Episode 304 - GOTY 2023: The Casual Hour Top 10
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This Week on The Casual Hour…
We're closing the book on GOTY 2023 with each of The Casual Crew's top 10s. From little indies that could to the heavy hitters we all expected, we talk about all the games that wowed us over the past 12 months. And then we build our combined top 10 to see who really came out as the winner. Who will be number one? Find out on this edition of The Casual Hour!
// T W I T C H
M W F @ 9:00 PM CST
// S U B S C R I B E
We post Quick Looks and VOD from previous streams weekly!
// F O L L O W
All The Links: https://linktr.ee/thecasualhour
// T H E C A S U A L H O U R
Bobby Pease - Host @bobbypease https://twitter.com/Bobbypease
Chase Koeneke - Co-Host @chase_koeneke https://twitter.com/chase_koeneke
Johnny Amizich - Co-Host @jamizich https://twitter.com/jamizich
// M U S I C
Love our theme music? Patric Brown created it. You can follow his antics on Twitter @insaneanalog or check out more of his music and download our theme at www.insaneanalog.com
349 episodes