Gary Brecka is a Human Biologist, biohacker, researcher, and an anti-aging and longevity expert. For over 20 years, he worked in the life insurance industry predicting mortality. After years and years of doing this type of research and analysis, he decided he wanted to spend the balance of his lifetime helping people live happier, healthier, longer, more fulfilling lives. In this weekly podcast, Gary has exciting conversations with celebrities, athletes, entrepreneurs, and scientists and is ...
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Gary Stevenson – inequality economist, former trader and author of The Trading Game – explains how real world economics work.
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Højt humør, ærlige analyser og en yderst selektiv gennemgang af verdens tilstand. Leveret ugentligt af Peter Falktoft og Esben Bjerre
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Welcome to The GaryVee Audio Experience, hosted by entrepreneur, CEO, investor, content creator, and public speaker Gary Vaynerchuk. On this podcast, you'll find a mix of the Podcast With Friends episodes, WineText TV recaps, Keynote Speeches on marketing and business, interviews, and fireside chats I've given. Enjoy!
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A weekly review of the biggest football matches, news and talking points from Sky Sports’ expert and Manchester United legend Gary Neville.
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JUNÃO AMATO tem como missão poupar o tempo de pesquisa dos seguidores, oferecendo músicos novos de extrema competência nos estilos: Soul/blues/jazz/rock/funk, garimpados com 40 anos de experiência.
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Welcome to the home of Garibaldi Red - A Nottingham Forest Podcast. Hosted by Max Hayes and friends of the show. Here you'll find plenty of new videos and podcasts to discuss the latest talking points at the City Ground under Nuno Espirito Santo.
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Dies ist der Podcast der Freien Christengemeinde Garching a.d. Alz. Hör in unsere Predigten rein. Die Freie Christengemeinde ist eine Freikirche und Teil vom Bund Freikirchlicher Pfingstgemeinden KdöR (BFP). Info's unter
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It's not a podcast, it's a GarCast. Enjoy the ramblings and welcome to the World According To Gar.
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Sveriges mest underhållande historiepodd! De mest spännande och dramatiska händelserna, de roligaste anekdoterna och skrönorna från 500-talet och framåt med de svenska regenterna som röd tråd, allt presenterat i spirituell dialog av historikern Ulf Gemsiö med skeptisk och frågvis son Fredric som sidekick! Support this show at Support this show Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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After 25 years working in homicide, former Detective Chief Inspector Gary Jubelin is sitting down across the interview room table from cops, crims, addicts, victims, small-time cheats and big-town lawyers, asking them to share their stories. One of the country’s most successful podcasts, I Catch Killers reveals the reality of life and death inside the justice system. Gary talks about the big things with an open mind - good and evil, hope and suffering, joy, tragedy - and redemption. I Catch ...
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Listen to The Gary Sharp Show weekday mornings from 6-10 a.m. on 1620 The Zone.
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Welcome to Iggy Garcia LIVE Podcast, where amazing things happen. Explore the metaphysical and holistic worlds through Urban Suburban Shamanism/Medicine Man Series. For more information, please visit & THE VIEWS AND OPINIONS EXPRESSED BY INDIVIDUALS IN THE FOLLOWING PROGRAM DO NOT NECESSARILY REFLECT THOSE OF THE NETWORK OR ITS AFFILIATES. Copyright © &
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Podcasts generated by Google’s NotebookLM about Gary Lucero’s books or poetry and short stories.
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Comentários do jornalista Alexandre Garcia sobre política nacional na Gazeta do Povo.
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Get smart sports conversations and ridiculous stories on the Gary Parrish Show. Watch and listen to Gary live every weekday at 10 a.m.
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Gary Jeff Walker, Weekends on 700WLW
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Perhaps is a podcast about leaning into the type of world we want to see. Author and speaker Damon Garcia aims to help people cultivate a radical imagination, offering a fresh approach to spirituality, politics, and creativity. Watch the video version of the podcast on the Damon Garcia YouTube channel.
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For more than 40 years bestselling author and historian Peter Hart has interviewed thousands of veterans about their experience of war. Join him and his chum Gary Bain as they explore all aspects of military history, from the ancient world to the Second World War. Pete and Gary don't just tell the history, they bring it to life with the words of the men and women who were there! Become a member at Hosted on Acast. See ...
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Considered one of the finest radio shows on the markets, the business world and everything that affects them, Investor's Edge with Gary Kaltbaum, a Fox News Channel Business Contributor, brings his in-depth take every day. If you want fluff, this is not the place. Gary is a hard hitting and pull-no-punches host especially when it comes to people in power affecting you and your money. His daily in-depth analysis on the markets is second to none.
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Das gemütlich chaotische Abschweifen mit Natalie, Nik und Hund. Alle zwei Wochen ziehen wir ein Thema aus unserem Zauberhut und schauen gemeinsam, in welche wirren Anekdoten-Gefilde wir uns leiten lassen.
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Unravelling the mysteries of Psychic and Astrology and everything in between!
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Author, Theologian, Exegete, and Comic Book collector, Gary DeMar does what he does best: Talk about everything and anything, relating it to how the world actually works. Welcome to the Gary DeMar Podcast!
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Gary takes on the real issues that the mainstream media is afraid to tackle. Tune in to find out the latest about health news, healing, politics, and the economy.
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The very best of bagpipe music from Scotland and beyond. With live sessions, news, reviews and chat.
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An un-official un-affliated weekly podcast offering a recap and analysis of New York's National League baseball team. Gary Mack brings his knowledge of the game and passion for the Orange and Blue to all baseball fans.
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Rockonteurs is a podcast all about the real stories behind real music. Presented by Spandau Ballet’s Gary Kemp, who wrote and performed megahits like ‘Gold’ and ‘True’, and Guy Pratt, a bass player who shaped songs for the likes of Madonna and Pink Floyd, you’ll hear exclusive stories of life on the road, in the studio and what really happened behind the scenes from artists who wrote, performed and produced the some of the biggest classic rock and pop tracks of all time. Guests include Sir B ...
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Niklas Baarli og Benjamin Silseth har vært sammen i 13 år. De elsker hverandre, men ærlig talt – noen ganger kunne de drept hverandre også. I denne podcasten tar de med lytterne på parterapi, der alt fra store krangler til små irritasjoner blir blottlagt. Det blir ærlig, pinlig og vanvittig morsomt. For hva skjer egentlig når kjærlighet møter terapi? Bli med og finn ut, og få deg en god latter – og kanskje litt trøst i at du ikke er alene!
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Every week Gary discusses retirement planning, wealth management, and how to pay for long term care without going broke. Gary uses his 40 + years of experience to design plans for his clients that will ensure they never run out of money in retirement and have the long-term nursing care they need using insurance strategies. Gary uses the top coaches in the country to design his plans to be the best available. Find out more at:
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Kalder alle digitale iværksættere 👋 Kom med ind i maskinrummet på en digital virksomhed der (selvfølgelig!) skal vokse og tjene penge, men også skal være rar at være chef i. Følg med når vi laver iværksætter-jackass og tester markedsføringsformater, kampagnetricks og business-bullshit af på egen virksomhed, så du ikke behøver at gøre det på din egen. Lidt dagbog. Lidt lærebog. Rigtig meget digitalt iværksætteri.
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kopi gak harus serius
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Brought to you by award-winning writer and TV host Gary Lewis, Gary Lewis Outdoorsman (formerly Ballistic Chronicles) tells the stories of great hunts, provides insights into the firearms industry, discusses custom rifles, wildcat calibers and hunting for mule deer, elk, blacktail deer, whitetails, bear and coyotes. Other topics include hunting trucks, steelhead fishing, upland bird hunting and dog training.
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Ditch Digger CEO is a podcast that will feed and grow your hunger for entrepreneurship. This show chronicles those who have built their business from nothing to million or even billion dollar enterprises. Often with only grit and work ethic to rely on. Gary Rabine is a serial entrepreneur who has started 25 companies over the past 20 years. For business inquiries email
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Podcast host, Liz Garcia, is an entrepreneur and busy mom of two young kiddos on a MISSION to help you light your inner FIRE and chase after the things that LIGHT YOU UP! Liz is all about sharing tools, life hacks and products to help INSPIRE you to take messy action, and to help you UPLEVEL to actually start living the life you DREAM about! Her authentic, raw conversations (both solo and guest episodes) are not only relatable, but make you feel SEEN amongst the everyday chaos of life.
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Celebrating the music of electronic pioneer Gary Numan, track-by-track. Each episode delves into a different Gary Numan song from various albums and eras in a non-linear journey.
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At gå ture og at snakke med folk er noget af det bedste, jeg ved. I podcasten kombinerer jeg begge dele - og sætter mikrofon på! Du kan i hvert afsnit komme med på en gåtur med mig og et andet menneske. Mens vi vandrer afsted, lader vi snakken gå. Intet er forberedt, men det handler trods alt mest om tro og liv. Og hver gæst sætter sit eget særpræg på snakken. Udgives af og Norea Mediemission.
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#GetSome is a weekly podcast hosted by comedian and actor Gary Owen. Each Get Some episode Gary Owen serves up a hefty dose of ADHD, barbershop-style storytelling focused on his most recent experiences on the road as a stand-up comedian. Gary Owen is sometimes joined by special celebrity guests to discuss the latest in popular culture, sports, and live entertainment. Subscribe to Get Some on all your favorite podcasting platforms. For Business Opportunities contact:
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Nina Campioni träffar kända och okända kvinnor som berättar om hur det gick till när vattnet gick. Och alla andra detaljer om sina graviditeter och förlossningar. Från mamma till mamma. Support this show at Support till showen Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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At Home with Gary Sullivan, Saturdays 9a-1p & Sundays 9a-12n
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Weekly Sermons from St. Edward Catholic Church features the weekly talks by Fr. Gary Zerr, during our Sunday Morning service. Fr. Gary is an energetic and captivating speaker that always seems to touch on current topics happening in a persons life. Take some time to listen and see where he can affect you!
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Bonjour et bienvenue dans "Ces Garcons Là", un podcast qui met en avant des hommes au destin, à la vie, à l'engagement exceptionnel, au parcours de vie remarquable. Résilience pour certains, passé douloureux pour d'autres, engagements altruistes ou écologiques, sexualité, culture, cinéma, Ces Garcons Là sont comme vous et moi, certains sont célèbres, d'autres sont de parfais inconnus. Pourtant, ils méritent tous de prendre la parole pour témoigner de leur passé, de leurs opinions, de leurs m ...
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Need hope? Join best-selling author and speaker Gary Zimak every Mon-Fri for 5 minutes of inspiring and practical talk about Jesus Christ and how a relationship with Him will allow you to experience the peace you seek. Why worry when you can walk through life with the God of the Universe? Tune in and let Gary lead you from FEAR to FAITH! Theme Song ("Jazz Brunch " Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License ...
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Programa sobre la historia de España, con Pio Moa y Javier García Isac.
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Tiden er inde til oprustning og rædselsfuldt diplomati - Her Går Det Godt
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12:07En sjælden mandagspodcast, men nu er det oprustning, oprustning, oprustning på frekvensen. Et ynkeligt tidspunkt i amerikansk historie, fjorten børn til Musken, i kølvandet på en diplomatisk kritisk verdenshistorie, et brud med sagligheden, men F…. JD-Vance, hypernormaliseringen er tilbage, hvis du ikke kan sælge bøf og casino i USA, så er du amatø…
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882. Mikaela Hållén ”Jag har hittat mig själv i moderskapet”
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37:52Ett sprillans nytt avsnitt av Vattnet Går! I studion har vi med oss modestylisten och pilatesinstruktören Mikaela Hållén som bland annat driver träningssiten Slice Weekly och är moderedaktör på Styleby Magazine. I detta avsnitt delar Mikaela öppenhjärtigt med sig av både sin graviditet och spännande förlossningberättelse efter att nu ha varit mamma…
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Support this show Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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This week hosts Gar and the GarFather welcome our special guest DenBob. Join us as we discuss barbers and haircuts, electricians, Cortland swim in Buffalo, Florida and some amazing listener feedback. IMPORTANT SHOW LINKS Join the GarNation family onDiscord…
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Kristina Eskildsen - Kristne fællesskaber
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46:45Sæsonens første gåtur er med Kristina Eskildsen, der arbejder med gymnasieelever i Kristeligt Forbund for Studerende (KFS). Vi kommer omkring præstationskultur, gode kristne fællesskaber - og har begge haft gode oplevelser med kristne fællesskaber, som vi også deler med hinanden. Podcasten produceres for og Norea Mediemission. Redigeret a…
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36 Spørsmål: Hva er den perfekte dagen for deg?
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21:43Det er en stemningsfull episode denne uken når vi prøver de 36 spørsmålene for å bli nyforelsket og ukens spørsmål er "Hva er den perfekte dagen for deg" Episoden kan inneholde målrettet reklame, basert på din IP-adresse, enhet og posisjon. Se for informasjon og dine valg om deling av data.…
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#09: Es leuchtet blau
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1:26:53Nachdem wir uns in der letzten Folge mit einem gemütlichen Sofa ausgestattet haben, machen wir es uns darauf direkt gemütlich und werfen eine Kaminfeuer-DVD ein, denn JayPi aus der beglückte uns erneut und brauchte uns mit dem Begriff „Blu-ray“ an den Rande des Lichtspektrums.Welche Scheiben wir so in unseren Regalen stehen h…
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#30: 2 ting, der har ændret mit syn på networking
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22:48Hej, jeg hedder Trine og jeg er networking-hater in recovery. Fra: Kaffemøder? Nej tak. Erhvervsnetværk? Nej tak. Hænge fagligt ud? Nej tak Til at være en kæmpe ja-hat der kommer til festen 10 minutter for tidligt. Hør de to ting, der ændrede hele molevitten for mig 🔥Par Trine Ravnkilde
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4 business strategies you need to win in 2025
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29:09In this episode, I sit down with four business owners from completely different industries—hospitality, franchising, community-driven services, and social media marketing—to break down their biggest challenges and give them the no-fluff, high-impact advice they need to scale. 💡 We talk about: Franchising vs. Private Expansion – Should you franchise…
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The Night Cap with Gary Jeff Walker -- 3/4/25
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57:28It's The Night Cap! Gary Jeff comes at you after Reds baseball with conversations with Andy Furman, Todd Bensman, and Dave Hatter.Par 700WLW (WLW-AM)
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Alexandre Garcia comenta sobre a União Europeia contra proposta de paz de Trump para Ucrânia e a inércia do Senado diante do avanço da censura.Par Gazeta do Povo
continue reading Gary Kaltbaum
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Grizz Lose 3rd Straight on a Game Winning Shot, College Hoops: Houston Rolls/Cooper Flagg/Memphis (3/4/25)
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1:14:27GP opens on the Grizzlies suffering another heartbreaking loss last night....with their opponent hitting a game winner for the 3rd straight game inside FedExForum. Plus the latest on Jaren Jackson Jr and Ja Morant as we look towards Wednesday's game vs OKC. (21:00) Cooper Flagg was awesome last night, Houston beats Kansas, Travis Scott injured Cody…
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Dr. Gary Null provides a commentary on "Universal Healthcare" Universal Healthcare is the Solution to a Broken Medical System Gary Null, PhD Progressive Radio Network, March 3, 2025 For over 50 years, there has been no concerted or successful effort to bring down medical costs in the American healthcare system. Nor are the federal health agencies m…
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Andy Kendeigh, KETV - Segment 11
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12:48Will Andy get bumped by Bill Ranby, tonight?Par 1620 The Zone
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A Segment for Columbus – Segment 10
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10:54We say nice things about Columbus…the one in Ohio, that is.Par 1620 The Zone
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Brian Christopherson, Husker247 – Segment 9
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24:33BC talks Nebrasketball, Combine and Husker Football.Par 1620 The Zone
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Gary and Matt wax poetic about wrestling.Par 1620 The Zone
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Remember The Omaha Lancers? – Segment 7
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16:51They’re still playing, even if they’re not winning.Par 1620 The Zone
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Here Come The Mavs – Segment 6
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23:02Omaha men’s basketball won their conference title and it might make The Summit League nervous.Par 1620 The Zone
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Sam McKewon, Omaha World-Herald – Segment 5
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16:11Sam’s a number one seed in the media bracket. Fair?Par 1620 The Zone
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Does Nebrasketball Even Show Up Tonight? – Segment 4
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11:58Somebody’s bubble will burst tonight in Ohio?Par 1620 The Zone
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1620 The Jayskers? – Segment 3
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17:42Is everyone on The Zone a Jaysker?Par 1620 The Zone
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Bubbles Bursting – Segment 2
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16:22Nebrasketball and Ohio State play an elimination game tonightPar 1620 The Zone
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High School Sports Still Matter – Segment 1
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28:20We still love our high school sports around here.Par 1620 The Zone
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352 - Cebrián y Ansón, modelos antifranquistas | Por qué Putin tiene razón
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54:10Editorial - Por qué Putin tiene razón. Tema - Cebrián y Ansón, modelos antifranquistas.
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AI, Social Shopping, and the Future of Media | GaryVee Q&A with New York Post
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48:01I sat down with Lydia Moynihan from the New York Post to dive into some of the biggest shifts happening in business, media, and technology. We get into the explosion of social shopping, how AI is changing the content game, and why traditional media is struggling to keep up. We also talk about: 📌 Social Shopping Takeover – Why TikTok Shop is the nex…
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Dr. Austin Lake: Biohacking Women’s Health - Birth Control, Hormones, Sleep & Nutrients
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1:19:20Many women struggling with hormonal issues are told to just “take birth control” or “it’s all in your head” - but the reality? They’re missing a critical first step - addressing the foundational principles of health. In this episode, I had a fascinating conversation with Dr. Austin Lake who revealed that bio-identical hormones work initially, but o…
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Alexandre Garcia comenta sobre a vacina contra Covid-19 para crianças e a tentativa de Lula em resolver os problemas do país com propaganda.Par Gazeta do Povo
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Getting Certainty n Retirement.
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55:03In this episode Gary discusses certainty in retirement.Par Gary Mastrodonato
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Gary K's thoughts and opinions on DOGE 03.03.2025 Monday #doge #moment #garyk #market #investments #usa #politics #finance Disclaimer: The opinions you hear on BizTalkRadio, BizTV, or BizTalkPodcasts are those of the hosts, callers, and guests and do not necessarily reflect those of BizTalkRadio, BizTV, or BizTalkPodcasts, …
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HEALTH NEWS · Repairing DNA Damage: Scientists Identify New Benefits of Melatonin Supplementation· Sweet potato extracts slow breast and lung cancer growth, study finds· Study finds pursuit of happiness drains self-control, increases unhappiness· Physical activity linked to lower risk of dementia, sleep disorders, other diseases· Added sugar and sa…
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Grizzlies 0-2 Weekend, Tigers Close to AAC Title with Win at UAB, Anora Goes Big at Oscars (3/3/25)
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1:36:56Par Grind City Media
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On the heels of performing well in the combine, Gary and Matt wonder why some Nebraska players did not succeed as much on the field in college.Par 1620 The Zone
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Nuclear Psycho – Segment 10
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16:25Can you believe Gary rewatched the Nebraska-Michigan game? My goodness.Par 1620 The Zone
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Jacob Bigelow, Huskers Illustrated – Segment 9
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22:01The always well-prepared Jacob Bigelow brings about 20 minutes of juice to his weekly segment, unlike Nebrasketball on Saturday.Par 1620 The Zone
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Evan Bland, Omaha World-Herald – Segment 8
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18:49Evan joins the show to discuss Nebraska baseball’s slow start and react to the performance of Huskers in the combine.Par 1620 The Zone
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Does the head man in Lincoln coach Nebraska next season. Time will tell.Par 1620 The Zone
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Check the Tape Measure – Segment 6
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19:49Gary and Matt discuss what the next moves for Nebrasketball could be.Par 1620 The Zone
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Some Kevin Harlan on the call gets the March juices flowing!Par 1620 The Zone
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Torture, nightmares and freedom: Ian Muldoon Pt. 2
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1:08:01Ian Muldoon felt powerless as he fought for freedom after finding himself locked in a Cambodian prison. He survived, but the physical and emotional scars remain with him. This episode contains mentions of suicide and sexual abuse, if you need support contact Lifeline on 131114. Can’t get enough of I Catch Killers? Stay up to date on all the latest …
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Tough One in Cincinnati – Segment 4
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16:36A desperate Xavier team took down Creighton on Saturday.Par 1620 The Zone
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The Pokémon Go Segment – Segment 3
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23:05Ah, the summer of Pokémon Go. What a magical time.Par 1620 The Zone
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Nebrasketball Comes Up Short – Segment 2
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25:26Sigh. What’s next for Nebraska?Par 1620 The Zone
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The Mavs Are the Champs – Segment 1
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23:47Omaha men’s basketball claimed its first regular season Summit League Championship outright on Saturday.Par 1620 The Zone
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Artificial Intelligence and Mental Atrophy
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26:47Gary discusses several recent examples about people believing absurd things just because of something they saw online. AI is only as good as the database it searches, and if errors exist in the data, the answers the AI gives will always be wrong. People need to learn to be discerning and check information out before repeating it.…
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The music of my youth is the poetry of my youth. In this episode, Google's NotebookLM reads the contents of my latest newsletter and discusses the music I listened to on AM/FM radio, cassette, 8-track tape, and vinyl, during the 1960s and 1970s.Par glucero0
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