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show episodes
Catherine Weetman interviews the inspiring people who are making the circular economy happen. We explore how circular, regenerative and fair solutions are better for people, planet and prosperity. We’ll hear from entrepreneurs & business owners, social enterprises, and leading thinkers. You’ll find the show notes and links at, where you can subscribe to updates and useful resources.
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The Circular Economy technology podcast that explores how technology can enable the transition to a circular economy. As we face major global issues such as climate change, waste crises, and biodiversity loss, it's clear that the traditional linear economy needs to change. We must transform how we manage resources, make and use products, and deal with materials at the end of their life. A circular economy offers part of the solution, and technology can help make it a reality. Join the podcas ...
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Hier ist Eveline von Thinking Circular, dem Multiversum für grünen Fortschritt! Circular Economy ist unser zukunftsfähiger Lösungsansatz zur Gestaltung einer nachhaltigen Wirtschaft. Und darum geht es in diesem Podcast. Unser Verständnis von Circular Economy: Das mitteleuropäische kulturelle Gesellschaftsverständnis von Kreislaufwirtschaft wird oft auf die Abfallwirtschaft reduziert. Doch die Natur kennt keinen Abfall, wie wir ihn in unseren Gesellschaften definieren und ihn in unserer Gesel ...
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What will the city of tomorrow look like? We are living in the Century of the City. Cities are the main drivers of creativity and innovation. Yet, a great number of people have little or no conception of what their future will look like when it comes to creating resilient, sustainable, and liveable cities. Even though a significant majority are intent on learning more about climate disruption, energy, transport, water, air, waste, education, and jobs. In a decade of transformative change, Fu ...
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The story of our environment may well be the most important story this century. We focus on issues facing people and the planet. Leading environmentalists, organizations, activists, and conservationists discuss meaningful ways to create a better and more sustainable future. Participants include EARTHDAY.ORG, Greenpeace, UNESCO World Heritage Centre, PETA, European Environment Agency, Peter Singer,, UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development, Ci ...
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Circular Economy Manufacturing Workshops

Circular Economy Manufacturing LLC

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We are Circular Economy Manufacturing, a design and manufacturing company that makes products from recycled plastic in solar-powered MicroFactories. Our podcast series is designed to promote sustainable living practices and to educate around the circular economy. Every month we will be releasing the audio from our virtual workshops that feature various expert guests. Our workshops will delve into various topics including composting, recycling, renewable energy, and sustainable design. We hop ...
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Welcome to Getting In the Loop – a podcast dedicated to exploring how to transform to a more circular society that recognises our planet’s limited resources. Join host Katie Whalen as she examines the challenges facing our current resource use and discovers alternatives to the ‘take, make, dispose’ way of doing things. Each week she interviews circular economy experts about what they’re doing and learning (including Anna Tari of the Circular Economy Club, Ken Webster of the Ellen MacArthur F ...
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show series
How do we draw people towards a deliciously sustainable future? In this episode, we’re going off at a slight tangent: to explore how we can bring people into this world, to feel they have agency and to see an exciting, meaningful future where we do better, with less. We’re going to hear about a way of telling stories – that could be fiction to help…
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Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Unternehmensführung und hilft, die sozialen, ökologischen und wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen von Organisationen zu messen und zu kommunizieren. Um das Thema zusammenzufassen, haben wir ein Quiz entwickelt. Darin werden verschiedene Aspekte der Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung und all…
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Welcome back to The Circular Economy Show! In our new season premiere, we’re diving into the crucial intersection of climate change and the circular economy. Join us as we sit down with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Climate Lead, Miranda Schnitger, to find out how the circular economy can help meet climate targets, why it needed to be noted in t…
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“I wrote a book, Ecological Intelligence, on how the environment and human psychology interact in a rather sad way, which is this: Everything that we buy and use has a negative impact on the systems that support life on this planet. That’s a sad fact. Our material world is destroying our natural material world, and we deny it. But I have a strategy…
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Welcome to the second episode of our intriguing mini-series on HappyPorch Radio-"Exploring Circular Tech: Re-commerce in Fashion". Your hosts, Barry O'Kane and Emily Swaddle, navigate the fascinating realms of re-commerce in the fashion industry alongside esteemed guests Joe Metcalfe from Thrift+, Jessica Potter from Used and Loved, and Wilson Grif…
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Environmentalists, writers, artists, activists, and public policy makers explore the interconnectedness of living beings and ecosystems. They highlight the importance of conservation, promote climate education, advocate for sustainable development, and underscore the vital role of creative and educational communities in driving positive change. 00:…
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How can we enhance our emotional intelligence and avoid burnout in a changing world? How can we regain focus and perform in an optimal state? What do we mean by ecological intelligence? Daniel Goleman is an American psychologist, author, and science journalist. Before becoming an author, Goleman was a science reporter for the New York Times for 12 …
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“Some travel writers have shared a sense of responsibility in creating narratives around travel in relation to the climate crisis. But at the same time, I think we also need to first, raise critical awareness around the media productions that glamorize travel. What I learned from the feminist framework in climate justice is that climate change affe…
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… klingt es erst einmal nach Sciene-Fiction. Doch leider ist es inzwischen Realität. Darum tauchen wir heute tief in die Welt des Mikroplastiks ein. Es mag zwar wie eine Szene aus einem Sciene-Fiction-Roman klingen, aber die Realität ist ernüchternd: Mikroplastik ist überall. Es findet sich im Wasser, im Boden, in unserer Nahrung, in Tieren und sog…
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Environmentalists, writers, artists, activists, and public policy makers explore the interconnectedness of living beings and ecosystems. They highlight the importance of conservation, promote climate education, advocate for sustainable development, and underscore the vital role of creative and educational communities in driving positive change. 00:…
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Tara Button is the founder and CEO of Buy Me Once, a platform which helps people buy the longest-lasting products on the planet. Podcast host Catherine Weetman says “If you’ve heard me talking about the 3 essential strategies for circular businesses, you’ll know that one of those 3 strategies is Keeping things in use for longer, through durability,…
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Behind the Threads: The Interplay of Tech and Circularity in Fashion Re-commerce Welcome to the first episode of a brand-new mini-series on HappyPorch Radio-"Exploring Circular Tech: Re-commerce in Fashion". We delve deep into the transformative effect of re-commerce within the fashion industry, focusing on the role of software and technology, the …
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"So many cities can be enhanced through careful planning decisions. We need tree-lined streets and walkable cities. All of all of the vectors by which we can engage with nature and confer neurocognitive benefit. It's all the manners in which our planning decisions around density and green space and traffic and noise pollution ultimately bear on our…
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How does a changing climate affect our minds, brains and bodies? Clayton Page Aldern is an award winning neuroscientist turned environmental journalist whose work has appeared in The Atlantic, The Guardian, The Economist, and Grist, where he is a senior data reporter. A Rhodes Scholar, he holds a Master's in Neuroscience and a Master's in Public Po…
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"I want to be wowed by the world. I want to gaze at it in awe and wonder. And I think when we take a step back and begin to appreciate the complexity of the interactions around us. We're taking note of a very porous between the self and the rest of the world. We are literally observing our enmeshment in our environment. And it's that kind of a refe…
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How does a changing climate affect our minds, brains and bodies? Clayton Page Aldern is an award winning neuroscientist turned environmental journalist whose work has appeared in The Atlantic, The Guardian, The Economist, and Grist, where he is a senior data reporter. A Rhodes Scholar, he holds a Master's in Neuroscience and a Master's in Public Po…
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Wie lange dauert es, bis Nachhaltigkeitsmaßnahmen in Unternehmen Wirkung zeigen? Um die Wirksamkeit von Nachhaltigkeitsmaßnahmen in Unternehmen zu beurteilen, lohnt sich ein Blick in das Benutzerhandbuch Authentische Bewertung der Nachhaltigkeit des UNRISD (United Nations Research Institute for Social Development). Dieses Handbuch bietet Leistungsi…
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Das Creative Lab #7 Kreislaufwirtschaft ist ein innovativer Experimentier- und Lernraum, der für die Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft ins Leben gerufen wurde. Ziel des Projekts ist es, die Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft als Best-Practice-Schmiede für zirkuläres Wirtschaften zu etablieren. Worum es in diesem Creative Lab genau geht und wie der Ablauf is…
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Yann Toutant is the founder of Black Winch, which helps businesses understand the opportunities, practicalities and benefits of shifting to ‘as a service’ models, and supports them in making it happen. Yann has been implementing subscription-based models for hardware in the ICT industry for 25 years, including over a decade as CEO of Econocom’s Dut…
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“What I think will stay with you for an entire lifetime is to be equipped with the capacity and the tools to find wonder in the world. And that is to find a language for that world, which is supplied through a folk tale, mythology, literature, poetry, and song. And then to also to have the kind of knowledge basis. I still think we suffer from this …
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How has tourism and writing about travel contributed to the ecological degradation of the planet?How does language influence perception and our relationship to the more-than-human world? Michael Cronin is an Irish academic specialist in culture, travel literature, translation studies, and the Irish language. He has taught in universities in France …
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Die World Meteorological Organization (WMO) hat ein öffentliches Wissenschaftsprojekt zum Thema Wetterbeobachtung ins Leben gerufen. Ziel des Projektes ist es, das Bewusstsein für Wetterphänomene zu schärfen und die Bedeutung der Wetterbeobachtung hervorzuheben. Es soll das Interesse der Kinder an Wetter und Klima fördern und ihre Neugier wecken. W…
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In the last episode of our series sharing some of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation's most popular articles, we explore the world of reuse and repair. Travelling to the African continent, we find out how people and businesses have been embracing strategies to maximize material use for a long time Reuse and repair are critical aspects of a circular eco…
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"The thing that with nature that I think is most profound is that it's always truthful. And I think that that's something that always resonates with me. Whenever I'm in raw nature, there's just an undeniable truth and a sense of how it's supposed to be. And I think that that's something that I reach for in my own music, where I try to take myself o…
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What will happen when Artificial General Intelligence arrives? What is the nature of consciousness? How are music and creativity pathways for reconnecting us to our humanity and the natural world? Dustin O’Halloran is a pianist and composer and member of the band A Winged Victory for the Sullen. Winner of a 2015 Emmy Award for his main title theme …
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“When I was rereading the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament, I was struck by the idea of the environmental crisis being a kind of self-executing divine retribution for disturbing the harmonies of the universe. There are so many passages in the scriptures which talk about the plagues and fires and punishments that come from failing to respect our p…
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What is the true meaning of the pursuit of happiness? What can we learn from the Founding Fathers about achieving harmony, balance, tranquility, self-mastery, and pursuing the public good? Jeffrey Rosen is President and CEO of the National Constitution Center, where he hosts We the People, a weekly podcast of constitutional debate. He is also a pro…
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Ein Workshop zur Wesentlichkeit ist von entscheidender Bedeutung, wenn es darum geht, ESG-Reports zu erstellen und zu veröffentlichen. Dabei wird die doppelte Wesentlichkeit analysiert, die ein Prinzip ist, das durch die Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) eingeführt wurde. Dieses Prinzip berücksichtigt sowohl die Auswirkungen der G…
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We are back with a special season of HappyPorch Radio! Our hosts Barry O’Kane and Emily Swaddle are back and excited to take a deep dive into the role of technology in the dynamic realm of fashion re-commerce. What can you expect from this upcoming 3 episodes special? The role of technology in shaping the second-hand marketplace Unique challenges a…
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