Welcome to Season 2.1 of Sleepy Stories! While we're reading The Princess and Curdie in the other half of the podcast, we're going to start putting up episodes of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's The Little Prince , also once a week. This is mostly because Lydia's getting more ambitious, and I always want to help. The Little Prince is an odd, beautiful story. It's a philosophical treatise as much as it's a fairy tale. A solitary aviator crashed in the desert meets an unusual figure-- a small boy, whom he realizes is probably from another world. It's satirical, ridiculous, hilarious, and sad in turns. One of the greatest pieces of children's writing ever. I'll try to warn you before the sad parts kick in. Leave us a message if you're having fun. The sources for our text are the cyber-scribes at gutenberg.org ; Our theme song is Jimbo’s Lullaby by Claude Debussy performed by the Riverside Wind Consort via musopen.org . Pleasant dreams.…