SF&S-S2-Ep.5 What do you have in mind?
Manage episode 349108528 series 3263433
A Bonjour John, comment vas-tu?
J Todo bien, gracias. Como vas? (All is good, thank you. How is it going?)
A: Je vais très bien, merci John.
A Aujourd’hui I would like us to talk about some expressions that use a different verb than in English to express the same thing.
J Que interesante! Cuéntanos que tienes en mente. (How interesting! What do you have in mind?)
A La première expression qui me vient à l’esprit - the first expression that comes to my mind is
prendre une décision - to make a decision
(to take)
Comment dit-on en espagnol ?
J En español decimos lo mismo, tomar una decisión. (In Spanish we say the same thing, to “take a decision”)
A Une autre expression - another expression
fais-moi savoir - let me know
faire (to do)
J En español sería: dejame saber o digame. (In Spanish it would be allow me to know or tell me).
A faire la sieste - to take a nap
(to do)
J Lo mismo en espanol, hacer la siesta (Likewise in Spanish, to do)
A faire attention - to be careful
J En español sería algo diferente: prestar atencion (In Spanish it would be a bit different, to lend attention)
A Nous n’avons que 2 auxiliaires - we only have 2 auxiliaries AVOIR et ËTRE but sometimes English and French do not use the same to express the same idea.
J’ai faim - I am hungry
(avoir-to have) - (to be)
J Igualmente en espanol, tener hambre (the same in Spanish, to have hunger)
A La même chose avec avoir soif - to be thirsty
J’ai soif - I am thirsty
J Tener sed (to have thirst)
A une autre expression avec les auxiliaires
Avoir mal à - to be hurting
(to have)
It is important to remember that the “à” will change to “au” in front of a masculin singular noun: j’ai mal au ventre
It will say “à la” in front of a feminin singular noun: j’ai mal à la tête
It will say “aux” in front of a plural noun masuclin or feminin : j’ai mal aux pieds
j’ai mal aux dents
J En espanol seria, estar enfermo(a) (in Spanish, it would be similar as in French).
À la prochaine
¡Hasta la próxima!
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