2023 HALLOWEEN | ‘’The Best Holiday of the Year'’, an original text written by Monique Polak
Manage episode 448696046 series 3613313
TD-Blue Metropolis Children’s Festival, in collaboration with À voix haute/Reading Aloud, presents ‘’The Best Holiday of the Year'’, an original text written by Monique Polak, read by Holly Gauthier-Frankel.
«That’s child abuse,» Ray says. We are sitting, facing each other on the carpet in my bedroom. Ray always comes over after school on Tuesdays because his dad works till six. «No it’s not.» I’m allowed to complain about my parents. But my best friend isn’t. «Child abuse is smacking your kid or calling them a loser. Not allowing me to wear a princess costume at Halloween does not qualify as child abuse. ...
This podcast is presented as part of the TD-Blue Metropolis Children's Festival, with the support of TD Bank Group.
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Blue Metropolis is a non-profit organisation driven by values such as fighting poverty, discrimination, social inequalities and school drop-out. To support us and enable us to continue our work, you can make a donation at www.bluemetropolis.org/give.
Was that a shudder? Of anticipation, no doubt? Fall’s grand celebration is right around the corner. But perhaps a worried shudder, also? Will zombies, vampires, witches, ghosts and monsters of all kinds, both nice and ghoulish, come knocking on our doors? And will we let them in?
And… Will the mischievous gusts of wind kick the dead leaves up, whisk hats and children into air? Will the super moon get a bit too close to earth to join the party?
Ah! There goes a little witch on her broom, on a mission to save the neighbourhood kids. Another one faces off with the gales that want to sweep her away. A princess and superheroes join forces against a vampire. And a highschooler shows us that no one’s too old to celebrate Halloween!
Blue Metropolis presents 4 new podcasts to imagine, surprise, play, reflect, laugh, and soften the hallows this fall. For little and big kids alike.
28 episodes