Confession time... I am always late. Let it be .2 seconds or 1 minute. It seems to happen. Call me over-prepared, call me extra. Let it be. That's Natty Bee! I am always lending a creative hand where I can. I bring more than necessary to the table, but let me tell you -- it always works out. As it may, all of us have a story that is only ours. Well, 1 Minute Late is the safe space the universe has given me. I want to share this silly energy with others and learn more about people in the proc ...
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Episode 1 - Music Assassin
Lire Plus Tard
Lire Plus Tard
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1:17:24#1minlate is a space for artists to discuss openly the many various techniques we use to remain creative in our ever-changing lives. We recently had the pleasure to enjoy some wine and great conversation with Robert Abramian. Moving from Russia to America at 13 years old, Robert has become a multi-cultural, multi-instrumentalist whom graces many op…
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