Episode 353 - The 2023 Keighleys Post Show
Manage episode 388324814 series 3170165
This Week on The Casual Hour…
Another December, another Game Awards. The Casual crew comes together immediately after the curtains close to give our recap and reactions. Was Zelda robbed? Wasn’t that mech game cool? How is this show so long? The answers to all those questions and more on this edition of The Casual Hour!
// T W I T C H
M W F @ 9:00 PM CST
// S U B S C R I B E
We post Quick Looks and VOD from previous streams weekly!
// F O L L O W
All The Links: https://linktr.ee/thecasualhour
// T H E C A S U A L H O U R
Bobby Pease - Host @bobbypease https://twitter.com/Bobbypease
Chase Koeneke - Co-Host @chase_koeneke https://twitter.com/chase_koeneke
Johnny Amizich - Co-Host @jamizich https://twitter.com/jamizich
// M U S I C
Love our theme music? Patric Brown created it. You can follow his antics on Twitter @insaneanalog or check out more of his music and download our theme at www.insaneanalog.com
349 episodes