進階英語 充電5分鐘|瘋英語02:Clothing/Accessories + Colors! 穿衣色彩學~
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Clothing/Accessories + Colors
A: Hey, can I ask your advice about something?
B: Sure, what’s up?
A: How do these shorts look on me? Do you think they suit me?
B: I don’t think red is really your color.
A: Really? But I love the color red! Why don’t you think it suits me?
B: I just think that darker colors are more your style.
A: Do you mean black?
B: Sure, black, dark blue or even dark green. Darker colors are easier to pair with
other clothes too.
A: Oh, I get what you are saying. It makes it easier to match my shorts with the rest
of my outfit if they are not too bright.
B: Exactly.
A: Okay. Thanks for the tip!
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