122: HEALING: Shawnrey Notto on writing a book about sensual intelligence, IQ lineages, healing and more
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It’s episode #122 and I’m chatting with Shawnrey Notto, the Sensual Intelligence and Embodiment guide, teaching and inspiring people to embody their joy, pleasure, and self-love.
Oh gosh, how can I describe the ways I adore Shawnrey?
We first met in a women’s leadership council, facilitated by the wonderful Nisha Moodley, and I was really moved by Shawnrey’s combination of vivacious joyful selfhood alongside her tender, vulnerable side, and how much the two facets of her rely on the other - power, joy and a commitment to the senses and embodiment, inseparable from truthful honesty about life’s challenges.
She brings body, dance, healing and writing and movement sessions together in an alchemical combination, and I really appreciate the medicine that is Shawnrey. So, a little more about her before we dive into our conversation…
Shawnrey is the Author of Sensual Intelligence: The Lost IQ, which guides readers on how to “seduce themselves to joy and fall in love with their bodies.”
#1 NYT Bestselling Author, Marci Shimoff, says about the book, “BEAUTIFUL! Shawnrey is a master at what she does. She is an exquisite embodiment of living in the sacred union of the masculine and feminine. Her teaching will change your life.” Shawnrey is also the creator of the Sensual Intelligence Type Quiz.
Shawnrey got her start as a dancer/choreographer. You can find music videos in which she was a dancer and/or choreographer on YouTube, as well as of her sensual poetry and dance. She has even performed original work for Justin Timberlake and Madonna, and was on America’s Got Talent.
With 15+ years experience in dance, performance education, yoga, and intimacy coaching, Shawnrey has facilitated in world renowned Wellness Spas like Rancho La Puerta. She has had the honor of working one-on-one with leaders, and facilitating conferences and events where she “has a way of getting people out of their comfort zone and connecting...in a fun way.”
Shawnrey absolutely loves fresh compost, especially when the dirt is alive with worms and heat, and her favorite activity is swinging on the playground when the kids aren’t around. When she’s not teaching or dancing, she is fighting the neighborhood cats for the best spots in the sun.
It was so lovely to connect with Shawnrey, and I’m pretty sure you’ll enjoy listening in.
Website: www.shawnrey.com
Book- Sensual Intelligence: The Lost IQ https://www.shawnrey.com/book
Courses & Offerings: https://www.shawnrey.com/workwithme
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shawnreynotto/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShawnreySQ
55 episodes