77: Matt Tebbe: Money, Power, and Abuse in the Church
Manage episode 438136171 series 1116042
Climbing Mt. Whitney
Facing Internal Demons on the Mountain
Spiritual Roots in Catholicism
Grace in Community & Abuse on Church Staff
Abusive Leadership Embraces Power and Causes Trauma
Using Your Voice with Clarity and Humility
Spiritualizing the Poor is a Hermeneutic Mistake
The God of Mammon, Power, Money, and Economy
What “Love of Money” Actually Looks Like
Exposing Undercover Idolatry
Mammon’s Weapon is Fear of Death
What Really Causes Inflation
Gatekeepers of the Bible Don’t Actually Like the Bible
Mammon “Works” and Why We Can’t See It.
How to Love our Neighbor
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114 episodes