So, what exactly is technology? At its core, technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. This broad definition covers a vast range of tools, systems, and devices developed to solve problems and enhance human capabilities. In simple terms, I will say technology is the application of your logical and technical reasoning in service delivery. Why I defined technology this way is this. In the spelling of technology, you will find two words and these words are “TECHNIQUE & LOGIC” It is when they are combined that you will get the single word “TECHNOLOGY”. Out of this, all forms of technological tools have been made. Host: Technique or technical handles the structure of the technology, while logic handles the functionality of technologies. The term "technology" often brings to mind modern innovations like smartphones, computers, and the internet. However, technology has been a part of human life for thousands of years. From the invention of the wheel and the creation of tools in the Stone Age to the development of the printing press, and the rise of industrial machinery, technology has always been about finding better ways to do things.…