RadioU's latest interviews with bands and artists!
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I podcast di Radio Utopia
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Used to Pirate the FM band but got caught by the FCC and haven’t done the show in 12 years. Looking to have some fun on the new platform, brand new to podcasting. We’re just a normal gang of people the like to talk about various subjects and have fun. Can’t wait.
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The RadioU Podcast features the best parts of RadioU! That includes RadioU Mornings with Hudson & Aly – the best way to start your day! From your first sip of coffee to your last-minute rush out the door, they’ve got your favorite music, fresh takes on sports and pop culture, artist interviews, food fights, and more. Hudson & Aly bring the energy, laughs, and just the right amount of chaos every morning on RadioU!
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Podcast by Lisa Von Massow
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Heloo there
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Podcast by RadioU Leslie
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Unbound is a new radio show focused on short fiction produced by Louisville Public Media and 89.3 WFPL, Louisville’s NPR radio station. The first season will be ten episodes of two authors on one theme. Awesome short stories read by memorable voices in new fiction.
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Daniel Ott is a visionary home and building designer. His company, White Willow, Designs is based in Hamilton Ontario.
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Emisora de radio juvenil dirigida por estudiantes de la Universidad Olmeca, donde se encontrara información de diversos tópicos.
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Boomerasking | The RadioU Podcast
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18:45Is Chipotle closing its stores? Also, how will NayNay react to Russell Wilson going to the Giants? We talk about the Washington Nationals revealing their City Connect jerseys, the new teaser trailer for Final Destination: Bloodlines, and lots more!Par RadioU
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Jason Moody on RadioU Mornings
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12:47Jason Moody is the creator of the all-new Anime TV series Gabriel and the Guardians and recently he stopped by the RadioU studios to chat with Hudson and Aly about the show! From world-building to behind-the-scenes details, Jason shares his creative process and vision for the future of the series.Par RadioU
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Pirate cruise | The RadioU Podcast
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40:55Are the Home Depot couple from TikTok still dating? Also, do we need to be worried about China's "Kill Mesh" in space? We talk about Japan running out of matcha, dirty things you notice when you visit someone else's house, and lots more!Par RadioU
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Ci stiamo avvicinando a Natale, e per questo oggi ci vogliamo soffermare su un episodio storico che, con il passare del tempo, è stato lentamente dimenticato dalla cronaca – ma che il regista francese Christian Carion nel 2005 ha riportato alla luce con Joyeux Noel – Una verità dimenticata dalla storia. Una pellicola ispirata alla vera tregua raggi…
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Il problema del libero arbitrio, croce e delizia dell’essere umano, non smette mai di intrigarci con i suoi 'se' e i suoi 'ma' – e in un’epoca come la nostra, in cui siamo talmente collegati da influenzare con ogni singola scelta la vita degli altri, non stupisce se qualche filosofo moderno trova il suo modo per affrontare la questione. È proprio i…
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Il film di cui parleremo oggi non solo definisce, ma – proprio - incarna il concetto di development hell, cioè quello stallo, in cui cadono le opere che per problemi di produzione rimangono in fase di sviluppo per anni o – come in questo caso – decenni. Diretto da Terry Gilliam, regista di Brazil e L’esercito delle 12 scimmie, L'uomo che uccise Don…
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Saturn is naked | The RadioU Podcast
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42:06Why are Saturn's rings gone? Also, how much money did Snow White make in it's opening weekend? We talk about Ashton Hall's morning routine, Adam Hadwin breaking a sprinkler at Valspar, and lots more!Par RadioU
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You gotta play with them | The RadioU Podcast
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47:53How much will Snow White make it's opening weekend? Also, did this MLB rookie hazing go too far? We talk about our RadioU birthday weekend, Mike Trout liking a controversial rule for his team, and lots more!Par RadioU
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Episode 242: 10 minuti oltre confine: In Groenlandia vince il centro-destra. Indipendenza sì, ma con calma
In Groenlandia vince il centro-destra. Indipendenza sì, ma con calma. A cura di Domenico Frascà di Frascà & Partners, Analisi geopolitica e politico-istituzionale.
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Fire crapper shrimp | The RadioU Podcast
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36:48What is the best US chain restaurant? Also, how much would you pay someone to carry you up a mountain? We talk about Scottie Sheffler's Masters menu, the best and worst James Bond theme songs, and lots more!Par RadioU
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Oggi parliamo di un film che dalla sua uscita nel 2014 ha conquistato la critica e il pubblico mondiale, aggiudicandosi ben tre Premi Oscar, come Miglior Attore Non Protagonista, Miglior Montaggio e Miglior Sonoro. Si tratta di Whiplash di Damien Chazelle, un’opera intensa e magnetica che racconta la storia di un giovane batterista determinato a ra…
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Non c’è dubbio sul fatto che McDonald’s sia oggi uno dei principali simboli della globalizzazione e del consumismo contemporaneo. La più nota catena di ristoranti fast food al mondo è ormai un simbolo riconosciuto in ogni dove, ma non molti sanno che dietro questo successo globale si nasconde una storia di ambizione, potere e tradimenti. A racconta…
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Tratto dall'opera teatrale Il dio del massacro della drammaturga francese Yasmina Reza oggi parliamo di Carnage, di Roman Polanski. Uscito nelle sale nel 2011, il film, girato quasi esclusivamente all'interno di un solo ambiente, racconta l’incontro folle e surreale tra due coppie newyorkesi che si trovano a confronto dopo una lite tra i rispettivi…
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Vincitore di 3 premi Oscar e 3 Golden Globes nel 2019, oggi parleremo di Green Book del regista Peter Farrelly. La pellicola racconta la storia – realmente accaduta – dell'insolita amicizia tra un buttafuori di origini italiane e un pianista afroamericano in tournée nel Sud degli Stati Uniti, nel periodo della segregazione razziale. Un viaggio tra …
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Ispirato all'omonimo romanzo di Daniel Wallace, Big Fish è il film che ha consacrato Tim Burton non solo come un grande visionario, ma anche come grande autore e cineasta nel senso più assoluto. Un film che riesce ad essere allo stesso tempo onirico, magico e spettacolare ma anche intimo, delicato e commovente. Complesso, strutturato e dai moltepli…
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Well Albies Darned | The RadioU Podcast
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27:59How much did the world's most expensive dog sell for? Also, what is the TikTok mermaid theory? We talk about Forever 21 closing their stores, Frontier announcing a free checked bag, and lots more!Par RadioU
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Premiato al Festival di Berlino nel 2003 e considerato il film con il maggior incasso nella storia della Germania, oggi parliamo di Good Bye, Lenin! di Wolfgang Becker, una pellicola tedesca, con attori tedeschi, che narra una storia profondamente tedesca, ma che in pochi mesi è diventata un vero e proprio fenomeno cinematografico mondiale.…
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Vincitore di 7 premi Oscar, 2 Golden Globes e 5 Critics Choice Awards, il filmEverything Everywhere All At Once è una caleidoscopica e surreale visione del concetto del multiverso. Un viaggio tra fantascienza, azione e dramma, che – grazie alla collaborazione dei registi Dan Kwan e Daniel Scheinert – trascina lo spettatore in un'avventura tanto imp…
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Candidato agli Oscar del 2018 come miglior lungometraggio d'animazione e vincitore del Premio del Pubblico al Festival d'Annecy, il film Loving Vincent, diretto dalla regista polacca Dorota Kobiela, è un incontro straordinario tra arte e cinema, un'esperienza visiva davvero unica nel suo genere.
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Campione d’incassi in patria e scelto dalla Corea del Sud come candidato per la (mancata) corsa agli Oscar, A Taxi Driver di Jang Hun riesce a trasformare i meccanismi narrativi tipici dei blockbuster in un racconto profondo, che tratta uno degli eventi più tragici e oscuri della storia sudcoreana: il Massacro di Gwangju.…
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Episode 241: 10 minuti oltre confine: Settimana di incontri sul futuro della sicurezza Europea
Settimana di incontri sul futuro della sicurezza Europea. A cura di Luca Galantini di Frascà & Partners, Analisi geopolitica e politico-istituzionale.
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Pickle de gallo | The RadioU Podcast
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49:29What is the right way to put detergent in the washer? Also, why is Looney Tunes being scrubbed from Max? We talk about the best new MLB ballpark food for 2025, Mark Rober exposing self-driving cars in his new video, and lots more!Par RadioU
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Oggi parliamo di un dramma storico, diretto da un maestro di questo genere, il regista del Gladiatore, Ridley Scott. A ben 84 anni il regista decide così, in qualche modo di tornare alle sue origini, richiamando con questo film l'atmosfera del suo esordio cinematografico, I duellanti (del 1977), la pellicola con cui aveva definitivamente abbandonat…
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Good luck Ohio! | The RadioU Podcast
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48:21Will NASA HQ be relocated from Washington D.C.? Also, will the Lilo & Stitch movie be any good? We talk about Jack Paul and Floyd Mayweather potentially gearing up for a fight, react to the March Madness bracket, and lots more!Par RadioU
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Jason Moody on RadioU Mornings
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12:47Jason Moody is the creator of the all-new Anime TV series Gabriel and the Guardians and recently he stopped by the RadioU studios to chat with Hudson and Aly about the show! From world-building to behind-the-scenes details, Jason shares his creative process and vision for the future of the series.Par RadioU
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New moons | The RadioU Podcast
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56:55Do men become obese after getting married? Also, where is Hawk Tuah girl? We talk about Bill Belichick telling his coaching staff to CC his girlfriend into all emails, Scott Peterson getting beat up in prison over pickleball, and lots more!Par RadioU
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Episode 240: 10 minuti oltre confine: Scontri in Siria occidentale tra Alawiti fedeli ad Assad e forze governative.
Scontri in Siria occidentale tra Alawiti fedeli ad Assad e forze governative. A cura di Domenico Frascà di Frascà & Partners, Analisi geopolitica e politico-istituzionale.
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Turtle pants | The RadioU Podcast
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41:46Would you buy an 8 TV set up just for March Madness? Also, is Ozempic causing users to get DMs from their exes? We talk about the lunar eclipse, Brett Favre encouraging Aaron Rodgers to join the Minnesota Vikings and lots more!Par RadioU
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We'll go with 1 and a half | The RadioU Podcast
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38:45Is Southwest dooming themselves with this new policy? Also, is gluten free food really better for you? We talk about Manchester United announcing their new stadium plan, the men shaving their eyelashes trend, and lots more!Par RadioU
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Episode 239: 10 minuti oltre confine: Gli Stati Uniti hanno già chiuso il dossier su Panama.
Gli Stati Uniti hanno già chiuso il dossier su Panama A cura di Luca Galantini di Frascà & Partners, Analisi geopolitica e politico-istituzionale.
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Thick Mints | The RadioU Podcast
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47:33Are Girl Scout cookies getting smaller? Also, how long will Avatar: Fire and Ash be? We talk about the NFL Free Agency getting off to a busy start, the most lonely dog in the UK, and lots more!Par RadioU
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Robot rizz | The RadioU Podcast
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50:46Why is everything covered with dust? Also, will AI help people find dates on Tinder now? We talk about the recent headlines from the NFL, try the Eggo Ice Cream Sandwiches in a Food Fight, and lots more!Par RadioU
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A sign of the end | The RadioU Podcast
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45:01Will Marvel release a Groot film? Also, what is going on with SpaceX's Starship tests? We talk about the FIFA World Cup considering going to 64 teams in 2030, Netflix announcing their next round of boxing matches, and lots more!Par RadioU
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Episode 238: 10 minuti oltre confine: L’appello di Öcalan e il possibile scioglimento del PKK.
L’appello di Öcalan e il possibile scioglimento del PKK. A cura di Luca Galantini di Frascà & Partners, Analisi geopolitica e politico-istituzionale.
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Longtime RadioU band The Protest joins RadioU Mornings with Hudson and Aly to discuss March Madness, Chicken Nuggets and their upcoming tour called the “March of Madness” tour!Par RadioU
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Longtime RadioU band The Protest joins RadioU Mornings with Hudson and Aly to discuss March Madness, Chicken Nuggets and their upcoming tour called the “March of Madness” tour!Par RadioU
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A deer with teeth | The RadioU Podcast
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38:24Can ChatGPT save a relationship? Also, what is cockroach milk? We talk about the new public domain horror movie called Bambi: The Reckoning, Monopoly coming out with an app banking version marketed to kids, and lots more!Par RadioU
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Highlighted the highlights | The RadioU Podcast
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35:18Would you try Taco Bell's upcoming new menu items? Also, will Taylor Swift break up with Travis Kelce because of her brand? We talk about the NFL contemplating hosting the Super Bowl overseas, what a radio scouting combine would look like, and lots more!Par RadioU
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Episode 237: 10 minuti oltre confine: Europei al summit di Londra per discutere di Ucraina e di sicurezza europea
Europei al summit di Londra per discutere di Ucraina e di sicurezza europea. A cura di Domenico Frascà di Frascà & Partners, Analisi geopolitica e politico-istituzionale.
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Cheetozard | The RadioU Podcast
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46:04What is the airport theory? Also, should workplaces keep a scale in their bathrooms? We talk about the Lt. Governor of Texas calling for the New York Strip Steak to be renamed, what Aly is giving up for Lent, and lots more!Par RadioU
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Get cracking | The RadioU Podcast
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50:25Will Pete Rose ever be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame? Also, is sports a valid reason to break up with someone? We talk about the Oscars, our upcoming RadioU Music Madness Tournament, and lots more!Par RadioU
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Episode 241 - The Floods Doth Come
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2:18:55Lots of celeb deaths and hot chicks on mugshawtys instagram page but in a rare serious tone the guys talk about the horrific flooding in Pikeville Kentucky where the fellas have visited many time. #kentucky #floods #womenPar Michael Justice
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Engaged ain't married | The RadioU Podcast
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48:26Is Gen Z right about millenial burger joints? Also Mummy Pig is what? We talk about Sydney Sweeney postponing her wedding, the Shrek 5 teaser trailer, and lots more!Par RadioU
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Episode 236: 10 minuti oltre confine: Merz vince le elezioni tedesche. Adesso serve un governo di coalizione.
Merz vince le elezioni tedesche. Adesso serve un governo di coalizione. A cura di Domenico frascà di Frascà & Partners, Analisi geopolitica e politico-istituzionale.
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Baseball bat to the knee | The RadioU Podcast
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1:02:44Why is Mars red? Also, how is Five Guys still in business? We talk about the latest drama with Love is Blind Season 8, the Mavericks bad-mouthing Luka Doncic, and lots more!Par RadioU
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The goodest boy in China | The RadioU Podcast
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26:29Are post-credit scenes a thing of the past? Also, why are Bhad Bhabie and Alabama Barker beefing? We talk about Home Chef collabing with Spongebob, Diana Taurasi announcing her retirement from the WNBA, and lots more!Par RadioU
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Episode 235: 10 minuti oltre confine: Violente proteste in Bulgaria contro l'adozione dell'euro.
Violente proteste in Bulgaria contro l'adozione dell'euro. A cura di Luca Galantini di Frascà & Partners, Analisi geopolitica e politico-istituzionale.
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Hudson and Aly are joined by GLADDEN as he talks about new music, social media, and lots more in this exclusive interview!Par RadioU
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Hudson and Aly are joined by GLADDEN as he talks about new music, social media, and lots more in this exclusive interview!Par RadioU
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Tush push | The RadioU Podcast
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48:51Should Aaron Judge grow a beard now? Also, is Fyre Festival legit this time? We talk about the Packers wanting to ban the tush push, talk with GLADDEN, and lots more!Par RadioU
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