We talk to the innovators and professionals who use the wind to power the maritime supply chain.
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Von Washington über Brüssel bis Wien – Liechtenstein unterhält diplomatische Vertretungen in der ganzen Welt und betreibt eine sehr aktive Aussenpolitik. Doch kann sich ein so kleiner Staat bei grossen Ländern und internationalen Organisationen überhaupt Gehör verschaffen? Kann Liechtenstein in der Welt etwas bewirken? Und viel wichtiger noch: Was bringt die Aussenpolitik den Menschen im Fürstentum ganz konkret? Diese Fragen beantworten wir im Podcast «Hoi Welt». «Hoi Welt» blickt hinter die ...
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Hoi Radio!
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Hallo ich grüße Dich ganz herzlich ❤ Dein Seelenheil, Dich Erkennen und selbst lieben und leben lernen. Das ist mein Ziel hier für Dich. Viel Spass 🤗
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We’re the Hoins family! Ryan, Winter, Willow and Rhett. This is our journey in life as a family of four! Instagram @ryan_hoins
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Il podcast di chi vuole imparare e ricordare ciò che di importante c'è da sapere. Ci trovi anche su Telegram
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Malstrøm er podcasten om de store historiske dramaer, som skabte den tid, vi lever i. Det er historien fortalt som historier.
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Want to go further into your faith than the average Sunday morning sermon would allow? If so, Hoi Polloi is the podcast for you! Join Dr. Shah as we navigate the deeper waters of Christianity, tackling theological issues that are sure to engage your critical thinking and help you better connect with the scholarly side of your faith. Have you always wondered why we believe certain things in certain ways? Shoot us an email at hoipolloi@clearviewbc.org!
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En este podcast encontrarás un sin número de recursos, herramientas temas y reflexiones que te ayudarán a CO-CREAR esa vida de amor, alegría y abundancia que has venido a manifestar en tus finanzas, negocios y relaciones, así como en cada uno de tus niveles de existencia, físico, mental, emocional y espiritual. Esa vida que sueñas ya es tuya si te atreves a creerlo y a sanar aquello que te impide lograrlo, y aquí encontrarás el camino. Sígueme en Instagram @meraricarbajal.joy y en este Podca ...
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Hi my name is Gershon Galicia I’m a rapper form Fort Worth Texas my stage name is Young homie F.A.M.this my journey as a independent artist feel free to message for the link my Patreon account help me fund this journey thanks for listen to my story I share on the music industry as well the daily life struggles find equipment booking shows and working a 9-5 job in the making ends meet just to keep my head above water
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"Nếu bạn đang tìm kiếm địa chỉ xông hơi và massage Đà Lạt uy tín, giá rẻ thì Charm Spa là một sự lựa chọn hoàn hảo dành cho bạn. Trong tiết trời se se lạnh của Đà Lạt, làn hơi nóng từ bồn xông hơi kết hợp với những động tác massage điêu luyện sẽ giúp bạn cảm thấy thư thái, dễ chịu, trút đi những mệt mỏi, bộn bề của cuộc sống. Xông hơi Đà Lạt"
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S02E06: «Hoi Welt» - Botschaft Berlin: Die ungeschriebenen Gesetze der Diplomatie
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Die diplomatischen Beziehungen zwischen Liechtenstein und Deutschland sind aktuell sehr gut. Doch das war nicht immer so: Vor rund 15 Jahren gab es zwischen den beiden Ländern Spannungen, weil einige deutsche Staatsbürger:innen ihr Geld in Liechtenstein anlegten und in Deutschland weniger oder teilweise gar keine Steuern zahlten. Seit diese Differe…
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To launch the fourth season of Hoisting the Sail, we are delighted to welcome back Grain de Sail, the pioneer in modern, wind powered ocean shipping operating sailing cargoes since 2020. Stefan Gallard, marketing director is joined by Jacques Barreau, CEO and co-founder. In our first discussion with Stefan in 2021, he detailed the inception and ear…
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S02E05: «Hoi Welt» - Botschaft Washington: Ein starker Partner in schwierigen Zeiten
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Der US-amerikanischen Bevölkerung die liechtensteinische Kultur näherbringen: Das ist eine der Aufgaben von Georg Sparber. Dafür trifft der liechtensteinische Botschafter die verschiedensten Menschen im ganzen Land – von Primarschulkindern über Firmenchefs bis hin zu politischen Entscheidungsträger:innen. Generell geht es für Liechtenstein darum, d…
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S02E04: «Hoi Welt» - Ständige Vertretung Genf: Zeitenwende in der Handelsdiplomatie
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Zur Europäischen Freihandelsassoziation (EFTA) gehören neben Liechtenstein auch die Schweiz, Norwegen und Island. Im März 2024 gelang der EFTA durch den Abschluss eines Freihandelsabkommens mit Indien ein grosser Verhandlungserfolg. Das Abkommen markiert eine Zeitenwende in der Handelsdiplomatie: Zum ersten Mal geht es nicht mehr nur um den Abbau v…
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S02E03: «Hoi Welt» - Ständige Vertretung im Europarat: Im Herzen von Europa
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Botschafter Domenik Wanger vertritt Liechtenstein beim Europarat. Dieser wird oftmals mit einem Organ der Europäischen Union verwechselt. Er ist jedoch eine eigenständige Organisation, die sich um die Einhaltung der Menschenrechte in Europa kümmert. Ein zentrales Organ des Europarates: der Europäische Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte, an den sich Ein…
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S02E02: «Hoi Welt» - Botschaft Wien: Aufarbeitung einer bewegten Vergangenheit
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I.D. Maria-Pia Kothbauer leitet die Botschaft in Wien und ist mit vielen verschiedenen Aufgaben betraut. Sie vertritt Liechtenstein unter anderem bei der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE). Diese wird aktuell durch den russischen Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine hart auf die Probe gestellt. Dennoch übernimmt die Organisa…
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S02E01: «Hoi Welt» - Schloss Vaduz: Damals, heute und zukünftig
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Wie wichtig nachhaltige Aussenpolitik mit einer Langzeitperspektive ist, erklärt Seine Durchlaucht Erbprinz Alois von und zu Liechtenstein zum Auftakt der zweiten Staffel von «Hoi Welt». S.D. Erbprinz Alois von und zu Liechtenstein ist der amtsausführende Stellvertreter des Fürsten. Er vertritt das Land Liechtenstein in allen seinen Verhältnissen g…
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Nếu bạn đang tìm kiếm địa chỉ xông hơi và massage Đà Lạt uy tín, giá rẻ thì Charm Spa là một sự lựa chọn hoàn hảo dành cho bạn. Trong tiết trời se se lạnh của Đà Lạt, làn hơi nóng từ bồn xông hơi kết hợp với những động tác massage điêu luyện sẽ giúp bạn cảm thấy thư thái, dễ chịu, trút đi những mệt mỏi, bộn bề của cuộc sống. Massage thái tại đà lạt…
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This episode is taking you to the high seas with our guest Boris Herrmann, the skipper of the IMOCA Team Malizia, currently racing around the world in the Ocean Race 2023. Yes, it’s a lot about racing sailboats. You’ll discover Boris’s joy and thrills of racing high performance sailing machines around the planet, but it’s also a lot about the futur…
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This week's episode brings us down memory lane. Our guest on March 31st, 2021 was Roger Strevens, VP Global Sustainability at Wallenius Wilhelmsen. Roger shared with us the design and feasibility assessment of the Orcelle Wind, the car carrier that will be powered primarily by wind, killing emissions by up to 90% in comparison to other new-built sh…
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We are thrilled to introduce our two new guests. They met on a boat and decided to start a shipping company. They both are committed to succeed on their mission, helped by their passion and their business acumen. One is an accomplished athlete, a sailor whose credentials are world-renowned. The other is an engineer who has worked with success in th…
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S01E05: «Hoi Welt» - Politische Arbeit in Vaduz. Politische Arbeit auf der Welt.
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Warum braucht ein Land wie Liechtenstein eine aktive Aussenpolitik? Mit dieser Frage sieht sich die liechtensteinische Aussenministerin Dominique Hasler immer wieder konfrontiert. In der fünften Folge von «Hoi Welt» beantwortet Dominique Hasler genau diese Frage und erklärt, warum Aussenpolitik immer auch Innenpolitik ist, welche Werte Liechtenstei…
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S01E04: «Hoi Welt» - Initiativ in New York. Auf Augenhöhe mit Grossmächten.
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Schon seit den 1990er-Jahren ist Liechtenstein Mitglied der UNO. Ein sehr aktives Mitglied, denn dank der Initiative von Liechtenstein müssen sich die Vetomächte neu erklären, wenn sie im Sicherheitsrat ein Veto einlegen. Ein Kleinstaat krempelt also die Vereinten Nationen um. In der vierten Episode von «Hoi Welt» berichtet der liechtensteinische B…
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S01E03: «Hoi Welt» - Zum König in Brüssel. Mit der EU am Tisch.
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Berittene Polizisten auf riesigen Pferden, Dresscode: Frack, ein Raum voller Skarabäen und der König der Belgier. Wer als Botschafter in Brüssel und in der EU tätig sein will, muss zuerst einen Besuch mit viel Pomp beim König absolvieren. So auch der Botschafter, den Liechtenstein nach Brüssel gesandt hat. In der dritten Episode von «Hoi Welt» schi…
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S01E02: «Hoi Welt» - Verhandeln in Bern. Leben über den Rhein.
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Für viele Menschen in Liechtenstein ist es ganz normal, dass man schnell über den Rhein fährt und in der Schweiz einkauft, ins Spital geht oder dort studiert. Damit dies zum Alltag werden konnte, brauchten Liechtenstein und die Schweiz aber ein Abkommen. Vor 100 Jahren, 1923, startete mit dem Zollvertrag die Freundschaft und enge Zusammenarbeit zwi…
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S01E01: «Hoi Welt» - Zu Hause in Vaduz. Arbeiten in der Welt.
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Von New York über Brüssel bis Bern: Auf der ganzen Welt arbeiten die Botschafterinnen und Botschafter des Fürstentums Liechtenstein und stehen für die liechtensteinischen Interessen bei der UNO, der EU oder der Schweiz ein. Aber warum macht ein Kleinstaat wie Liechtenstein überhaupt Aussenpolitik? Was bringt dieses Engagement den Menschen in Liecht…
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SEair: "one day, all boats will fly."
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This episode of Hoisting the Sail begins with the wish of a sail racer who yearned to pilot a flying sailboat above the water and win every race. In 1987, legendary sailor Éric Tabarly famously proclaimed that “one day, all boats will fly.” Today’s guest, Richard Forest, CEO and co-founder of SEair, diligently leads a team of engineers to prove Tab…
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This new episode of Hoisting the Sail is taking you to Barcelona! Our guest is David Ferrer Desclaux, co-founder & CTO of bound4blue. A trained aerospace engineer, he switched to the vast horizon of our blue planet in 2015 and started, along with a group of classmates, bound4blue, “to power the world with wind”. Bound4Blue is developing an automate…
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Trade Winds, by Christiaan De Beukelaer
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Our guest today is Christiaan De Beukelaer, a sailor, traveller, and a researcher at the University of Melbourne. Christiaan and Kat discuss his bookTrade Winds, A voyage to a sustainable shipping. In 2020, Christiaan De Beukelaer spent 150 days covering 14,000 nautical miles aboard the schooner Avontuur, a hundred-year-old sailing vessel that tran…
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Ocean Conservancy, with Daniel Hubbell
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In this episode, you are in for a treat with our guest Daniel Hubbell. We first met Dan around a glass of wine and a bar of chocolate aboard Grain de Sail last spring in Brooklyn and interviewed him in October when he was the Shipping Emission Campaign Manager for Ocean Conservancy (since the interview, Dan started a new position as Policy Analyst …
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In this new episode, we are thrilled to receive Nicolas Abiven. Nicolas is a Senior Engineer at the Chantiers de l’Atlantique, the shipyard in Saint Nazaire, France. The 150 years old shipyard has launched some of the most iconic vessels, such as the Normandie, the Queen Mary 2 and the Splendor of the Sea to name a few. After launching a first conc…
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We launch today Season 3 with an interview of Clare Newman, the president and CEO of the Trust for Governors Island. Kat and Clare discuss many facets of sustainability and adaptability - New York City since Sandy, the current and future developments on Governors Island, its maritime facade and the many experiments that can be run from the Island. …
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In this new episode of Hoisting the Sail, we are delighted to welcome two guests from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute: Kerry Ann Crehan-Strøm, the Marine Operations Coordinator for WHOI and Magdalena Andres, associate scientist physical oceanography and an expert on climate variability & impacts. Magdalena and Kerry are speaking with our hos…
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In this new episode, our guest, Benoit Baisle Dailliez, initiative leader for WISAMO by Michelin, explains how the giant tires manufacturer came to develop a solution suitable to any vessels, and more particularly cargo ships (new or existing). Their motto, “Engineered by Michelin, powered by the wind”, makes clear that the company is fully committ…
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This week's episode is about performance sailing and how innovation in yacht racing can be transferred to maritime shipping, making it more efficient and cleaner. We are delighted to receive John Cooper, who is the CEO of BAR Technologies, a company that is at the forefront of maritime innovation. Cooper joined BAR Technologies as CEO In October 20…
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We are back this week to welcome Martina Reche Villanova, a naval architect and maritime engineer, with a special focus on aerodynamics, green shipping, and digitalization. Though originally from Spain, she finished her Master’s degree at the Denmark University of Technology in Wind-Assisted Propulsion Systems. Villanova currently works at North Sa…
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Hoi Polloi – Clearview Apologetics Conference
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On this episode of Hoi Polloi, Dr. Shah sits down with Dr. David Alan Black to discuss the upcoming Apologetics Conference here at Clearview Church!Par Abidan Paul Shah
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In this week's episode, we welcome Miles Keeney-Ritchie and Satchel Douglas, the founders of ALOFT. This startup champions wind propulsion and was founded in 2021. They aim to retrofit current ships with wind propulsion and optimize operations to significantly reduce shipping supply chain emissions. Our guests are creators and well-experienced in t…
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In today’s episode, we are delighted to host James Rhodes, the Chairman, CEO, and Co-founder of Magnuss, a maritime technology firm. Rhodes brings over 30 years of experience in maritime shipping, renewable energy, investment banking, and management consulting. Magnuss delivers onboard systems that reduce fuel consumption and emissions for today's …
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Blue Week, by Marin Institute
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We are delighted to receive today one of the early partners of Wind Support NYC, Guilhem Gaillarde, calling from Utrecht in the Netherlands.
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In today’s episode, we are delighted to receive Ami Daniel, the co-Founder, and CEO of Windward: a maritime data and analytics company. Daniel is an entrepreneur and a driver of technological change and is the recipient of the Israeli President's Award for Social Activism and The Ilan Ramon Award for Leadership and Excellence. Windward is a Predict…
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This week we take a step back from our usual topic of wind propulsion and decarbonization of the maritime transport to promote a fairly new documentary: “Maiden.” This documentary tells the story of the first all-woman crew to race around the world on a sailboat named Maiden and how they challenged the male-dominated world of sailing. This endeavor…
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This week's guest is Yves Parlier, a legendary sailor and an individual with a passion for innovation. During the Vendee Globe 2000-2001, Parlier, after a devastating dismasting, completed an ingenious repair to his ship’s wing mast and still managed to finish the race. This achievement, among others, has placed him in the public eye as an extraord…
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Hoilistic Joy Ep.001 - ¿Cómo enfrentar el miedo a fallar y actuar con más confianza?
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Yeeeeii!! Primer episodio de Hoilistic Joy donde encontrarás un sin número de recursos, herramientas, temas y reflexiones que te ayudarán a CO-CREAR esa vida de amor, alegría y abundancia que has venido a manifestar en tus finanzas, negocios y relaciones, así como en cada uno de tus niveles de existencia, físico, mental, emocional y espiritual. En …
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Cargo Owners make the first move
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Our guest this week, Geraud Pellat de Villedon, Head of CSR for the supply chain at Michelin, joins us to bring a new perspective on the shipping industry. Michelin, the French tire manufacturer, is one of the largest shippers worldwide, transporting 240,000 TEUs per year. This company has been a leader in innovating ways to be greener since they i…
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Sustainable shipping, a European view
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This week we welcome Dr Harilaos Psaraftis, a professor at the Technical University of Denmark. He completed his undergraduate studies in Greece and received a diploma from the National Technical University of Athens. He later received two M.Sc. degrees from MIT, the first in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering and the second in Shipping and …
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On today’s episode we welcome Amadeus Beaujolin, director of development for Blue Observer. This low-carbon, maritime science research organization was created in Brest, France in 2021 and aims to better understand and preserve the ocean by collecting data on marine resources and collect specimens for microbiology. Iris, the boat used by Blue Obser…
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The most beautiful ship sailed majestically into ONE°15 Brooklyn Marina at Brooklyn Bridge Park a few weeks ago, but what makes this ship so extraordinary and why should you pay attention to its ventures? We welcome Captain Marcus Seidl who shares the story behind the ship and its prospects for the future. Norway's 107-year-old three-masted tall sh…
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This week, New York Governor Kathy Hochul announced a plan to invest $500 Million in Critical Offshore Wind Infrastructure. This investment is proof that society recognizes offshore wind turbines have little in common with the historic windmills of The Netherlands. However, a vast majority of maritime supply chain professionals still believe wind p…
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To end our inaugural season, we are back in the Hudson Valley, speaking with Sam Merrett, the captain of the Schooner Apollonia and his supercargo, Brad Vogel. Sam and his team have successfully transformed a yacht they bought off craigslist into a cargo sailboat that is turning heads in ports throughout New York State. This vessel is completely po…
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Marine decarbonization takes on Wall Street
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This week we take a step back from our usual focus on wind propulsion to delve into another important aspect of marine decarbonization: financing. Our guest Harold Malone joins us to talk about a project he co-founded, the Marine Money Decarbonization Index (MMDI). This index tracks the performance of the equity securities of 50 global companies th…
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Carbon Credits for Wind Propulsion?
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We receive this week Hauke Kite-Powell, research specialist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute and senior analyst at Marsoft Inc, an independent maritime consultancy providing expert, objective and timely support for investment, chartering and financing decisions. Industrial projects including solar and wind power issued more than $126 million i…
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We are delighted to receive on the podcast this week Stephanie Lesage, the General Counsel & Corporate Secretary of Airseas. Airseas, founded in 2016 by Airbus engineers, is developing one of the most promising technologies to harness the wind: the Seawing combines kite-technology with an automated flight control system developed by the aerospace i…
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This week we receive Nils Joyeux, the CEO of Zephyr & Boree. A former merchant marine officer, Nils co-founded Zephyr & Boree in 2014 to offer low carbon transport services. Nils tells us more about Canopee, the 127 meter hybrid vessel that will carry the Ariane 6 rocket from Europe to French Guyana: it will be operated end of 2022 by a joint ventu…
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This week, we are delighted to propose a fascinating discussion with Maurice Glucksman on the show. Naval architect by training , Maurice tells us more about his early career at the Wind Ship Company and his experience on board the Mini Lace, a tramp bulker that sailed off the East Coast in the early 80s when the oil crisis created a lot of interes…
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A slam dunk for the sailing ships
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We are delighted to receive this week Dr Sergio Perez, PhD, a professor of marine engineering at the US Merchant Marine Academy. Sergio presents an update of a 1975 MARAD (U.S. Maritime Administration) report which concluded that commercial ships using sail power were not economically viable when compared with engine-powered vessels. The 2021 updat…
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Zero Emission Shipping is around the corner! Last week, we presented the shipping route between Central America and North America soon to be offered by Sailcargo Inc and its flagship Ceiba. On this week's episode, we receive Jean Zanuttini, CEO of Neoline, shipping start up based in Nantes, France. Renault, Beneteau, Manitou, Hennessy, Michelin, Cl…
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The SailCargo project has been on our radar since we launched the podcast; we are delighted to receive Danielle Doggett, the CEO and co-founder of SailCargo Inc, on our 15th episode. Danielle, calling us from AstilleroVerde, the jungle shipyard in Punta Morales, Costa Rica, tells us more about the construction of Ceiba, a cargo vessel designed to c…
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In this week episode, we welcome Kris Fumberger, the head of sustainability and environment at RightShip. RightShip is used by charterers, banks, insurances to better understand performances of a vessel. Initially focused on safety, demande for due diligence on the environmental side has been growing since 2012. Kris walks us through the GHG rating…
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