Welcome. My name is Danish Bhatti. I’m an assistant professor in the Department of Neurological Sciences at University of Nebraska Medical Center, and I have the pleasure of having Professor John Bertoni MD PHD, the Director for Parkinson’s Disease Program, with us today to discuss an important topic about nutrition and Parkinson’s disease. John Bertoni: Well, yes, we are co directors of the Parkinson’s Disease Clinic now. So it’s a pleasure working with you. And as you know, we’re into some important research about nutrition and Parkinson’s disease. Danish Bhatti: That’s right. So I have trained with you as a movement disorder fellow and I’ve been working with you for the last five years and I know that you’ve always paid attention to nutritional status and vitamins of your patient with Parkinson’s disease. And I’ve seen your patients do very well with their Parkinson’s disease for 20-30 years and still walking to clinic and coming regularly. And I’ve always tried to figure out what are those things that I can replicate and have my patients have similar outcome. So, you know, I am now working with you and we’re working together on this nutritional study of Parkinson’s disease. What would […] The post MD Podcast: Nutrition and Parkinson Disease appeared first on Danish Bhatti .…