Manage episode 441470773 series 2813987
Last week God ministered to us from I Corinthians 11:17-19. In the 17th verse Paul said; In the following directives I have no praise for you, for your meetings do more harm than good. Today that scripture is in reference to the fact that many churches, ministries, and meetings that are open in His name are hurting people more than helping them, the church is doing more harm than good. There’s more damage being done to the body of Christ than healings, deliverances, salvations or anything else. As I’ve stated in the past, it’s Christians who are destroying Christianity. Then hear what Paul said in the 18th verse of I Corinthians 11. That verse reads; 18 In the first place, I hear that when you come together as a church, there are divisions among you, and to some extent I believe it. Paul didn’t say that when they came together at work, on the jobs, at school, the grocery store or even in their homes. He said when they came together at church there were divisions among them. With all regret I must say that that has not changed and if there has been a change it’s only because it’s gotten worse. At this time in the body of Christ, I would have to say that the division, separation and disconnect in the church is on a level of being absolutely demonic. And as far as that division is concerned, this is not just in my opinion and it’s not just affecting a few but the entire body of Christ across this nation. To hear more of what our Father is speaking to us in this episode click on the buzzsprout.com link or go to your favorite podcast app and search for the title, This Is the Voice of the Prophet. Then look for the episode for this week, FAKE, PHONY, SHAMS AND SELF-DECEPTIONS! Part 2
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