An interview with Down Syndrome advocates Cheryl Etter & Susie Dyck
Manage episode 378429486 series 2893006
Sheryl Etter and Susie Dyck are leaders in the Upside Down Club of Abilene a 501c-3 non-profit that advocates for individuals with Down Syndrome.
Cheryl and Susie each has a child with Downs Syndrome. Their story is so powerful and they tell it in a way that connects. This is worth listening too if you have a special needs child or not. I think any parent will be able identify with them.
Every year about 6000 babies are born with Down Syndrome. Most babies with DS are born to younger women under 35 years of age. Between 1 and 10% of those have a dual diagnosis. About 50% of babies have heart issues compared too one percent of Neuro typical children.
75 episodes