Who are we and why did we create this podcast? If you’re a nosy parker like us you are going to love this episode! The Bod Almighty podcast is about confidence, freedom, compassion and community. Each episode is a clear and concise "How to" covering topics such as: nutrition, style, exercise, mental health, parenting and confidence. We make sure there are practical exercises, action steps and advice packed into every episode. But why did we make it and who the hell are we?? Introducing, your hosts, Michelle Sokolich and Hannah Tunnicliffe ! As creators, we have our own experiences with dieting, disordered eating and negative body image. As soon as we met - listen to find out how! - we knew we wanted to work together. Between us we have six daughters and want to leave a legacy of positive body image, confidence, courage and joy. Join us in this special, one-off episode to learn about us and our journey with food, freedom and our bodies. There are some tears and lots of lols! In this bare-all episode on Bod Almighty we cover: - What we loved about our bodies when we were kids (around 1:00) - When we learned that some bodies were more valuable in our society than others (around 2:40) - How we learned those concepts (around 3:45) - Hannah’s first diet (around 6:15) - Michelle’s memory of getting praise after losing weight: “That was it: I was hooked!” (around 7:45) - “The one thing in life I couldn’t conquer.” (around 8:45) - The last diet Michelle ever went on (around 10:00) - Cathartic tears! (around 10:30) - “It was pretty dark…the constant obsession with food” (around 11:30) - Hannah’s journey with disordered eating (around 12:50) - The final straw (around 15:00) - What a chump! When Hannah figured out all humans die (around 16:30) - Michelle’s “aha moment” (around 18:00) - Hot tip: For people who want to understand “Health at every size”: Check out “The Lindo episode” (around 18:30) - When we find it hard to accept our bodies (around 19:30) - Anxiety and dieting (around 20:00) - “Can’t go under it, can’t go over it, just got to go through it” (around 21:30) - We still struggle with our body image (around 22:40) - Michelle loves being naked in the ocean! (around 23:30) - Hannah’s favourite folk – um, you people! (around 25:00) - What we wish we could tell our younger selves (around 25:30) - The impact of The Karen Carpenter Story (around 26:00) - Becoming thinner is not magic (around 26:30) - Hot tip: Write down your magical life “When I am thinner…” - What motivates us to continue working to accept our bodies (around 28:45) - “They’re the reason I put on my togs and walk down to the water like it’s nothing” (around 30:00) - Eek! Why Michelle doesn’t want anyone to listen to this episode! (around 32:00) - The one thing Michelle really wants people to know about her (around 33:00) - The one thing Hannah really wants people to know about her (around 34:30) - When your husband calls you “righteous” (around 35:00) - “We are here for the nuance” (around 36:15) - We don’t think you are a bad person or wrong if you are trying to lose weight! (around 36:45) - Final, very important questions : What’s your star sign and can you bear pineapple on pizza? (around 37:30) Resources: Join our Bod Almighty Pod Squad: www.bodalmighty.com Bod Almighty IG: @bodalmightypodcast Isabel Foxen Duke: https://isabelfoxenduke.com/…