SF&S-S2-Ep4 Part 1 Let's Make Crêpes!
Manage episode 349108530 series 3263433
A Aujourd’hui, today, we are going to explore some vocabulary related to cooking while making crêpes, one of France’s specialties. I like to think of it as a dessert dish, but it is very delicious served savory. You can put about anything inside une crêpe, it is always yummy. Have you had one before?
J Sí, varias veces y son muy ricos! Yes, several times, and they are very delicious!
A We are at my house to make crêpes.
J Vamos a poder probar los crepes? Will we get to taste the crêpes ?
A Bien sûr John, of course John!
Allons-y ! Let’s go!
J Qué hacemos primero? What do we do first?
A D’abord, first, we need to set aside les ingrédients, the ingredients.
J Cuáles son los ingredientes? what are the ingredients?
A D'abord, il nous faut de la farine. First we need flour.
J Cuanta harina? how much flour?
A ça dépend combien de crêpes nous voulons faire. It depends how many crepes we want to make.
J Hagamos unos 10 crepes. let 's make 10 crêpes.
A D’accord, alors commençons avec 2 tasses, 2 cups.
J Dos tazas de que? Two cups of what?
A Deux tasses de farine
J Qué más necesitamos? What else do we need?
A j’ajoute 2 oeufs par tasse. Ajouter means to add.
J Así que vas a añadir cuatro huevos. so you are going to add 4 eggs.
A Mais avant, but before, I have other ingrédients à ajouter.
J A si? Dime cuales. tell me…..
A Je mets 2 tasses de farine dans un grand bol.
J’ajoute 1 cuiller à café de sel - 1 teaspoon of salt
J’ajoute ½ tasse de sucre - ½ of sugar
J Primero mezclamos los ingredientes secos. We first mix the dry ingredients together.
A oui, je mélange les ingrédients secs et ensuite j’ajoute les oeufs.
J Y ya? Eso es todo? that 's it ?
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