jason McKenna is the Vice President of Global Educational Strategy for VEX Robotics, a published author, and an experien…
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Det var endnu en rodet omgang, da OB lørdag spillede 1-1 på hjemmebane mod Kolding IF. Og selvom OB var få minutter fra sejren, var det en skuffende omgang, der igen sætter spørgsmålstegn ved kursen i OB. Der er med andre ord rigeligt at tale om i denne udgave af SFÅ Debatten.Her kan du blandt andet høre om: OB's dårlige præstation mod Kolding Fem …
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Na een week voorjaarsreces is er veel veranderd. Het is ingrijpend wat er in de wereld gebeurt en het heeft natuurlijk ook invloed op de politiek hier. Trump en Zelensky… het is echt gebeurd. Wat doet Nederland? Wat betekent dit alles voor ons en voor ons kabinet? Zetten deze reusachtige ontwikkelingen alle problemen die we hier hebben met de voorj…
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Er OB-holdet så småt ved at mærke sejrspresset? Hvordan slipper man af med de personlige fejl? Skal der røres i gryden eller skabes ro og stabilitet? Vi taler om det hele i forårets tredje udgave af SFÅ Optakt forud for opgøret mod Kolding IF. Her kan du blandt andet høre om: OB’s nye hollænder Balancen mellem at prøve nyt og skabe ro Udryddelsen a…
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Heidi De Schepper, een jonge mama van drie kinderen, uit Balen verdween in 2010. Vijftien jaar lang was de 26-jarige vermist, maar niemand sloeg alarm. Tot plots eind januari de school van haar kinderen contact opnam met de politie. Eind februari werden drie verdachten opgepakt, maar het lichaam is nog steeds niet gevonden. “Kans lijkt klein om op …
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Mergulhe na criação e no impacto do podcast "Girls Who Run", onde Marcella e Mariana discutem suas motivações e os desafios enfrentados ao se lançar em um projeto do universo de corridas femininas. Descubra como elas transformam histórias de corredoras em conteúdo inspirador, destacando a importância dos staffs no crescimento dessa comunidade. Assi…
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Dette er endnu en særlig udgave af Stemmer Fra Ådalens podcast. Episoden her er den syvende udsendelse i programrækken om projektet IdentitetOB, et identitets- og kulturudviklingsprojekt igangsat af fans af OB og OB selv. Formålet med projektet er at blive klogere på OB’s identitet, og i denne sammenhæng laver Stemmer Fra Ådalen 10 programmer med f…
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In this episode of the St. Emlyn's podcast, hosts Iain Beardsell and Natalie May discuss hyperbaric medicine at the London Trauma Conference with Dr. Jeff Kerrie, an internal medicine physician from Canada. Dr. Kerrie provides insights into dive and hyperbaric medicine, covering the basics of hyperbaric therapy, its applications, and key practices …
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Så blev det endelig onsdag og tid til endnu en legendarisk stemme i dine øregange. Dagens stemme tilhører Torben Zeller, og hans fantastiske klang har vi haft fornøjelsen af at opleve besjæle en lang række karakterer som f.eks. papegøjen Jago, vildsvinet oberst Lynild og tigerdyret Tigerdyr 🐯 Torben fortæller om sit liv som dubber og skuespiller i …
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Stemmer Fra Ådalen er klar med februar-udgaven af SFÅ Magasinet – progammet, hvor vi fokuserer på de mere bløde emner og andre hjørner af OB-universet. Denne gang sætter vi blandt andet fokus på 2013/14-sæsonen og taler om minderne, kampene, spillerne og alt det andet, der er OB. I denne udsendelse ringer vi til den tidligere OB-spiller Jacob Schoo…
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Med en polstring af point gik OB med åbne øjne ind i forårssæsonen med en decimeret spillertrup og et ønske om at se flere unge spillere an. Men forårets første par kampe har budt på spillemæssige og mandskabsmæssige udfordringer – og ikke mange nye unge på banen. Derfor tager vi et ekstra eftersyn på OB-truppen og tilliden til de unge i denne udga…
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Welcome to landfill island! Patreon: Network: Merch: Socials ______________________________________ Discord: Youtube: Twitter: Facebook: https://…
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12 kampe tilbage. 10 point til andenpladsen. 13 point til tredjepladsen. Men fire kampe uden sejr. Har OB ramt et dødvande, er udviklingen gået i stå eller er det bare nogle bump på vejen? Det taler vi om i denne udgave af SFÅ Debatten, hvor vi sætter fokus på OB’s 1-1-kamp mod Hobro, der blev spillet søndag eftermiddag i Odense. Her kan du blandt …
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Kan OB genvinde momentum efter en svær periode og tre kampe uden sejr? Skal Bjørn Paulsen spille angriber? Og hvordan skal OB skabe chancerne? Vi taler om det hele i forårets anden udgave af SFÅ Optakt forud for opgøret mod Hobro. Her kan du blandt andet høre om: Bjørn Paulsen som angriber Puslespillet på 8’er- og 10’er-positionerne OB’s M-opspil o…
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In Frankrijk ging deze week het proces tegen de 74-jarige Joël Le Scouarnec van start. De gewezen chirurg wordt beschuldigd van de aanranding en verkrachting van maar liefst 299 jonge slachtoffers. Zijn daden en fantasieën pende hij gedetailleerd neer in schriftjes. "We kunnen hem omschrijven als een monster, een seksueel roofdier die drie decennia…
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Dette er en særlig udgave af Stemmer Fra Ådalens podcast, for episoden her er den sjette udsendelse i programrækken om projektet IdentitetOB, et identitets- og kulturudviklingsprojekt igangsat af fans af OB og OB selv. Formålet med projektet er at blive klogere på OB’s identitet, og i denne sammenhæng laver Stemmer Fra Ådalen 10 programmer med fors…
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In this episode, Christine M'Lot, a seasoned teacher, curriculum developer, and newly appointed associate publisher of Portage and Main Press, shares her innovative approach to teaching through hip-hop. Christine delves into her personal connection to hip-hop music and how it has influenced her teaching philosophy. She discusses her unique use of h…
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In this episode, Jon Corbett, an assistant professor at Simon Fraser University, discusses the importance of integrating Indigenous languages and cultural symbols into computing technologies. He highlights his work in developing a computer science curriculum that incorporates an Indigenous viewpoint and the challenges of alienation faced by Indigen…
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Descubra o que é o estado de Flow e como alcançá-lo para maximizar sua performance esportiva! Bruna Mahn recebe a psicóloga do esporte Carla di Pierro para desmistificar o Flow, explicando como equilibrar competência e desafio, a importância da atenção plena e o prazer no esporte. Aprenda técnicas de meditação e autoconsciência para entrar no "The …
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In this episode of the Root & STEM Podcast, host Salma is joined by Maura Grossman, a research professor at the University of Waterloo and an expert in responsible artificial intelligence. They dive into the topic of deepfakes, discussing their differences from other manipulated media, their impact on political processes, and the concept of the lia…
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This is the 519th episode of the Fun with the Maryland STEM Festival Podcast. The podcast is where you meet adults and students doing fun and exciting things in STEM in our area. This episode features Sean Flowers, recorded on February 3rd, and Kiera Drew, recorded on February 21st. Sean discusses his organization, Ready Force Cyber, which creates …
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In this episode, Iain Beardsell and Natalie May speak with neurosurgeon Mark Wilson at the London Trauma Conference. Mark provides an in-depth look at the evolution of the GoodSAM app over the past decade. Initially designed to alert off-duty trained individuals to assist in emergencies, particularly for cardiac arrests and impact brain apnoea, the…
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Neste episódio do Stemma Esporte, Fábio Bessa e Thiago recebem Rodrigo Barros, CEO da Boali, para uma conversa inspiradora sobre empreendedorismo, o poder transformador da comunicação e o impacto motivador do esporte na carreira. Rodrigo compartilha sua visão de tornar a Boal a maior empresa mundial em seu segmento e revela insights valiosos sobre …
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Curious about how AI is transforming cybersecurity, policymaking, and global security? In this must-listen episode of Aarna’s News, I sit down with Tiffany Saade, a Stanford master’s candidate and AI & Cybersecurity Policy Fellow, to uncover the hidden risks of AI in cyberattacks, election misinformation, and international conflict resolution. Tiff…
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The worst kind of knuckle cracking. Patreon: Network: Merch: Socials ______________________________________ Discord: Youtube: Twitter: Facebook: …
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