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Listen to inspiring messages from Bethlehem Church NYC.
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Bethlehem Lutheran Church
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Echola, Alabama
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Dedicated to making fully devoted followers of Jesus by loving God, loving others and serving in our world.
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Messages from Bethlehem Baptist Church
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This podcast is made available from Bethlehem Lutheran Church. Saint Cloud, MN
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Him we proclaim
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Sermons preached at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Bethlehem Baptist Church exists to spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things, for the joy of all peoples, through Jesus Christ. Visit Bethlehem's website at
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Bethlehem Community Church is an Elder led, non-denominational, Bible-believing, church standing on the unchanging, unchangeable Word of God. BCC is a family of believers united in our commitment to Gather, Grow, Go. Visit us at
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Podcasts of our weekly sermons at Bethlehem Baptist Church, New Zealand.
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A Church in Aberavon | Port Talbot
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Bethlehem World Church Podcast, where you can be motivated, move forward in your daily life and do good deeds for others. Support this podcast:
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This podcast is designed to minister to those who hunger and thirst for the word of God. The Bethelehem M.B. Church located in Lena, MS under the leadership of Dr. Kenyun Hutchins is the church that exist for the purpose of building up the kingdom of God by winning souls for Christ. The man of God teach and preach every Sunday, exhorting the word of God in boldness and confidence for a time such as this.
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The Bible says that a brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city. Oftentimes when someone offends us, we build walls, and it can be very difficult to repair a relationship. A mistake we as Christians make is to assume God deals with us in the way we deal with each other. While offending another person may bring lifelong separation rega…
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The Penitent Are Blessed - Audio
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27:24The 2nd of the seven Penitential Psalms is Psalm 32. It is one of the clearest statements of the doctrines of repentance, justification and forgiveness in the Old Testament. It is closely related to Psalm 51. It appears that this psalm, like Psalm 51, was written to express David's repentance after the prophet Nathan had confronted him with his sin…
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Week 3Par Bethlehem Covenant Church
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Luke 18:31–34Par René González
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Words are powerful and unlike the nursery rhyme words can and do hurt us. When words are spoken with bitterness not considering the impact it will have on our neighbor we are not loving our neighbors as ourselves. When we take the time to understand our neighbor and can speak with grace we are following the example Jesus set for us. This is what th…
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"The Difference Between Belief and Believing" | THE GOSPEL OF LIFE
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47:18Week 1 of THE GOSPEL OF LIFE with Lead Pastor Jason Britt. Pastor Jason reminds us that what you believe matters and how you believe matters equally.Par Bethlehem Church
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Mark 12:18-34
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A Jet Tour Through James (Part 3)
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46:10Pastor Mike Abendroth, A Jet Tour Through James (Part 3)Par Mike Abendroth
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BLC Podcast. Episode 3. What Value Does the Church Have Today?
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41:21This episode looks at faith through a Lutheran lens. Pastor Chad talks about some leadership struggles and takes us through 4 stages of faith development! What kind of value can the church have today?Par bethlehemyouthministries1
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We don’t really experience real physical famines today, but we can experience drought, or dry and difficult times, in our marriages, our friendships, our churches. How do we handle that? We are conditioned to cut loose and run. But leaving in times of famine is not always the right course of action. Plus, we will totally miss out on the day before …
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Regardless of denomination, faith is one of the most common words heard among religious circles. However, you will find significant differences in an understanding of it. Some say it is a prerequisite to being born again while others say it is generated when one hears the gospel. When we look at the scripture, we see it is neither a prerequisite to…
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Sermon Pastor Priem - Audio
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17:04Bethlehem Lutheran ChurchPar Rev. Matthew D. Priem
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What Is It To Be Penitent? - Audio
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19:39Ash Wednesday begins the penitential season of Lent: 40 days (not including Sundays) of reflection and sorrow over our sin and its consequences. During this time, we also meditate on what Jesus Christ suffered for us because of our sins and what His perfect obedience to the Father, even unto death on the cross, brings for us.Around the 6th century …
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Isaiah 53 has often been referred to as the “gospel of Isaiah.” In this message, I look at one of the themes of this incredible and tragic description of our Savior on the cross. As tragic as it is, we rejoice that his suffering was not pointless, but Jesus was interceding for us.…
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In the concluding message of the framework series, I look at the 4th activity the early church engaged in – prayer. Acts 2:42 says they continued in doctrine (teaching), fellowship, breaking of bread and prayers. As a church and as individuals, we should follow the framework of the first church, and continue in these simple activities. http://www.b…
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On the eve of his crucifixion, Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. He took Peter, James and John with Him. Before he goes off to pray, he instructs them to watch. Three times he returns to find them sleeping. In this sermon Brother Luke looks at the definition of the word watch, to see exactly what the Lord wanted them to be doing and h…
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Have you ever wondered what the early church did for activities? It was very simple. They engaged one another in 4 basic activities. Acts 2:42 says they continued in doctrine (teaching), fellowship, breaking of bread and prayers. In the 3rd message of the Framework series, I look at how the church engaged in the activity of the breaking of bread. h…
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Par Bethlehem Covenant Church
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Luke 18:18–30Par John Piper
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"Trust" -- Sermon from March 1, 2025
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17:00In our Focus Text for this week Jesus encourages us to look to the fruit being produced by those around us. Pastor Chad invites us to think about this in terms of trust. If someone tells us about how fresh the fruit they’re selling is and we bite into a rotten apple our trust is broken. So we are to follow Jesus advice and bear good fruit in our wo…
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The activities described in the NT church are simple. In our present culture, we have complicated the church experience. From pre-K to the elderly, the idea of segregated activity for age-specific groups has taken over. But early church members of all ages and backgrounds, engaged in 4 basic activities. Acts 2:42 says they continued in doctrine (te…
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"The Center of Our Faith" | COMING HOME
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41:15Week 7 of COMING HOME with Lead Pastor Jason Britt. Pastor Jason walks us through why there is no Christian faith without the resurrection.Par Bethlehem Church
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We all deal with bondage to some extent, whether it is the bondage of fear, depression, disease, grief or countless other ways. Thankfully God specializes in rescuing us from bondage. Sometimes he does it in miraculous ways as he did with Peter, Paul, and Silas. But for most of us, it may not be a dramatic rescue from a prison, but measures of grac…
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Mark 12:13-17, 35-44
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God is kind to the wicked and ungratefulPar Rev. Matthew D. Priem
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A Jet Tour Through James (Part 2)
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43:14Pastor Mike preaches A Jet Tour Through James (Part 2)Par Mike Abendroth
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Luke 18:15–17Par Kenny Stokes
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Building with sand can be a fun beach day activity but your efforts won’t last as the rain falls or the waves crash or a mischievous child plots your castle will inevitably crumble. Jesus uses building a home as a parable for building a life of faith. The storms, the waves, and the mischievous of our life won’t crumble us if we are securely founded…
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The Lord set up a simple framework for the church experience in the NT church. Worship has become complicated in our modern culture to the extent that it is often difficult to figure out where to fit in. But the early church engaged in 4 simple activities. Around this simple framework our worship life can still be experienced. In this message, I ta…
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Living in the modern church culture, we often lose sight of a Biblical understanding of what a pastor is. In this message, Brother Luke preaches about the characteristics of a good pastor. 01.26.25.A.Good.Pastor.Luke.Hagler…
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“Authority of Scripture” | COMING HOME
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41:05Week 6 of COMING HOME with Executive Pastor Matt Piland. Pastor Matt reminds us that when we read the Bible, the Bible reads us.Par Bethlehem Church
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Luke 18:9–14Par Kenny Stokes
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Par Bethlehem Covenant Church
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Of First Importance - Audio
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18:00What’s most important in your life? Whatever is 'most important' would be the foundation for your life. It is the core, heart, basis, and center of who you are and what you do. Something of first importance has us coming back again and again because we can’t live without it. It gives us hope for the future. It provides a reason to live.…
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Why would Jesus send the disciples out into the world unprepared? In our time of hyper-preparedness this seems like a bad idea. What if they are caught in a downpour, they’d have no change of clothes?! Why knock on a strangers door and ask for food and lodging when there’s an Inn just down the street?! Pastor Chad invites us to consider how being r…
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“Somebody Like Me” | COMING HOME
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40:31Week 5 of COMING HOME with Lead Pastor Jason Britt. Pastor Jason reminds us that shame gives you a label, but Jesus gives you a story.Par Bethlehem Church
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Luke 17:11–19Par Ken Currie
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Here Am I, Send Me! - Audio
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23:58God’s question was a call for a volunteer to announce His words to the world. Having been cleansed from his sinfulness, Isaiah responded without hesitation: “Here am I! Send me!” God’s question provided an opportunity for Isaiah to show his gratitude for the removal of his sin. In thankfulness, Isaiah was ready to do whatever God wished, even thoug…
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Servant Ministry Team Commissioning
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40:08New Servant Ministry Team Commissioned to service.
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A Jet Tour Through James (Part 1)
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56:25A Jet Tour Through James (Part 1), Pastor MikePar Mike Abendroth
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"Antithesis" -- Sermon from February 8, 2025
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15:00Sometimes communication gets so familiar that we either dismiss the words entirely or accept the idea so completely the words become out of touch with reality. Our focus text this week features “The Antitheses” where Jesus sets up common sayings of the time against their opposite as a way of explaining the Kingdom of God. The antithesis of each say…
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In the final justification sermon, Brother Luke looks at the most compelling type of justification. To be justified by works is when others declare us righteous, and justification by faith is when we experience it within based on our faith in Jesus’ work, it is only through grace that the Lord God Almighty declares us just. So, God according to his…
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“If We Really Love Each Other, Why Is It So Hard?” | COMING HOME
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45:17Marriage Weekend and Week 4 of COMING HOME with Lead Pastor Jason Britt. Pastor Jason reminds us that a good marriage isn’t something you find; it’s something you make.Par Bethlehem Church
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Luke 17:1–10Par Kenny Stokes
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Par Bethlehem Covenant Church
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Mark 12:1-12
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Jesus Goes to Church - Audio
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25:52Jesus’ preaching in the synagogues has an important message that’s so obvious it’s easy to missPar Rev. Matthew D. Priem
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