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Dans Dialogues, je reçois des écrivains, des penseurs, des personnes dont le travail me parle, m'inspire, des personnes que j'aime. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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We will be discussing the ever changing landscape of school counseling. This podcast will include helpful tips, discussions about current events, and pop culture. Throughout the season, we will feature amazing, talented, and accomplished professional school counselors, who are experienced and new, to bring their fresh take into school counseling. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/fabion-vicks/support
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House, Deep-House,Tech-House, Funky-House, Jacking, NuDisco, Rock, Pop, Funk

Chaque mois
Podcast by House, Deep-House,Tech-House, Funky-House, Jacking, NuDisco, Rock, Pop, Funk
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Qui si fa l'Italia

Lorenzo Pregliasco e Lorenzo Baravalle

Chaque mois
Lorenzo Pregliasco e Lorenzo Baravalle raccontano i momenti che hanno fatto la storia dell’Italia a chi come loro non li ha vissuti. Un nuovo episodio di Qui Si Fa l’Italia esce in due parti tutti i mesi, il 27 del mese, su tutte le piattaforme.
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Fab 5

Fab 5

Chaque semaine
We‘re a group of 5 friends who love traveling to Disney and all over the world together. We share our tips, tricks and stories from our travels.
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Fábrica de Horrores

Chaque mois+
Um podcast sobre o mundo do horror criado por dois amantes do gênero, Davi Cardoso e Viviane Rodrigues, onde ambos conversarão bastante acerca do que esse universo horripilante tem a nos oferecer.
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Chaque mois+
Der Podcast der Industriemuseen von LVR und LWL Wie wollen wir in Zukunft arbeiten? Wozu brauchen wir Biodiversität? Woher kommen die Rohstoffe von morgen? Wie gehen wir mit KI und Fake News um? All das sind Fragen, denen sich die Industriemuseen von LVR und LWL in ihren Sonderausstellungen stellen. Der gemeinsame Podcast „FabrikFunk“ geht einigen dieser Fragen auf den Grund. Spannende Gäste wurden in die ehemaligen Fabriken eingeladen, um mit Moderatorin Nadine Hadad über gesellschaftlich a ...
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Conversations with people about their passion and their involvement with the community. Helping to rebuild the fabric of society one conversation at the time. Please Subscribe, Share and Review.
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FA — Fotografia dell'Architettura

Fotografia dell'Architettura

Chaque mois
Benvenuto nel Podcast ufficiale della webzine italiana dedicata alla fotografia dell'architettura. Affronteremo vari argomenti interessanti, intervisteremo personaggi che si occupano di questa materia da più tempo di noi! Cosa aspetti? Iscriviti!
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The Fabricator Podcast

Fabricators and Manufacturers Association

Chaque mois+
The Fabricator Podcast brings you conversations with people who make things out of metal. We speak with manufacturing leaders, metal fabricators, welders, job shop owners, small business entrepreneurs, artists, marketers, educators, and more. Host Dan Davis, Editor-in-Chief of The Fabricator, and a rotating co-hosts also go beyond discussing just manufacturing and the skilled trades, and chats about pop culture, current events, food, music, movies, comedy, and, of course, robots. Episodes dr ...
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Fábrica Random

Fábrica Random

Chaque mois+
Fábrica Random es el podcast oficial de La Catrina Studios, donde cada semana Ariel y Victor estarán platicando de tendencias, series o películas, temas random, experiencias propias y cualquier otra locura que se les ocurra.
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Der Schweizer Wirtschaftspodcast mit den hochkarätigsten Gästen! Von Börsen und Bitcoin bis Kaufkraft und Zinsen: Fabio Canetg, Geldökonom und Journalist, diskutiert im Geldcast mit seinen Gästen aus Wirtschaft, Politik und Wissenschaft über deren Werdegang, über die aktuellsten Themen aus der Finanzwelt, über die Geldpolitik der Schweizerischen Nationalbank und über die Wirtschaftspolitik von Bundesrat und Parlament. Ein Podcast über Zentralbanken, Inflation, Schulden und Geld – verständlic ...
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Programa de divulgación científica dirigido y presentado por Jorge Onsulve. Los contenidos está relacionados con el mundo de la Ciencia en general. Charlie Duke, Pedro Duque, Carlos González, Jorge Pla, entre otros forman parte del elenco de invitados colaboradores de este programa. Para más información: www.lafabricadelaciencia.com
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Everything Fab Four is a podcast from Wonderwall Communications and Salon focused on fun and intelligent stories about the enduring cultural influence of the Beatles. No other band, or popular entity for that matter, has had the world-wide impact the Beatles have. They are part of our human fabric, they created music that still brings people together, and across continents and generations there are individual Beatles stories to tell. In each episode, renowned music historian, author, and Bea ...
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Partiendo siempre del sarcasmo y la ironía el comediante Fabián Castillo y su co host Sadel O comentan sin censura sobre todos los tabúes que te puedas imaginar. Desde sus vidas personales, sus familias, las noticias del día y lo último en la cultura popular. Dale oído y comprueba más allá de toda duda que este es el mejor podcast de Puerto Rico Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/esofuesarcasmo/support
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Design and Fabrication

Benham Design Concepts

Chaque semaine+
Mixed media artist Brian Benham from Benham Design Concepts demonstrates how he designs and fabricates high-end custom furniture and works of art he makes from concept to completion. This is a Video Podcast, Please vist https://www.benhamdesignconcepts.com/podcast/ to watch.
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Get ready for Finance Friends with Fabian – Season 1 is officially on its way! Imagine getting insider knowledge from industry leaders every week. Hear their stories, the challenges they've overcome, and the invaluable advice they have for anyone stepping into the finance world. That’s what Finance Friends with Fabian is all about: an exclusive seat at the table, where you’ll feel like you’re chatting with friends. Streaming everywhere from October 28th🎙️ Follow us on Instagram @FinanceFrien ...
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Inspirationen für die Produktion und Logistik von morgen! Die Fabriken von heute sind im massiven Wandel. Mein Anliegen ist es den produzierenden Unternehmen und Führungskräften in der Produktion dabei zu helfen Vorreiter zu sein. Damit das klappt, biete ich eine Plattform für mutige Ideen, clevere Konzepte und smarte Technologien. Mein Name ist Tobias Herwig und ich bin in der Fabriken der Welt unterwegs. Ich unterhalte mich mit spannenden Persönlichkeiten, Verantwortlichen in der Fabrik, P ...
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Retrouvez sur euradio la Chronique littéraire de la Fabrique Urbaine avec Xavier Capodano et Juliette Lechaux-Ewest. Xavier Capodano, libraire au genre urbain à Paris, revient sur ses coups de cœur littéraire en lien, de près mais aussi de loin, avec l'urbanisme. Une chronique bimensuelle animée par Aldo Bearzatto et produite par la Fabrique Urbaine.
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show series
PRE-ORDINA QUI LA RIVISTA DI SGUARDI CONTEMPORANEI 2024: https://www.fotografiadellarchitettura.it/supportaci/ In occasione dell’edizione 2024 di ‘Sguardi Contemporanei: 10 fotografi x 10 fotografie’ intervistiamo Martina Simonato che presenta il suo progetto fotografico “L'Infinito Istante”. Link al progetto fotografico: https://www.fotografiadell…
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FAAALA MEUS NERDOLAS DE COLLEGE FOOTBALL! Vamos nessa com o episódio semanal do ZONA FA com tudo o que acontece de melhor no futebol americano universitário. Neste episódio, Raphão e Cristian comentaram sobre o cenário de cada uma das conferências e os jogos importantes para ficar de olho valendo vaga nas finais de conferência na próxima semana. ZO…
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NordVPN con sconti riservati agli ascoltatori di Qui Si Fa L'Italia?! È tutto vero: clicca su https://nordvpn.com/primarepubblica e usa il coupon PRIMAREPUBBLICA per accedere a tutti gli sconti riservati ai nostri ascoltatori. La nuovissima linea di magliette Qui Si Fa L'Italia, disponibile su: https://fairenough.it/qsfi/ Alle 22.39 del 9 ottobre 1…
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Ugens gæst er skuespiller Mads Knarreborg, som drømte om at blive professionel skateboarder, da han var barn. Vi fører Mads igennem et helt nyt liv fra nose til tail, når nye skateparker skal opføres og sponsoraftaler skal landes. Hvorfor render alle Mads’ skater-venner rundt i hessian-t-shirts? Kan man få 800 meter gelænder og en bowl i Sortedamss…
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What does a pilot’s license at 16, a career in journalism, and a passion for financial advisor marketing have in common? They’re all part of Jonathan Musgrave’s remarkable journey. In this episode of The Model FA Podcast, Jonathan, founder and CEO of Steep Digital Marketing, opens up about his unconventional career path and how it shaped his approa…
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In the Christian tradition, “Hope” is associated with Advent, the season leading up to Christmas. But what does hope mean for us in a season and era that has primed us to feel somewhat cynical? When fear is given space to be recognized in this season, we wonder what depth of hope might be realized…Par Fabric
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Wie baut man ein neues Werk von Grund auf und welche Herausforderungen gilt es zu meistern? In dieser Episode spricht Dr. Marco Molitor, Werkleiter bei Goldbeck, über den Aufbau (s)eines neuen Betonfertigteilwerks mit Podcast-Host Tobias Herwig. Dr. Marco Molitor teilt seine Erfahrungen und Einblicke in die Planung, Umsetzung und den erfolgreichen …
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Retrouvez sur euradio la Chronique littéraire de la Fabrique Urbaine avec Xavier Capodano et Juliette Lechaux-Ewest. Dans ces chroniques, Xavier Capodano, libraire au Genre Urbain à Paris, revient sur ses coups de cœur littéraires en lien, de près mais aussi de loin, avec l'urbanisme. Une chronique bimensuelle animée par Aldo Bearzatto et produite …
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Hoy vamos a realizar un viaje a Saqqara (Egipto) para conocer un proyecto apasionante (SEAMS) Spanish-Egyptian Archaeological Mission in Saqqara dirigido por nuestro amigo y colaborador Josep Cervelló. Al final de la entrevista nos contará el futuro de este proyecto y seguro que más de uno se quedará alucinado. Escucha el episodio completo en la ap…
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Part One of our discussion with Allan Kozinn and Adrian Sinclair covering the McCartey Legacy, Volume 2. All four of us (Lonnie, Jon, Ed and Marv) are in on the conversation, as we proceed from the McGear album to Paul's time in Nashville, with stops along the way at Rembrandt, Printer's Alley and that room Jimmy McCulloch hung out while he was wor…
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Atenção! Esse episódio não é recomendado para menores de 18 anos. Contém: linguagem imprópria e violência extrema.Nas últimas semanas, o nome de Albino Santos de Lima estampou os jornais no Brasil.Mas afinal, quem é o Serial Killer de Maceió? E por que ele fez tantas vítimas? O que todas elas tinham em comum?A gente responde essas e outras pergunta…
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Lorsque les couples durent, très souvent, le désir s'étiole. Est-ce inéluctable ? Y a-t-il des choses à faire, lorsqu'on souhaite changer cette trajectoire ? Nous en parlons avec Damien Mascret. Mon site : https://www.fabricemidal.com Facebook Fabrice Midal : https://www.facebook.com/FabriceMidal Facebook du podcast Dialogues : https://www.facebook…
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In diesen Tagen berät des Parlament über das Budget. Mehrere Parteien drohen mit einem Nein. Wann kommt es zum Showdown? Was passiert bei einem Nein? Und wer würde davon profitieren? Antworten darauf hat Marius Brülhart, Professor an der Universität Lausanne. Er forscht unter anderem zu Finanzpolitik, Steuern und Ungleichheit. Im Geldcast spricht e…
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Back at it again with the From the Fabricator podcast. This time out we start with Scott Smith of LTS. Great guy and tons of insight into our world from the past through the present and into the future. Next up Conley Oster and Gary Chen talk robots and advancement. These guys started RAISE Robotics and are simply brilliant. Great takes in here and…
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Fala cambada de Coles. Estamos de volta com mais um, provavelmente o ÚLTIMO Fábrica de Horrores de 2024, e HOJE, Katia Barga e eu conversamos sobre mais um clássico do cinema, "O SEXTO SENTIDO", dirigido até então pelo prodígio M. Night Shyamalan (depois descambou) e estrelado por Bruce Willis, Haley Joel Osment e Toni Collette. A terceira temporad…
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Hoje a Fábrica se une à Arnaldo Branco para fazer o filme que vai ficar marcado como o legado de Bruce Willis. Sâmelo Anderson Blau vai ser 'Um Morto muito Corno". ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠NOSSOS LINKS AQUI⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ARTE DA CAPA: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠…
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Join us in this weeks episode of Finance Friends with Fabian, as we sit down with Kieran Berry, CEO and Managing Director of RiverX, one of Australia’s fastest-growing investment advisory firms. Kieran shares his journey from selling stock market newsletters at 23 to building his own business, offering insights into the challenges of building a cli…
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Esse é o nosso PRO LEVEL, um podcast exclusivo sobre NFL! Neste episódio, Ornellas e Cristian falaram sobre os melhores jogos que aconteceram na Semana 12 da NFL, destacando Saquon Barkley e a sequência de vitórias do Eagles, vitória apertada do Chiefs e muito mais! Na prévia, trouxeram os principais jogos da semana de Thanksgiving, que conta com D…
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NordVPN con sconti riservati agli ascoltatori di Qui Si Fa L'Italia?! È tutto vero: clicca su https://nordvpn.com/primarepubblica e usa il coupon PRIMAREPUBBLICA per accedere a tutti gli sconti riservati ai nostri ascoltatori. La nuovissima linea di magliette Qui Si Fa L'Italia, disponibile su: https://fairenough.it/qsfi/ Alle 22.39 del 9 ottobre 1…
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New episode with My friend Steve Sharp, as he joins me in a conversation about his new book, Redesigning Schools to Be Antiracist, which will be released on January 7, 2025. We also chatted about Kendrick Lamar's surprise album drop, GNX. https://us.corwin.com/books/designing-antiracism-281092 https://bit.ly/RedesigningEd Use code SAVE20 to save 20…
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FabrikFunk Was ist wahr und was nur eine geschickt inszenierte Lüge? In einer Welt voller Fake News und Desinformation arbeiten Thomas Laschyk und sein Team dafür, mehr Fakten in unsere Nachrichtenwelt zu bringen. Die Podcastfolge knüpft an die Fotoausstellung „Krieg und Frieden“ im LWL-Museum Henrichshütte an, die die russische Gesellschaft währen…
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Knowing how to move through uncertain times with grace and ease is a form of self-care. Here are some ways to stay resilient and well. Keywords: Resilience Confidence De-stress Self-care Breathe Self-compassion Self-love Self-approved About The Host: Dr. Shirley Madhere is a NYC-based plastic surgeon and Founder of Holistic Plastic Surgery. This ph…
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Wie gelingt die Integration von OT und IT in der modernen Fabrik? Podcast-Host Tobias Herwig redet mit Frank Thelen, einem bekannten Investor und u.a. CEO von Freigeist, und Alexander Krüger, Mit-Gründer & CEO von United Manufacturing Hub (UMH), über ihre Erfahrungen und Visionen für die Zukunft der IT in der Produktion. - Einführung in das Thema O…
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Hoy en la Fábrica de la Ciencia hemos tenido el honor de contar con la presencia del Profesor John Beckman del Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias. John Beckman Investigador, JPL. California Institute of Technology-JPL-NASA (1966-1967) , época en la que trabajo en el proyecto Mariner. Profesor Titular, Departamento de Física, Queen Mary College, U…
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Marv and I talk a bit about the new "Living in the Material World" box, mostly Disc Two - EXTRAS! Alternate versions of the entire record, remixes of "Miss O'Dell", and a brand new recording of "Sunshine Life For Me (Sail Away Raymond)" featuring a George Harrison lead vocal, and guest appearances from Robbie Robertson, Levon Helm, Garth Hudson, an…
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HEY FAMILY! We wanted to say THANK YOU so much for your encouragement and GIVING towards our BIG MOVE! We are so grateful for our Podcast Family! If you haven't watched/listened to our Big Announcement, make sure you do. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/@hangingwiththefabiens In this episode, Melody shares her testimony and a messag…
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On y pense trop peu, mais être bien chez soi, ça change une vie. Les arts chinois ont beaucoup à dire sur la question, mais ils sont souvent réduits en occident à des caricatures d'eux-mêmes, ce qui mène à des imprécisions, des confusions et même parfois des contre-sens. Pour découvrir les vrais conseils à connaître pour être bien chez soi, je reço…
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