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Mike Rubino is a pastor in the unique ministry environment of Long Island NY. He’s also the founder and director of Church Revitalize, which helps churches that need to revitalize their ministry, through cohorts, coaching, and more. Karl Vaters talks with Mike about church revitalization, with a focus on Mike’s new workbook, The Revitalize Roadmap:…
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James Metz retired after a career in information technology—working in both the public and private sectors. In 2013, inspired by a community discussion of Sandy Tolan’s book, The Lemon Tree, Metz and his wife Suzanne Hallberg joined with another couple to co-found Richmonders for Peace in Israel-Palestine (RPIP). In 2016, RPIP joined forces with Fr…
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Hoe kijken ondernemers in Nederland, en specifiek de grensregio’s met Duitsland, naar deze verkiezingen? En wat zegt deze uitslag over de positie van Duitsland en Europa ten opzichte van het Amerika van Donald Trump? Elif Isitman en Martijn de Greve bespreken het met: Ton Nijhuis, directeur van het Duitsland Instituut en hoogleraar Duitslandstudies…
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In this fascinating interview, Alex Lidow discusses his early exposure to semiconductors through his father and grandfather, who founded International Rectifier. Initially pursuing aeronautical engineering at Caltech, he shifted to solid-state physics, igniting a lifelong career. He shares his role in developing HexFETs, a groundbreaking transistor…
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I am still very early in my leadership role, but want to discuss what I have learned and what the role of a lead actually is! I hope you enjoy hearing what I have to say. Subscribe to my News Letterfor More LD Goodness: https://bit.ly/4eNPm8X ------------------------------ Level Design Products ------------------------------ Ebook - https://bit.ly/…
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We highlight two powerful voices shaping the climate conversation—Elise Silvestri, a college student and musician passionate about climate justice, and Linda Sue Park, an award-winning author using storytelling to inspire young activists. Elise, who has worked on the Citizens Climate Radio team for six months, shares her journey through eco-anxiety…
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Nach der Wahl. Die andere Betrachtung und unbequeme Fragen im neuen Lobbyland PodcastAlles verfällt in Stereotypen, selbstkritische Analysen finden nicht statt, die demontierte Demokratie und die Karambolagen werden zum Alltag? Lobbyland #70 mit: Marco Bülow & Magdalena Kircher--------------------Lobbyland jetzt auch als Hörbuch! 🎉Kostenlos runterl…
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In this episode, we are joined by John Cozine, Director, Compliance Services at State and Federal Communications. John guides us through the intricacies of city and county lobbying laws. Does a state law cover your lobbying registration requirements? Are cities and counties the only local organizations you need to concern about? Find out in this ep…
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Paul Noursi has been active with the Virginia Coalition for Human Rights (VCHR) since its founding in 2016. He is also active with several other organizations working for peace and justice in the Middle East, including the Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace, the New Dominion PAC, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, and the Arab A…
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De wolf rukt na lange tijd van weggeweest weer verder op in Nederland. Op de Veluwe zijn schapenhouders bang dat hun dieren ten prooi vallen en inwoners vrezen dat ze er eentje tegen het lijf zullen lopen. De wolf zorgt ook voor politieke verdeeldheid. Want hoe ga je om met het dier en is er wel ruimte voor in de Nederlandse natuur? Links wil inzet…
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Every church should be open to everyone who wants to attend. So, we need to be more purposeful about making sure we're not unintentionally denying access without realizing it. Barbara Stanley oversees Wonderful Works Ministry, which equips churches to serve families affected by disability. They have a large and growing set of resources to help chur…
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Brad Parker, Esq. is Senior Adviser, Policy and Advocacy at Defense for Children International. Parker specializes in issues of juvenile justice and grave violations against children during armed conflict, and leads DCIP’s legal advocacy efforts on Palestinian children’s rights. Parker regularly writes and speaks about the situation of Palestinian …
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Im Mittelpunkt dieser Folge steht natürlich der Wahlkampf und der Merz. Unser Ansatz, unsere Analyse beleuchtet die Situation aber von der Seite, die gerne im Dunkeln bleibt. Dazu gehen wir noch mal der Frage nach, warum wir in einer Feudalgesellschaft leben. Lobbyland #69 mit: Marco Bülow & Magdalena Kircher--------------------Lobbyland jetzt auch…
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Start of the new year is still in effect, and I am sure like many of you, you are itching to make new levels! With this video I want show you some of the best tools avalible to help improve your work for Unreal. Please subscribe to my News Letter: https://bit.ly/4eNPm8X ----------------------------- Resources ----------------------------- Advance L…
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Kan het negatieve advies van de Raad van State over de asielplannen van minister Faber ertoe leiden dat het kabinet valt? PVV-leider Wilders stuurde daarover al de eerste uitdagende X de wereld in. Martijn de Greve bespreekt het met: Guusje ter Horst. Oud-burgemeester van Nijmegen en minister van Binnenlandse Zaken van PvdA-huize. Alexander Bakker.…
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Danielle Watson manages American Forests’ climate policy portfolio, focusing on programs, policies, and funding that empowers those who steward state, private, and Tribal lands. She also supports policy and government relations needs for American Forests' Tree Equity and Resilient Forests programs. Prior to joining American Forests, Watson worked f…
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Saqib Ali served as a Democratic Party member of the Maryland House of Delegates. He represented District 39 from January 10, 2007 to January 12, 2011. Since leaving the legislature, he cofounded Freedom2Boycott in Maryland, an organization of Palestinian Solidarity activists dedicated to preserving their constitutional right to boycott Israel and …
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In this episode of “Lobbying Insider” podcast, Host Zack Fink sits down with Keith Wright of Wright Strategies and Bianca Rajpersaud of DHC to discuss the 2025 legislative session in Albany. Last month, Governor Hochul delivered her State of the State address, followed by her budget message a week later. We delve into the major policy proposals and…
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Start of Feb, so let us kick it off with more great resources for us to all grow & learn from! Wanting to learn more, please join my mailing list: https://bit.ly/4eNPm8X ----------------------------------------- Resources ----------------------------------------~ Preproduction Blueprint Book - https://www.worldofleveldesign.com/store/preproductionb…
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2026 wordt het ravijnjaar genoemd: dat wordt het jaar waarin gemeenten voor nog grotere financiële uitdagingen komen te staan. Is dat ravijn nog te ontwijken of gaan ze kopje onder? Martijn de Greven en Elif Isitman bespreken het met: De winnares van de felbegeerde titel ‘Beste lokale bestuurder van 2023’ en ook voor de verkiezing van 2024 maakt ze…
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A clergy sabbatical is not a luxury for the few, it’s an essential element in recalibrating your ministry and reestablishing healthy habits for ministry longevity. Sabbaticals are having a moment right now. With the accelerated pace of life and ministry, we’re recognizing their value in a fresh, new way. Sean Nemecek and the team at Pastor In Resid…
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Martin McMahon is a graduate of Fordham Law School, and an experienced litigator who has tried cases all over America. He has spent a number of years with the Securities Investor Protection Corporation, where he oversaw significant litigation matters in the Southern District of New York and in the Second Circuit. He has had private practice experie…
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Der Reichtum der Superreichen ist in den Krisenjahren unfassbar angewachsen. Über 9.000 Milliarden Euro beträgt das Privatvermögen der Deutschen mittlerweile. Unser erstes Thema, was perfekt überleitet, zum Gespräch über das neue Buch von Marco Bülow: Korrumpiert. Demokratie: Demontage, Karambolage, Montage. Viel Sprengkraft auch für diese Podcastf…
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Het is een van de vele hete aardappels van de coalitie: Lelystad Airport. PVV-minister Barry Madlener van Infrastructuur vindt dat het vliegveld gewoon open moet kunnen, ondanks eerder bezwaar van een Kamermeerderheid. Martijn de Greve en Elif Isitman bespreken het aan tafel met: Luchtvaartjournalist en politiek verslaggever bij Omroep Flevoland Ri…
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This week’s guest is Joseph DeMattos. Joe has decades of experience in public affairs in healthcare advocacy. Joe joins the podcast to talk about his journey from Hawaii to Maryland, his two new business ventures, building influence across two states, leadership philosophy, and more. You can connect with Joe on his LinkedIn Page at https://www.link…
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Een flinke domper voor het kabinet: de rechter gaf Greenpeace woensdag grotendeels gelijk in de natuurzaak tegen de Staat. Het kabinet moet van de rechter per direct meer doen om kwetsbare natuur te beschermen. In deze aflevering van WNL Haagse Lobby Extra bespreken Martijn de Greve, Thijs Hoek en Elif Isitman de impact van deze uitspraak op de lob…
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In the eighth and final episode of Hot Mess: How Climate Consensus Turned Into Political Chaos, we bring together a powerhouse panel of conservative leaders and thinkers to reflect on the series and chart a path forward. Former Republican Congressman Bob Inglis, Chelsea Henderson (host of EcoRight Speaks), and Katie Zakrzewski and Zach Torpie (host…
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James North is an independent writer, based in New York City, who has been reporting from Africa, Latin America and Asia for 44 years. He is also a contributing editor at Mondoweiss, the website that covers “News & Opinion About Palestine, Israel and the United States.” Over the years, North has written for The Nation, In These Times, and many othe…
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Discover the fascinating journey of Amar Gupta, a technologist and educator at MIT, as he shares insights into his groundbreaking work across industries. In this interview with our host, Daniel Bogdanoff, Gupta reflects on his early passion for innovation, which included the development of electronic check-processing systems that revolutionized glo…
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It is no secret that our industry is going through a difficult time, and so much is and has changed that I wanted to share some of my thoughts on what has changed and what to keep your eyes open for. Join the mailing list: https://bit.ly/4eNPm8X---------------------------------- Level Design Products ---------------------------------- EBooks Physic…
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Woensdag is een spannende dag voor het kabinet: dan doet de rechter uitspraak in de natuurzaak van Greenpeace. De milieuorganisatie eist dat de overheid de stikstofuitstoot snel en drastisch naar beneden schroeft. Krijgen ze gelijk, dan heeft dat gigantische gevolgen voor de landbouw en woningbouw. Martijn de Greve bespreekt de zaak met: - Andy Pal…
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Gregory Vetter is a former professional lacrosse player, entrepreneur, and author of Undressed. He turned a family salad dressing recipe into Tessemae’s, an organic salad company. He is also the co-founder of Alta Fresh Foods, Quenchers Vodka Drinks, as well as Tushees Portable Toilets. Greg joins the podcast to talk about his journey and more. You…
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CCL Research Coordinator Dana Nuccitelli examines the data volunteers can use to advocate for preserving the Inflation Reduction Act. This includes a discussion about the various provisions included in the IRA and the relative importance of each, the political climate in which those provisions find themselves, and a new database of IRA-funded clean…
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In this penultimate episode of Hot Mess: How Climate Consensus Turned Into Political Chaos, we expand our focus beyond the United States to explore the global landscape of climate skepticism. Climate denial is not just an American phenomenon but takes on unique forms in different nations, influenced by cultural, political, and economic factors. We …
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