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ERISA stands for the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 and governs most of our employee benefits. While this area of law may not seem as engrossing as other areas of law such as criminal law, the impact labor laws have on our lives are just as compelling and the stakes are just as high. ERISA law blankets areas such as mental health, long-term disability, retirement accounts, life insurance, and more. ERISA watch will tell stories of individuals whose lives have been dramatical ...
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Üle 90 protsendi brittidest olid seni elanud terve oma elu kuninganna Elizabeth II valitsemisajal. Neist paljude jaoks viib ajastu lõpp maapinna mõneks ajaks jalge alt. Ajakirjanikud Indrek Lepik ja Herman Kelomees arutavad, millised on kuningas Charles III lootused säilitada monarhia senine staatus. Muljeid Londonist jagab sealne Eesti suursaadik …
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Saaremaa Gümnaasiumi direktor Ivo Visak võrdleb oma sektorit IT-valdkonnaga. „Haridusturul toimuv on kõige klassikalisem kapitalistlik konkurents - õpetajate nimel," märgib ta. Vahe IT-inimestega on aga teenistuses. Kas õpetajate streik on õhus? Mis aitaks hoida noori pedagooge selle ameti juures? Intervjueerib Karoliina Vasli.…
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Valitsusvahetus tõi kaasa ka vangerdused riigikogus - näiteks isamaalase Urmas Reinsalu asendusliikmena pääses parlamenti Parempoolsete esindaja Siim Kiisler, kes teeb erisaates maha nii koalitsiooni kui opositsiooni kursi laristamise suunas. „Vormilt rahvuslik, sisult sotsialistlik. Ja sotsialism pole kunagi edu toonud,“ märgib ta rahakraanide ula…
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Uue valitsuskabineti ministrid on teada, Reformierakond, Isamaa ja Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond on oma valikud teinud. Delfi Erisaates arutame, mida nendest valikutest saab välja lugeda. Kuigi sellel valitsusel on tööaega enne riigikogu valimisi jäänud kalendri järgi umbkaudu üheksa kuud, ei ole oodata mingeid rahulikke aegu. Sellele viitavad mitme…
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Esmaspäeva hommikul avaldasid uut valitsust kokku panevad Reformierakond, Isamaa ja sotsid eile õhtul Viljandis kokku lepitud ministrikohtade jaotuse. Kelle ja kuidas läks?Järgmise sammuna tuleb parteidel leida ka inimesed, kes hakkavad saadud kohtadel ministritena tööle. Delfi „Erisaate“ stuudios on Eesti Ekspressi poliitikaajakirjanik Urmas Jaaga…
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„Viirus ei maga. Võib täiesti juhtuda, et kuu aja pärast on meil korraga 300 inimest haiglas,“ nendib teadusnõukoja liige, viroloog Margus Varjak. Saates räägib ta muu hulgas tüvest omikron-5 ja sellestki, mis toimub vaktsiiniarenduses. Saadet juhib Delfi toimetaja Karoliina Vasli.Par Delfi Tasku
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Abordidebattide üks levinumaid postulaate - justkui raseduse katkestamine on suuremalt jaolt raske ja traumeeriv otsus - õigusteadlase Liiri Oja silmis ei päde. „Emotsionaalselt ja psühholoogiliselt võib otsus tulla hästi kergelt ja pigem olla kergendus,“ märkis ta Delfi erisaates.Par Delfi Tasku
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Lääne-Tallinna keskhaigla juht Arkadi Popov ütleb, et vähemusvalitsuse otsus Tallinna haigla rahastuskraani kinnikeeramise kohta tuli šokina. Tema sõnutsi ei vasta tema endagi juhitavas asutuses töökeskkond kaasaegsetele tingimustele. Intervjueerib Delfi toimetaja Karoliina Vasli.Par Delfi Tasku
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On this month’s episode our host Elizabeth Hopkins interviews Ed, a father whose daughter struggled with an eating disorder when she was a teenager over a decade ago. The family had to take out a second mortgage on their home in order to pay for life-saving treatment at a residential facility after their healthcare plan insurer refused to pay and t…
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This month’s episode is dedicated to Karen Ferguson, founder of the Pension Rights Center. The Pension Rights Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people with their pension-related issues and advocating on their behalf. Our host, Elizabeth Hopkins, talks to Karen’s colleague, Norm Stein, about the Pension Rights Center and Karen…
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On this special ERISA Watch episode, our host Elizabeth Hopkins examines the upcoming Supreme Court argument in the Hughes v. Northwestern University case, which will be held on Monday December 6, 2021. In Hughes, participants in a defined-contribution retirement plan allege the plan paid too much in fees for the investments offered, but the lower …
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On this month’s episode, our host Elizabeth Hopkins shines a spotlight on America’s other pandemic, the opioid crisis. Even beyond the tens of thousands of deaths annually, the true effect of this wide-reaching crisis stretches far beyond calculable figures. The multifaceted problem of addiction can only be addressed when we begin with increasing e…
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In this special episode, host Elizabeth Hopkins acknowledges the 20th anniversary of September 11, 2001. This episode is also a check in on how well Congress is living up to its promises to more than 24,000 first responders and heroes. Introduced in 2006 and finally signed into law on January 2, 2011, the World Trade Center Health Program was desig…
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In our 6th episode of ERISA Watch, our host Elizabeth Hopkins discusses one of the things that attracted her about the idea of coming to Kantor & Kantor after a very fulfilling time at the US Department of Labor. Liz appreciated the way the firm helps individuals and their families navigate getting the proper treatment they are promised from their …
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In a special 4th of July episode, host Elizabeth Hopkins takes some time to share her thoughts about freedom, equality and labor & employment law. Since July celebrates the day the draft of the Declaration of Independence was completed, Elizabeth took some time to re-read the document, which she calls one of the best breakup documents of all time, …
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This this episode of ERISA Watch, host Elizabeth Hopkins asks if insurance companies live up to the promise instilled through ERISA, or do they take advantage of the peculiarities of trust law to avoid paying benefits. In a short origin story of the concept of trust, courts of equity, and chancery law, Elizabeth tells how the federal law of ERISA g…
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Here in the United States we have some of the best surgeons, specialists, and some of the best, most innovative treatments in the world. But when the company that runs your health plan refuses to authorize these treatments, what does this mean for the very progress of medicine in this country? In this episode of ERISA Watch, host Elizabeth Hopkins …
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In this episode of ERISA Watch, host Elizabeth Hopkins asks: "When did modern Western medicine decide that mental health was something altogether different than health pertaining to anywhere else in the body?" First Liz speaks with Dr. Joshua Warach, MD, a Neurologist from the Veteran's Administration about their ongoing effort to treat the veteran…
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This premiere episode of ERISA Watch, host Elizabeth Hopkins discusses a real life example of how the federal law of ERISA works in the context of today's employee healthcare benefit environment. Elizabeth does this through a conversation with two clients, union members from the entertainment industry. These men lost access to their healthcare bene…
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ERISA stands for the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 and governs most of our employee benefits. While this area of law may not seem as engrossing as other areas of law such as criminal law, the impact labor laws have on our lives are just as compelling and the stakes are just as high. This law blankets areas such as mental health, e…
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ERISA Litigation episode 007 contains Bentley Tolk’s (Parr Brown Gee & Loveless, Salt Lake City, UT - ERISA litigation defense) analysis of the Supreme Court’s decision in CIGNA Corp. v. Amara. The Amara case contains important guidance on misrepresentations, plan reformation, SPDs and equitable remedies under ERISA.…
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In ERISA litigation episode 006, Bentley Tolk (Parr Brown Gee & Loveless, Salt Lake City, UT) explores how the U.S. Supreme Court case of Hardt v. Reliance Standard Ins. Co. has altered the landscape of attorneys’ fees under ERISA. Please leave your comments below on the effect of Hardt on ERISA attorneys’ fees.…
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In ERISA Litigation episode 005, Bentley Tolk (Parr Brown Gee & Loveless, Salt Lake City, UT) examines the U.S. Supreme Court’s April 21, 2010 Conkright v. Frommert decision. The Conkright decision is significant for its clarification of the standard of review under ERISA when a plan administrator makes an “honest” mistake in interpreting the plan.…
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In the second episode, Bentley Tolk of Parr Brown Gee & Loveless interviews Michael J. Salmanson of Salmanson Goldshaw, PC about some recent cases involving ERISA preemption: Golden Gate Restaurant Ass’n v. City and County of San Francisco, 546 F.3d 639 (9th Cir. 2008); Golden Gate Restaurant Ass’n v. City and County of San Francisco, 2009 U.S. App…
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