Ep. 25: My Go-To Mantra for Getting Things Done & Staying Motivated
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Welcome to the Country Proud Living Podcast, I am your host LoriLynn!
...Inch by Inch everything is a Cinch! I have used this mantra starting around 2015 and although it may seem to be a simple statement for me it has created some INCREDIBLE results in so many areas of my life!!! It really puts "overwhelm" in its place and helps me to focus on the steps right in front of me! It helps me ask myself what can I do today that will help me to make progress towards the future goals I've set for myself. Focusing on the smaller steps needed to move the needle forward is so helpful when seeing the monumental goal far off in the distance!
I highly recommend if you feel "stuck" and don't even know where to begin to start with saying this mantra too and figure out the steps you need to take however small they may be to start moving forward and taking action in your life to reach your goals! The thing is my friend, once you start accomplishing small incremental goals you will gain confidence and will create momentum. People, places, and things, will start showing up in your life to help you get there more quickly because taking action tells the world around you that you are serious and committed and soon doors start opening, you start seeing more opportunities, great contacts and people who have done what you want to do show up in your life as guides.
If you need to get yourself motivated I hope you will take a listen and/or if you know a friend or family member who needs a quick dose of motivation please share this pod episode with them!
I am so very grateful for each and everyone of you who take the time to listen from my country proud home to yours within this big ol' world of ours!
Love & Light, LoriLynn
Welcome to the Country Proud Living Podcast, I'm your host LoriLynn.
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59 episodes