Twee keer per week het belangrijkste autonieuws. Met: Noud Broekhof.
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Meilleurs Auto podcasts que nous avons pu trouver
Meilleurs Auto podcasts que nous avons pu trouver
Calling all motorheads and car enthusiasts, we have collated podcasts for all things automotive from Porsche, Jaguar, Ferrari, Tesla, Ford, and more. Listen to these podcasts if you are looking for a new car, listen to repair advice, find out what's trending, interviews with industry professionals, car reviews, or simply just insightful discussions about all things automotive.
As novidades e os bastidores do mundo dos carros, com o jornalista Fernando Miragaya. Toda semana tem notícias sobre o mercado automotivo, entrevistas e dicas para escolher o seu novo carro. Siga o Autorama nas redes sociais e se inscreva no nosso canal do Telegram. Uma produção Colmeia Podcast.
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Um podcast da Razão Automóvel
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Podcast der Sendungen "Bücherbar" und "Thüringen liest" vom Erfurter Bürgerradio Radio F.R.E.I. (UKW96,2MHz, offene Sendefläche). In der Sendung werden vorrangig Thüringer Autorinnen und Autoren, Verlage etc. vorgestellt. Sendezeit: 3. Mittwoch im Monat ab 16:00 Uhr, die Wiederholung am 4. Mittwoch. Für Fragen, Kommentare und Hinweise bin ich sehr dankbar!
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Hier gibt es Fahrberichte, Autotests und Autopräsentationen in Form von kurzen Radiobeiträgen von weniger als drei Minuten. Kontakt:
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Novináři Seznam Zpráv čtou své komentáře a glosy. Žádné syntetické hlasy, ale skuteční tvůrci, z jejichž projevu poznáte, čemu přikládají důležitost. Každý všední den na a ve všech podcastových aplikacích.
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Egal ob Kleinwagen oder Supersportwagen, hier werden wir Dir eine Menge spannender Autos vorstellen. Da es zu jedem Auto eine Geschichte gibt, werden uns Experten diese Stories erzählen. Was die hier vorgestellten Autos können und was sie nicht können, finden wir für Dich heraus. Und wir versprechen Dir, dass wir uns die Autos genau anschauen! Also, wenn etwas Mist ist, dann reden wir drüber. Offen und ehrlich, aber auch mit einer Menge Spaß.
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Your weekly dose of auto industry news and conversation with top executives, specifically tailored for the used-car side of the business.
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The Car Shipping Business Channel
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Qui sommes-nous ? D’où venons-nous et où allons-nous ? Quelles nouvelles pistes de recherche face à ces questions plus vives que jamais en ce XXIè siècle de tous les dangers et de tous les possibles ? Comment partager les découvertes en sciences dures comme en sciences humaines, des chercheurs et chercheuses au Nord mais aussi au Sud, qui font avancer les connaissances, à la fois sur nous-même et sur les autres vivants sur terre voir ailleurs dans l’univers ? De l’infiniment petit à l’infini ...
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We really can’t predict the future … because nobody can. What we can do, though, is help auto manufacturers recognize, prepare for, and profit from whatever comes next. Auto Supply Chain Prophets gives you timely and relevant insights and best practices from industry leaders.
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The Auto Detailing Podcast
Jimbo Balaam interviews guest like Barry Meguiar, Jason Rose, Yvan Lacroix,
The Auto Detailing Podcast is a show dedicated to all things auto detailing. Whether you are a weekend warrior, drive way detailer, just starting your detail business, or you have been detailing for many years there is something we can all learn. This show gives you valuable tips, tricks and interviews with todays top detailers across the world. We focus heavily on efficiency and award winning results - We keep it real and make sure every episode gives you multiple take aways to make you a b ...
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Podcast by Auto Retail Network
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News, views, features and commentary about the automotive repair and service industry in Canada.
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správy, ktorým môžete veriť
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Revista literária com entrevistas com autores, poesias, dicas de livros e também notícias sobre o mundo da literatura e as últimas publicações do Senado Federal Apresentação: Anderson Mendanha Produção: Anderson Mendanha, Ana Beatriz Santos e Ritta Zumba Sábado, às 17h, e domingo, às 9h, pela Rede Senado de Rádio. Disponível na internet e nas plataformas de podcasts às sextas-feiras.
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Sécurité routière, radars, prix de l'essence, Christophe Bourroux décode l'actualité automobile pour vous chaque semaine.
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Die Welt ist in Bewegung - und zu komplex, um jeden Teilbereich der (Auto)-Mobilität komplett zu durchschauen: Kommt der Feinstaub vom Diesel? Wie funktioniert eine Brennstoffzelle? Worin unterscheiden sich Hybridantriebe? Wieviel CO2 emittieren Elektroautos? Wie schädlich ist NOx? auto motor und sport hilft, den Überblick zu behalten, erklärt Technik und Technologie, räumt mit Vorurteilen auf und beleuchtet kontrovers diskutierte Sachverhalte.
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Listen to Payne Auto Talk for auto industry insights on all new and used brands available by the Payne Auto Group! Located in South Texas Rio Grande Valley area and established since 1949 we are well versed in automotive from whats best buy for your buck to whats hot and coming to the car world! Lo que tu quieres REGARDLESS!
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"Drive to Success: Mastering Auto Finance" is a podcast that delves into the complexities of the auto finance industry, offering listeners expert insights and practical advice on loan options and vehicle refinancing. Each episode equips car buyers with the knowledge to navigate their financing decisions wisely, ensuring they achieve the best possible outcomes in their auto purchasing experiences.
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Produzido pelo produtor Gilson de Lazari e o editor Rogério Cocão, esse podcast relaxante, explora as curiosidades das canções populares da musica mundial, com um olhar simples e direto a respeito das obras e autores que as compuseram.
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Welcome to the Auto Buyers Guide Podcast, powered by Alex on Autos! Alex Dykes and Tim Mosso discuss current automotive industry topics, news and car-buying info.
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Týždenný podcast magazínu Auto Bild vám prináša náš pohľad na dôležité témy, ktoré hýbu svetom automobilov. Filip Kadlečík a Milan Adámek diskutujú o štvorkolesových novinkách, zaujímavostiach z histórie, ale aj servisných témach či nových legislatívnych návrhoch a výzvach, ktoré prináša prechod na nízkoemisnú mobilitu.
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Der laut-starke Mobilitäts-Podcast zu Auto, Motorrad und mehr von und mit Sebastian Bauer und Clemens Gleich. Ob mit zwei oder vier Rädern, autonom oder elektrisch. Clemens Gleich und Sebastian Bauer diskutieren Themen rund um Autos und Motorräder, die sie gerade bewegen. Mal ernst, mal zynisch.
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Tous les samedis, Jean-Luc Moreau et Laurence Peraud vous donnent rendez-vous pour faire le tour de l'actualité automobile, entre 10h et 12h. Retrouvez "On parle auto" chaque samedi sur Sud Radio et en podcast. Retrouvez toute l'actualité de l'automobile sur notre page dédiée.
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At AZ Auto Aesthetics, we take great pride in being a comprehensive, full-service facility. We invite everyone to stop by our facility and take a tour. We are open 7 days a week. We can’t wait to pamper your vehicle. AZ Auto Aesthetics 7613 E Ray Rd #114 Mesa, AZ 85212 Phone: 480-241-9324 Website:
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Podcast de propiedad intelectual para «dummies», en el que respondemos a todas vuestras dudas sobre este apasionante mundo de los derechos de autoría, en particular, y la propiedad intelectual, en general. Podéis dejar las preguntas en y quienes estamos al otro lado, Ainara LeGardon, música y experta en propiedad intelectual, y Alberto Cortés, responsable del podcast ERA Magazine, trataremos de dar respuesta.
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Du lundi au vendredi à 5h40, les correspondants à l'étranger de RTL vous disent tout de l'actualité internationale.
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Die traditionsreichste Sachbuchsendung im deutschen Sprachraum stellt seit über 50 Jahren jeweils ein Buch eines Autors eine Stunde lang im Gespräch vor. Die Themen reichen von Politik und Wirtschaft bis zu Gesundheit, Erziehung oder Psychologie.
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Carmine Mallozzi and Vince Ieluzzi from help you find out how you can customize your pre-owned vehicle purchase. Never step foot in a dealership again - shop for a vehicle from the comfort of your own home or office. Find the car of your dreams, while saving thousands of dollars. Find out one of the best kept secrets in the industry!
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The Auto Repair Marketing Podcast with Kim and Brian Walker. Experts in their field who work with shop owners take it to the next level and create a unique approach to marketing. See the growth in your business you’ve been working so hard for by using time-proven marketing that works, fueled to go further by your shop's uniqueness.
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Welcome to the most influential and listened to podcast for the Car Care Industry. We are the #community that brings you fresh perspectives, real talks, motivational encouragement and we probably will be drinking some fine fermentations while we do it...but if you want to watch live then join in for the live feed on . Grab A Pint And Enjoy 🍻
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Música, principalmente rock, e assuntos relacionados. Bem vindo a sua imaginação!;/autoreversepod Twitters: @faneinbox @marcel_ezc @bragantti
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The walls are closing in on Franchised Retail Auto Dealers as the industry is moving at break-neck velocity toward a new way of doing business. The convergence of economic and social volatility, new entrants like Tesla and Carvana, and the new rules of retail are putting Auto Dealers in a crucible that will either destroy them or refine them.Auto Collabs brings you deep into real-talk conversations with the brightest operators and innovators in the Retail Auto Industry who believe the Dealer ...
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Neste podcast, o Prof. Dr. João Oliveira, pioneiro no Brasil em Hipnose Neurossensorial, compartilha áudios exclusivos de auto-hipnose neurossensorial produzidos pela Casa dos 7 Saberes. Esses áudios foram cuidadosamente elaborados para proporcionar uma experiência profunda de relaxamento e transformação. Para obter o máximo benefício, recomendamos que você utilize fones de ouvido e esteja confortavelmente sentado ou deitado, com os olhos fechados, durante a escuta. Quer saber mais sobre os ...
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You are listening to The Auto Tech Show, a podcast dedicated to the evolution of technology in the automotive industry! Join your host, Marc Babin, as he talks shop with industry experts on this ever-changing landscape. From the latest in tech to groundbreaking new processes, you won’t want to miss a single episode.
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Kreatives Schreiben - Schreibtipps und Interviews für (werdende) Autoren! Möchtest du endlich deinen eigenen Roman schreiben? Trotz Alltagsstress, wenig Zeit oder Selbstzweifeln den Schreibhürden trotzen? Dann bist du hier richtig!
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Auto Off Topic is a weekly podcast where we talk cars, adventures with cars or anything that might be related to cars. We’ll even have the occasional guest.We’ll share the highs and lows of old car/project car ownership. We’ll tell cautionary tales about rusty bolts, blown head gaskets, snapped timing belts, spun bearings, janky wiring and how we fixed them. When not wrenching, we enjoy back road driving and our local Cars and Coffee. The hosts Brad DeSantis and Andrew Pascarella are two car ...
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Die autorevue zum Anhören. Willkommen bei unserem Podcast. Wir präsentieren euch die besten autorevue-Geschichten aus 55 Jahren, persönlich gelesen von den Autoren und Autorinnen.
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auto motor und sport Podcasts
auto motor und sport, Jens Dralle, Sebastian Renz, Patric Otto, Patrick Lang, Tobias Grüner, Michael Schmidt, Andreas Haupt, Gerd Stegmaier, Luca Leicht
auto motor und sport steht seit über 70 Jahren für Technik und Leidenschaft rund ums Automobil. Hier bekommen sie alle Podcasts der Redaktion. Vom lockeren Auto Talk Übersteuern und jeder Menge unnützem Fachwissen über Autos von früher und heute, über Formel 1-Expertentalk Formel Schmitt mit F1-Guru Michael Schmitt und den Wissenpodcast ams erklärt bis hin zum New Mobility Format Moove, in dem Experten über die Zukunft und von den Herausforderungen sprechen, die neue Antriebsformen, Assisten ...
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Welkom bij Andy in de auto! Profvoetballers, BN’ers, artiesten en Influencers stappen bij Andy in de auto voor een ritje en een goed gesprek! Elke dinsdag om 19:30 een nieuwe gast in de auto!
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Podcast - La 5e de Couv' - Le podcast de débat autour du manga !
Podcast - La 5e de Couv' - Le podcast de débat autour du manga !
Le podcast de débat autour du manga !
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Auto Finance News is pleased to present The Roadmap, the podcast on best practices and trending topics in automotive lending and leasing. If you are in auto finance, this is your podcast. Auto Finance News, published by Royal Media, is the flagship publication for the auto finance industry. Published since 1996, Auto Finance News is the nation’s leading source for news, insights and analysis on automotive lending and leasing. Auto Finance News offers a Premium subscription service, which inc ...
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Stewart Howden, Steve Saffier and J.R. Russ talk classic cars and more, often with special guests, centered around the nearly 1,000 classic cars and "barn finds" all under one roof at the climate controlled Classic Auto Mall. You get to hear awesome stories from great guests like legendary race car driver Scott Pruett, Coker Tire founder Corky Coker, NASCAR Crew Chief Ray Evernham, NASCAR Driver Harry Dinwiddie, Al Liebmann of Racing Junk, Dave Makers of Mecum, Bring a Trailer co-founder Ran ...
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Ventajas del aprendizaje autoregulado
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Wöchentlich ins Gespräch gebracht: Bücher-Menschen. Unterhaltsam, informativ, einzigartig. "Der vielleicht coolste Bücherpodcast im deutschsprachigen Raum" -Wolfgang Ainetter, Autor, Ex-Ministeriums-Sprecher Denn sprengerspricht autorinsights ist kein klassischer Bücherpodcast. Es ist ein wöchentliches Talkformat in dem spannende Menschen - auch im wörtlichen Sinn - miteinander ins Gespräch gebracht werden. Über viele Dinge. Somit bringt vor allem der erste Part auch Leuten, die nicht lesen, ...
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"Auto Care ON AIR" is a candid podcast dedicated to exploring the most relevant topics within the auto care industry. Each episode features insightful discussions with leading experts and prominent industry figures. Our content is thoughtfully divided into four distinct shows to cover four different categories of topics, ensuring collective professional growth and a comprehensive understanding of the auto care industry. The Driver's Seat: Navigating Business and the Journey of Leadership To ...
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Mastering the Art of Detailing with Phil Miranda from Miranda Detailing
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In this episode, I sit down with Phil Miranda from Miranda Detailing to talk all things detailing! Phil shares his expertise, tips, and stories from his years of experience in the detailing industry. Don’t forget to Check out the Jimbo's Detailing line of products and use code YOUTUBE for 20% OFF your order. 📌 Follow Miranda Detailing: YouTube: htt…
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What Do You Look Like When You're Not There? [E133]
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What impression does your business leave behind when you’re not there? In this episode, we tackle a vital question every shop owner should consider: What do you look like when you're not there? From the way your team interacts with customers to the legacy you leave for your family, this discussion will inspire you to reflect on your leadership and …
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Carpool Conversations: Brave Moves for a Bold Life
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We've got a treat for you as we bring together our host, Jacki Lutz, and her guests Charles Sanville, the Humble Mechanic, and Frank Leutz from Wrench Nation to the mic, sharing an inspiring perspective from the AAPEX Show. The auto industry isn't just about nuts and bolts; it's about human stories and shifting priorities. As Millennials and Gen Z …
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At the heart of The Prophets’ vision are “The 24 Essential Supply Chain Processes.” What are they? Find out, and see the future yourself. Click here 2024 is coming to a close, and it’s that time when we reflect on what we’ve achieved and, more importantly, what we’ll do differently in the year ahead. But here’s the hard truth: in the automotive ind…
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Er gaat veel veranderen voor autobezitters per 1 januari 2025. 'Veel wordt duurder', zegt Noud Broekhof van De Nationale Autoshow. Dit is het overzicht: Eigenaren van een elektrische auto gaan motorrijtuigenbelasting (MRB) betalen. In 2025 geldt een kwarttarief. Ook de MRB op plug-in hybrides gaat verder omhoog (van half- naar driekwarttarief). De …
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Ugly Sweater Christmas Eve: Actual Automotive News ATI AE show 378
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En cette période de fêtes, Christophe Bourroux démêle le vrai du faux sur sur l'alcool et la drogue au volant. Toutes ces "astuces" comme boire un café serré, sucer un bonbon à la menthe, est-ce vraiment efficace pour conduire serein ?Par Christophe Bourroux
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#235 Kleine John - Bij Andy in de auto!
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Kleine John bij Andy in de auto! Youtuber en artiest, bekend geworden door onder andere zijn straatinterviews en Smash or Pass video’s. Sinds twee jaar brengt hij ook muziek uit en heeft al meerdere hits gescoord zoals “C’est La Vie en Samen. Leuke jongen met een hart van goud, straalt veel positiviteit uit en mooi om deze Topper in de auto te hebb…
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Le marché du véhicule électrique est-il vraiment en panne en Europe ?Par Laurence Péraud et Jean-Luc Moreau
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Ouça apenas sentado ou deitado com os olhos fechados. Essa indução foi executada pela Profa. Dra. Beatriz Acampora.
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LEMBRAM-SE DISTO? Os brinquedos que nos fizeram GOSTAR DE CARROS
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Neste episódio trocamos presentes e recordamos os brinquedos que fizeram de nós os petrolhead que somos hoje. O Auto Rádio é um podcast da Razão Automóvel, com o apoio do Pisca Pisca, o portal de usados onde podem encontrar o vosso próximo carro: 🎧 Disponível no YouTube, Spotify e Apple Podcasts…
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Final Episode of 2024! Learning From 2024 and All That Happened. Episode #887
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In this episode of the Pints and Polishing Podcast, Marshall and Nick discuss the key learnings from 2024 for their company, Hyper Clean. They emphasize the importance of quality over quantity in product releases, the challenges of organization and growth, and the role of distributors and YouTube in expanding their business. The conversation also t…
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#2: Einzelfall oder System? Kienle und der millionenschwere Oldtimer-Betrug
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Thorsten Link im auto motor und sport Erklärt-Podcast Der Mercedes 300 SL gilt seit vielen Jahren als Wertanlage. Doch Ende 2023 trat ein Betrugsskandal ans Licht, der es in sich hat. Klaus Kienle, einer der renommiertesten Restauratoren der Welt, soll seit Jahrzehnten Fahrzeuge gefälscht haben. Während die Staatsanwaltschaft in diesem millionensch…
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In this episode of Drive To Success: Mastering Auto Finance, we explore the ins and outs of auto loan refinancing and how it can help you save money, lower your monthly payments, or pay off your car sooner. Learn about top refinancing options from major lenders like LightStream, Bank of America, and Capital One, along with member-focused solutions …
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Classic Auto Mall - #085 - Stewart Howden & Steve Saffier
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Archive show #085 airdate 04-21-23 - Hosts Stewart Howden & Steve Saffier talk all things automotive with Classic Car collecting tips. Recorded in our Showcase Studio just inside the entrance of the Classic Auto Mall in Morgantown, PA, Host Stewart Howden, Classic Auto Mall President and Classic Car Specialist Steve Saffier talk about this unique a…
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Project Car Resolutions 2024
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Welcome to the final episode of 2024. This is Auto Off Topic Wrapped with some project car updates, resolutions and a recap of our 2024. Thanks for all the listens and happy holidays. Please Rate, review and subscribe to the podcast on your favorite listening platform. Comments, Questions, complaints; email us at Join the Dis…
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Vážení poslucháči, ďakujeme vám za priazeň, ktorú ste nám počas tohto roka prejavili. Pracujeme na tom, aby bol náš podcast lepší a tak si od neho teraz na pár týždňov oddýchneme. Po pauze sa prihlásime v novej podobe, aj s videom. Prajeme vám krásne sviatky! Ak nás chcete podporiť, najlepšie to spravíte kúpou nášho mesačníka, ideálne predplatným. …
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GWM WEY 05 In dieser Folge nehmen wir den WEY 05 von Great Wall Motors unter die Lupe. Auf unserer Testfahrt beeindruckt das chinesische Plug-In Hybrid-SUV mit einer Systemleistung von 476 PS, modernen Assistenzsystemen und erstaunlich geringem Verbrauch. Erfahre, wie sich der SUV auf der Straße schlägt und was ihn von der Konkurrenz abhebt. Hier g…
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In this episode we want to discuss why “do it yourself” ceramic coatings for your car can be risky and what are the professional alternatives to protect your vehicle. If you live in the Phoenix area, visit AZ Auto Aesthetics. We’ve been working with ceramic coatings for cars in Mesa and Scottsdale for years. Our professional ceramic coating service…
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The Art of Human Connection in the Data-Driven Automotive Industry with Carol Marshall
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Send us a text AI may be the future, but Carol Marshall reminds us it’s the human touch that keeps the automotive industry thriving. Carol Marshall, COO of ActivEngage, brings a refreshing blend of wisdom, innovation, and a touch of "grandparent vibes" to this episode of Auto Collabs. As the pioneer of conversational commerce for car dealerships, C…
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Reliable Cars Aren't Satisfying? Why does GM have so many EV trucks? Audi Gets A Q6,
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According to the latest Consumer Reports data, Rivian is a paradox, they are the least reliable new car brand in America but also the one the most people would buy again. This makes us wonder: is new car reliability, well, unreliable? The answer is yes, and we may never know how reliable a new car is ever again...…
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Bank pullback in asset-backed lending has spurred growth for lenders that provide floorplan financing for independent dealers, while banks are expected to further tighten credit access in 2025 as demand weakens. Floorplan providers First Business Bank and NextGear Capital have seen a boost in their portfolios as dealers use more of their floorplan …
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Overtrail. Das ist der Beiname, den Lexus einem neuen NX Ableger gegeben hat. Der Name sagt dabei schon aus, dass der NX Overtrail auf rauen Wegen mit der gleichen Souveränität unterwegs ist wie in der Stadt. Damit ist der neue SUV ideal für alle, ob als perfekter Partner für Ausflüge, für das Erkunden neuer Horizonte oder das Aufladen der eigenen …
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Tune into the Enhanced Media portion of the December 2024 issue of CARS magazine to hear more from Craig and Heather Maidens, from Maidens Family Auto Care, winner of the 2024 Shop of the Year Award, sponsored by Milwaukee Tool. Support the showPar Auto Service World
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Auto Retail Live: Outlook for 2025
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2024 has been a tough year with supply outstripping demand, electric vehicle targets pushing the market and sluggish economy putting ever more pressure on consumer wallets. As well as these ongoing factors, in 2025 retailers will also have to deal with a leap in employment costs. However, as an industry we never fail to learn and adapt, so what doe…
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Episode 55: Volkswagen ID 'Buzz' (w/Freddie Flores)
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In the 55th Episode of Payne Auto Talk, Chris Marshall [Payne Street Team] sits down with returning guest Freddie Flores [General Manager of Payne Mission Volkswagen-Mitsubishi] and they discuss the return of the VW Van in the form of the Volkswagen ID 'Buzz'. This all-electric, 7-passenger van has the best of the new with an old-school flavor, and…
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Transforming Tire Sales: Merging Digital Innovation with Seamless In-Store Solutions
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In this episode of the Auto Tech Show, host Marc Babin wraps up the SEMA Auto Show 2024 series with Chance Harrington from Tire Connect by Bridgestone. They discuss the evolution of tire sales, the impact of digital transformation on consumer behavior, and the importance of transparency and trust in the purchasing process. The conversation also hig…
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Parkway Auto December Edition
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Looking to buy or sell a pre-owned vehicle? Vince Ieluzzi helps you navigate the pre-owned vehicle landscape! On today's show, learn about the how to make the decision of either to go for brand new vehicle or slightly used cars when trading through Parkway Auto, you will also hear Vince's input as he answers listener questions! Call him any time at…
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Experian connects vehicle collateral quality with defaults
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Experian Automotive senior director Jim Maguire came to Used Car Week 2024 in Scottsdale, Ariz., with a straightforward premise for his presentation — the connection between vehicle collateral quality and the likelihood of default. After spending time with attendees, Maguire gave a recap of the Experian data and insight that supported this thesis f…
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