Client case study: Do THIS to fit in big annual business tasks (like tax prep and accounting) when you’re short on room in your weekly business schedule!
Manage episode 468805219 series 3573042
I know you've got a nice, everyday, taking-care-of-my clients and handling-my-kids set of routines down.
In fact, you really like your typical work-from-home life!
But then comes along the reconciling, or the end-of-year accounting, or the back-end inventory-ing, and you HATE those tasks.
Not to mention, because you hate them, you've been putting them off for months, so you REALLY have a snowed-under to-do list!
It's not just a matter of entering this week's transactions - oh, no. It's more like “enter the last 9 months of transactions, and hope I get everything right!”
Your avoidance feelings make complete sense from a work/life balance perspective - because this one nasty task has gotten built up so much, that it's almost insurmountable to picture yourself actually making a dent in it!
So of course you're feeling discouraged and overwhelmed and not doing anything about it.
But what if you asked someone else for help…. And she told you THIS?
You’ve got this!
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So if this is on your radar right now - if you’re here for both the business ambition AND the being a present mom, without skipping out on your me time….
And you’d like to know your EXACT scheduling gaps plus how to bridge them in 10 minutes or less….
Fill out your very own Have It All Game Plan so I can take a look at your current work-from-home schedule plus to-do list.
I’ll send you a video telling you exactly what your gaps are and how to bridge them so that you can get the no guilt me time AND the kid time you need, starting this month (not next year!).
Grab your Game Plan here:
392 episodes