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A church teaching people to live and love like Jesus in the suburbs of Philly.
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Horizon is one church in many locations in the SW Portland Metro Area. We exist to encourage people to follow Jesus with their whole heart.
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Horizon is one church in many locations in the SW Portland Metro Area. We exist to encourage people to follow Jesus with their whole heart.
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Responding to The Messiah| Matthew 21:18-32
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38:30Jesus knew His purpose on Earth. His three-year ministry was important, but His real mission was unequivocal and stark: to die a torturous, sacrificial death. There was no doubt about it. As an Old Testament scholar, Christ intimately understood the Messianic prophesies and His role in their fulfillment. Quite often, while teaching and leading His …
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We kick off a new series about trials and stress and pressure. How do we respond when it feels like life is an inescapable furnace? We’ll look at Peter’s words to the early Christian’s facing persecution under the tyrant Nero, and I hope all of us will find the courage, the endurance and the faith to keep going, keep loving our neighbors and keep p…
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Touching God With Michelangelo
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32:58An artist’s job is to create works that attract attention or evoke emotion -- a dramatic story, a colorful moment, or an inspiring person. It’s no wonder that throughout history, painters and sculptors have chosen to depict Jesus; He makes great subject matter for art. Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Donatello, Rembrandt, and thousands more have h…
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Welcoming the Messiah| Matthew 21:1-17
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37:37Jesus knew His purpose on Earth. His three-year ministry was important, but His real mission was unequivocal and stark: to die a torturous, sacrificial death. There was no doubt about it. As an Old Testament scholar, Christ intimately understood the Messianic prophesies and His role in their fulfillment. Quite often, while teaching and leading His …
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Discovering Myself Through da Vinci
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33:04An artist’s job is to create works that attract attention or evoke emotion -- a dramatic story, a colorful moment, or an inspiring person. It’s no wonder that throughout history, painters and sculptors have chosen to depict Jesus; He makes great subject matter for art. Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Donatello, Rembrandt, and thousands more have h…
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Binoculars: Will I See What God Has Coming?| Matthew 20:29-34
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31:32Jesus prepared His inner circle for the climax of His story -- something momentous was on the way. The book of Matthew records His instructions, as He explained how to best weather life’s dangers, including the impending storm of His own betrayal and crucifixion. His words weren’t only relevant to His disciples; the strategies He taught can help us…
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In our final message in our series about doubt, we explore the prayer of a father who tells Jesus, "I believe, help my unbelief." The discussion questions this week are: 1. Have you ever prayed, “Help me God”? What was the situation, and what happened after that prayer? 2. Where do you see yourself on the Engel Scale of belief? What step might be n…
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We continue our series about Thomas the famous doubting disciple. This week's discussion questions are: 2/16/25 Discussion QuestionsThe sermon contrasts Thomas's nickname "Twin" with the later label "Doubter." How does understanding his original nickname change your perception of him?What are the key differences between genuine doubt and cynicism, …
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You may remember from childhood a series of hand gestures accompanied by the rhyme, “Here is the church, here is the steeple. Open the doors and see all the people.” Is that what comes to mind when you think of a church? Or do you simply picture a building? For centuries, churches weren’t buildings. They were just a group of people who were focused…
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Cup: Can I Drink What God Has Poured?| Matthew 20:17-28
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38:38Jesus prepared His inner circle for the climax of His story -- something momentous was on the way. The book of Matthew records His instructions, as He explained how to best weather life’s dangers, including the impending storm of His own betrayal and crucifixion. His words weren’t only relevant to His disciples; the strategies He taught can help us…
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We cancelled our February 9 Sunday gathering due to sickness. Here is a quick mini message from Alex and this week's discussion questions:Have you ever experienced a season of doubt in your faith? If so, what was that experience like?How do you typically respond when you have doubts about God? Do you lean in, push away, or something else?Does knowi…
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Magnifying Glass: Will I Trust the Vineyard owner? | Matthew 20:1-16
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36:58Jesus prepared His inner circle for the climax of His story -- something momentous was on the way. The book of Matthew records His instructions, as He explained how to best weather life’s dangers, including the impending storm of His own betrayal and crucifixion. His words weren’t only relevant to His disciples; the strategies He taught can help us…
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You may remember from childhood a series of hand gestures accompanied by the rhyme, “Here is the church, here is the steeple. Open the doors and see all the people.” Is that what comes to mind when you think of a church? Or do you simply picture a building? For centuries, churches weren’t buildings. They were just a group of people who were focused…
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We continue our series about doubt by talking about what it means to have child like faith.2/2/25 Discussion QuestionsHow has your understanding of "childlike faith" been shaped by your own experiences in church or religious settings?Have you ever felt that your questions or doubts were unwelcome in your faith community? If so, how did that experie…
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Finding a Source of Answers
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32:51You may remember from childhood a series of hand gestures accompanied by the rhyme, “Here is the church, here is the steeple. Open the doors and see all the people.” Is that what comes to mind when you think of a church? Or do you simply picture a building? For centuries, churches weren’t buildings. They were just a group of people who were focused…
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Life Preserver: Who am I Hedging to be My Savior? | Matthew 19:16-30
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35:35Jesus prepared His inner circle for the climax of His story -- something momentous was on the way. The book of Matthew records His instructions, as He explained how to best weather life’s dangers, including the impending storm of His own betrayal and crucifixion. His words weren’t only relevant to His disciples; the strategies He taught can help us…
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What James Says About Doubt
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18:52We continue our series on doubt and look at what James says about people who doubt. This week's discussion questions are below:Discussion Questions 1/26/251. Growing up, were you ever made to feel like doubt was a weakness or a sin? How has that impacted your faith or view of God? 2. How does the meaning of the Greek word diakrinoo (doubt) reshape …
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Map: Do My Commitments Impact My Relationships? | Matthew 19:1-15
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38:10Jesus prepared His inner circle for the climax of His story -- something momentous was on the way. The book of Matthew records His instructions, as He explained how to best weather life’s dangers, including the impending storm of His own betrayal and crucifixion. His words weren’t only relevant to His disciples; the strategies He taught can help us…
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You may remember from childhood a series of hand gestures accompanied by the rhyme, “Here is the church, here is the steeple. Open the doors and see all the people.” Is that what comes to mind when you think of a church? Or do you simply picture a building? For centuries, churches weren’t buildings. They were just a group of people who were focused…
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First Aid Kit: Am I Prepared for Conflict and Forgiveness? | Matthew 18:21-35
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35:11Jesus prepared His inner circle for the climax of His story -- something momentous was on the way. The book of Matthew records His instructions, as He explained how to best weather life’s dangers, including the impending storm of His own betrayal and crucifixion. His words weren’t only relevant to His disciples; the strategies He taught can help us…
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You may remember from childhood a series of hand gestures accompanied by the rhyme, “Here is the church, here is the steeple. Open the doors and see all the people.” Is that what comes to mind when you think of a church? Or do you simply picture a building? For centuries, churches weren’t buildings. They were just a group of people who were focused…
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Our Jan 19 Sunday gathering is canceled due to an impending winter storm. Here's a quick Look at the Psalms from Alex.Exploring Doubt in the PsalmsReflecting on Doubt: Many Psalms, such as Psalm 13 or Psalm 22, express raw feelings of doubt and despair. How do these Psalms resonate with your own experiences of questioning or uncertainty in faith?Th…
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We continue our series about doubt by exploring how doubt is possible both when God doesn't answer our prayers, and even when he does. This week's discussion questions are:1. How do you view the relationship between faith and doubt? Can doubt coexist withfaith, or does it feel like they are always in opposition?2. Have you ever experienced doubt in…
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You may remember from childhood a series of hand gestures accompanied by the rhyme, “Here is the church, here is the steeple. Open the doors and see all the people.” Is that what comes to mind when you think of a church? Or do you simply picture a building? For centuries, churches weren’t buildings. They were just a group of people who were focused…
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Compass: How Do I Point Out a Problem With Candor and Grace? | Matthew 18:15-20
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38:38Jesus prepared His inner circle for the climax of His story -- something momentous was on the way. The book of Matthew records His instructions, as He explained how to best weather life’s dangers, including the impending storm of His own betrayal and crucifixion. His words weren’t only relevant to His disciples; the strategies He taught can help us…
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Having Doubts About Christianity
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21:36We kick off a new series about doubt. Here's the discussion questions mentioned at the end of the message:Discussion Questions: 1/5/2025 1. Relating to Doubt◦ Have you ever experienced a "bitter laugh" like Sarah's, where disappointmentor hopelessness made belief difficult?◦ How does acknowledging the doubts of biblical figures like Abraham and Sar…
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Checklist: Do I Value the Little Things?| Matthew 18:1-14
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31:26Jesus prepared His inner circle for the climax of His story -- something momentous was on the way. The book of Matthew records His instructions, as He explained how to best weather life’s dangers, including the impending storm of His own betrayal and crucifixion. His words weren’t only relevant to His disciples; the strategies He taught can help us…
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You may remember from childhood a series of hand gestures accompanied by the rhyme, “Here is the church, here is the steeple. Open the doors and see all the people.” Is that what comes to mind when you think of a church? Or do you simply picture a building? For centuries, churches weren’t buildings. They were just a group of people who were focused…
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Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly
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20:59In our Dec 29 online service we look back at 2024 and look ahead to 2025 by asking what does God want from us?Par Horizon Community Church
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In our online only December 22 Sunday service we conclude our Advent series by talking about the deep desire in all of us for Eden, for a Christmas without end, and our band leads us in worship.Par Horizon Community Church
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Jesus came as a child, grew up to be a man, lived and died and lives again, but he's not around anymore, he left and we're waiting for him to come back. Why leave again? We discuss the ascension of Jesus during our third week of Advent.Par Horizon Community Church
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Spending time with family forces us to interact with people from different generations, with different priorities, and different temperaments. Often, this convergence of differences highlights just how dysfunctional our closest relationships can be. The good news is that God works in the midst of the imperfect, and He can fix what’s broken, even in…
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Mountains: Finding Faith and Freedom| Matthew 17:14-27
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34:43Horizon was founded with a motto: Yours to Explore. The idea was to create a place where people could comfortably investigate faith and God. That notion wasn’t something we grasped casually; it came directly from Jesus. His posture was warm, confident, and welcoming. He stood before skeptics and encouraged them to ask questions, test His miracles, …
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Guest speaker Martry Julius continues our Advent series by talking about how the arrival of Jesus disperses darkness and fear.Par Horizon Community Church
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Spending time with family forces us to interact with people from different generations, with different priorities, and different temperaments. Often, this convergence of differences highlights just how dysfunctional our closest relationships can be. The good news is that God works in the midst of the imperfect, and He can fix what’s broken, even in…
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Transfiguration: When God Reveals Himself Fully| Matthew 17:1-13
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33:39Horizon was founded with a motto: Yours to Explore. The idea was to create a place where people could comfortably investigate faith and God. That notion wasn’t something we grasped casually; it came directly from Jesus. His posture was warm, confident, and welcoming. He stood before skeptics and encouraged them to ask questions, test His miracles, …
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We kick off our Advent 2024 series with a message about how the Christmas story starts in Genesis 3.Par Horizon Community Church
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Expectations: When God Exceeds Our Mental Boxes | Matthew 16:13-28
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31:48Horizon was founded with a motto: Yours to Explore. The idea was to create a place where people could comfortably investigate faith and God. That notion wasn’t something we grasped casually; it came directly from Jesus. His posture was warm, confident, and welcoming. He stood before skeptics and encouraged them to ask questions, test His miracles, …
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Spending time with family forces us to interact with people from different generations, with different priorities, and different temperaments. Often, this convergence of differences highlights just how dysfunctional our closest relationships can be. The good news is that God works in the midst of the imperfect, and He can fix what’s broken, even in…
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Brokenness, Weakness and Grace
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24:56In between series in our Nov 24 Sunday gathering, Alex talks about the curious way our weakness and brokenness become containers for grace.Par Horizon Community Church
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Spending time with family forces us to interact with people from different generations, with different priorities, and different temperaments. Often, this convergence of differences highlights just how dysfunctional our closest relationships can be. The good news is that God works in the midst of the imperfect, and He can fix what’s broken, even in…
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Repetition: When God Makes Circumstances Rhyme | Matthew 15:29-16:12
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39:48Horizon was founded with a motto: Yours to Explore. The idea was to create a place where people could comfortably investigate faith and God. That notion wasn’t something we grasped casually; it came directly from Jesus. His posture was warm, confident, and welcoming. He stood before skeptics and encouraged them to ask questions, test His miracles, …
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The Power of Reconciliation
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35:31Spending time with family forces us to interact with people from different generations, with different priorities, and different temperaments. Often, this convergence of differences highlights just how dysfunctional our closest relationships can be. The good news is that God works in the midst of the imperfect, and He can fix what’s broken, even in…
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Tradition: When Our Preferred Practices Violate God’s Principles | Matthew 15:1-28
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36:48Horizon was founded with a motto: Yours to Explore. The idea was to create a place where people could comfortably investigate faith and God. That notion wasn’t something we grasped casually; it came directly from Jesus. His posture was warm, confident, and welcoming. He stood before skeptics and encouraged them to ask questions, test His miracles, …
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We have no in person Sunday gathering on Nov 17, instead Alex shares a short devotional about two Hebrew words.Par Horizon Community Church
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We conclude our series on politics with two pastoral imperatives from Alex: 1) show empathy whether your candidate won or lost and 2) build from the unmoving love of Jesus to repair the world through acts of service and love.Par Horizon Community Church
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Faith: When God Walks on Water|Matthew 14:22-36
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38:13Horizon was founded with a motto: Yours to Explore. The idea was to create a place where people could comfortably investigate faith and God. That notion wasn’t something we grasped casually; it came directly from Jesus. His posture was warm, confident, and welcoming. He stood before skeptics and encouraged them to ask questions, test His miracles, …
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Spending time with family forces us to interact with people from different generations, with different priorities, and different temperaments. Often, this convergence of differences highlights just how dysfunctional our closest relationships can be. The good news is that God works in the midst of the imperfect, and He can fix what’s broken, even in…
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Rejecting Political Violence
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22:28We continue our series about politics by talking about the temptation to use violence to influence change, and the necessity of following the teachings of our Master Jesus who taught enemy love.Par Horizon Community Church
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Seeing Myself Through Others
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38:46Spending time with family forces us to interact with people from different generations, with different priorities, and different temperaments. Often, this convergence of differences highlights just how dysfunctional our closest relationships can be. The good news is that God works in the midst of the imperfect, and He can fix what’s broken, even in…
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