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show episodes

Where Should We Begin? with Esther Perel

Esther Perel Global Media

Chaque mois+
Every Monday morning step into the office of iconic psychotherapist Esther Perel and listen in as real people in search of insight bare the raw, intimate, and profound details of their stories. From breakups and open relationships to workplace conflicts and fractures in the family, it’s a place to hear our own stories reflected in the lives of others. So…where should we begin? Part of the Vox Media Podcast Network.
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BNR Perestrojkast | BNR

BNR Nieuwsradio

Chaque semaine
BNR Perestrojkast is de enige echte podcast van BNR over Midden- en Oost-Europa. Van Praag tot aan Vladivostok, en van Riga tot Tbilisi. Elke 14 dagen een nieuwe, verse aflevering met grote, internationale onderwerpen.
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Perek Chelek

Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky

Chaque mois+
In this series given Thursday afternoons, R’ Aaron learns the famous Perek Chelek, the last perek in Meseches Sanhedrin. Following the classic sefer Ein Yaakov together with the commentary of the Maharal, R’ Aaron brings these aggados alive, showing the depth behind the words of Chazal, and of course, shows how these often esoteric gemoros give meaning and direction for our daily lives.
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Perez Ministries Bothaville

Perez Ministries Bothaville

Tous les jours
We are an intercessory house of God. Establishing ordinary people to become leaders of Jesus in their sphere of influence. By equipping and teaching them to follow the Holy Spirit in their gifts and callings according to Ephesians 4:11-13.
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DJ Peretse


Chaque semaine
DJ Peretse - the best speedmixer and megamix-maker of Russia , resident "Record" National Dance Radio, official DJ of the Alfa Future People, FIFA World Cup 2018, and the Olympic Games 2014, producer of the radioshow Record Megamix and WakeUp Mix, EDM producer.
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Perennial Wisdom

Perennial Leader Project

Chaque semaine
Perennial Wisdom (formerly In Search of Wisdom) is a podcast for seekers and curious minds. Join the search with J.W. Bertolotti (creator of the Perennial Meditations newsletter) to discover practical wisdom from philosophical and spiritual traditions. Learn more at perennial.substack.com.
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Perez Bros Muzik

Perez Bros Chicago

Chaque mois
"To me, it's always been about the music. Not only did I want to be a dj, I wanted to create music." - Rick Perez - "Life is a Party, Drink It Up." - Omar Perez - You can check out more tracks and mixes on youtube.com/rickperezchicago and www.mixcloud.com/perezbroschicago For all requests, email me at djrickyprz@yahoo.com
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The Monica Perez Show

Monica Perez

Chaque semaine+
The Monica Perez Shows offers analysis of top headlines with an eye to pulling back the curtain on the propaganda, revealing the true agenda behind the news of the day and why it matters. Monica also provides fascinating conversations with principled thought leaders and subject matter experts in areas of interest to the truth & liberty communities.
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Perennial Meditations

Perennial Leader Project

Chaque mois
Perennial Meditations is a podcast (and Newsletter) by the Perennial Leader Project; an organization dedicated to providing tools for the art of living. Consider becoming a member to support the mission and gain full access to our meditations, podcasts, and courses. To learn more, visit perennial.substack.com. perennial.substack.com
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Perennial Pride

Tom Suvansri

Chaque mois+
Tom Suvansri is passionate about protecting and growing his family’s wealth and he shares how you can do it too. In this show, you will learn strategies that leverage economic principles in order to achieve increased financial control, cash flow, and tax advantages that last generations. It’s time to eliminate uncertainty and create wealth strategies to build a family legacy.
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What's hot? Perez and Chris let you know! These two pop culture experts bring you their unique perspective and insight into the trending stories of the week in the world of showbiz and beyond. Nothing is off the table! No holds barred! And these two usually disagree about everyone! It's a highly enjoyable and engaging listen!
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Seja bem-vindo ao podcast da Oitava Igreja! Aqui você irá ouvir, semanalmente, uma mensagem para abençoar sua vida e sua família, a partir dos programas do Pr. Jeremias Pereira e de toda a equipe pastoral da Oitava. Ouça os episódios já divulgados e acompanhe as novidades. Mais informações no site: www.oitavaigreja.org.br.
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Having seen so many around me suffering from stress, addiction, suicidal thoughts, anxiety and depression, I decided to embark upon a 9-year journey that would take me to over 35 countries living with and learning from shamans, gurus, monks and tribes. I studied 16 religions and spiritualities, ancient wisdom and modern science, and spent 50 days meditating in total solitude, all in an effort to discover the secrets to a peaceful mind. If you’re ready to let go of your negative thoughts and ...
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Voces Peregrinas

Voces Peregrinas

Chaque mois
Serie de conversaciones, con personas que llevan sus voces por mundos cercanos y distantes. Un viaje con fecha de inicio y el camino como protagonista. Voces Peregrinas es una creación de Omar González Frau , desde el cono sur, para el mundo de habla hispana. GRACIAS POR TU COMPAÑÍA. Visitanos en http://www.vocesperegrinas.com
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House of Peregrine

Mickelle Weber

Chaque mois+
Welcome to House of Peregrine, a podcast hosted by Mickelle Weber, the Founder & Auteur of House of Peregrine. Mickelle brings together a diverse range of experts, seekers, and fellow Peregrines to delve deep into the multifaceted aspects of living abroad. Through thought-provoking conversations, personal anecdotes, and expert insights, Mickelle and her guests navigate the intricacies of living abroad. They share their wisdom, experiences, and strategies for building meaningful connections, ...
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How's Work? with Esther Perel

Esther Perel Global Media

Chaque mois
This season on How's Work?, iconic couples therapist Esther Perel focuses on the hard conversations we're afraid to have in our jobs: Colleagues navigating the new etiquette of a work from home workforce. Newsrooms whose journalists feel that covering breaking news has broken them. A doctor who wants to walk away from his profession, during a pandemic. And lobbyists whose fight for racial equality ends up dividing them. Esther Perel brings a new perspective to the invisible forces that shape ...
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Welcome to The VetRise Podcast w/ Juan Perez, hosted by Marine Corps Scout Sniper Veteran, founder, owner, public speaker, and content creator Juan Perez. My goal is to make success after service accessible to every veteran. You'll learn about the many failures and lessons Juan has learned on his path from service to society. For more information on the VetRise Academy and for a chance to work with Juan Perez (Coach JP), find us on social media @JPTheVeteranCoach Tune in to The VetRise Podca ...
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Podcast by What's up my boiii! Its Monday night and since sports are coming back I had to, I just had to have the homie Beto Duran a boardcaster for Golden boy promotions and CBS. You know how it goes down at the GPS studio shit got weird right off the bat!! I let you in on how I use to make money highschool. Scandalous shit homie! Beto talks about how it was growing up in the hood and avoiding trouble. Stay tune till the end Beto talks about announcing the Canelo knock out and how it effect ...
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Perezeremos Podcast

Chaque mois
PereZeremos es un podcast creado por tres presonajes con problemas de alcoholismo y con diferentes personalidades, donde se tratan diferentes temas y daran su opinion de la forma más burda y lamentable de cada uno de ellos.
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show series
Part XIII - Kant- Join us for a reading and conversation about the 12 men who had the greatest influence on the way we think. Written in 1958, this work stands the test of time. There is no theory, conspiracy or otherwise, just the simple facts about these men, their thoughts and their influence--draw your own conclusions! Check out the book here: …
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Find, Follow, Subscribe & Rate on your favorite podcasting platform AND for video and social & more... Website: https://monicaperezshow.com/ Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/monicaperezshow YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/MonicaPerez Twitter/X: @monicaperezshow Instagram: @monicaperezshow Find Hrvoje Moric: Website: https://geopoliticsandempire.c…
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Na defesa apresentada ao STF, o general Augusto Heleno, ex-chefe do Gabinete de Segurança Institucional de Jair Bolsonaro, chamou a denúncia da tentativa de golpe de 'terraplanismo argumentativo'. 'Querer barrar logo de cara o processo, anulando delações premiadas, esse tipo de coisa, não vai acontecer, isso não tem nenhum efeito'…
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Je komt oren en ogen tekort tijdens de virtual reality-film in de Sovjet Ereveld Experience. Je ziet Vladimir Botenko in 1941 in een kar vertrekken naar het front. Daar vecht hij in levensechte loopgraven tegen de Duitsers. Schoten klinken, een gewonde wordt verzorgd, vliegtuigen scheren over en een tank rijdt over een loopgraaf. Wie wil weten hoe …
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Merval Pereira destaca que Lula e Bolsonaro estão aferrados às suas próprias candidaturas para 2026, com o presidente sem declarar uma pessoa que possa seguir dele e Bolsonaro se firmando como o único e possível nome da direita. Ele afirma que o problema dos dois é o mesmo: querer manter liderança única nas suas bases.…
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Arielle Tucker is a European-based cross-border financial planner and founder of Connected Financial Planning. Arielle has her own story. She moved from the U.S. to Switzerland and Germany, revealing how a love for numbers and a knack for tax strategy led her to help Americans navigate the complexities of international finances. Together, they brea…
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For a chance to work with Juan Perez (Coach JP), apply here: VetRise Academy Application. One year ago, I picked up a mic, hit record, and shared my story with the world. I had no idea what would come from it—but here we are. In this episode, I reflect on what I’ve learned from podcasting, the power of saying yes to opportunities, and why vulnerabi…
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Lots of updates in the deaths of Gene Hackman and his wife. Who wore it best at the Oscars! Lots of legal changes for Blake Lively! And lots more! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Par iHeartPodcasts
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Een coalition of the willing van Europese landen moet de veiligheid van Oekraïne garanderen. Samen zullen zij een plan maken wat ze voor zullen leggen aan de VS. Dit volgt allemaal na de ongekende clash tussen Donald Trump, JD Vance en Volodimir Zelensky in de Oval Office. Kan Europa Oekraïne en de relatie met de VS nog redden? Om die vraag te bean…
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-Donate: https://www.padreperegrino.org/donate/ -Telegram: https://t.me/padreperegrino Gospel: Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land until the ninth hour. And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” that is, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” And some of the bysta…
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Esther speaks to a woman who has been estranged from her father for almost two years for reasons she can’t quite figure out. Despite multiple attempts on her end to reconcile, she is now trying to grieve the loss of her still very much-alive father. Esther helps her unravel questions about starting her own family amidst this painful cutoff. Esther …
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Chelsea struggles with restless leg syndrome and on-camera tics while discussing fires, karaoke, crying hangs, Canada's age, AI, shark attacks, ADHD, pottery perfectionism, sinus issues, a long term plan for escaping the algo, going grey, the power of bird song, and Western medicine inflating life expectancy. A caller sings Mariah from a subway pla…
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Part XII - Rousseau, continued - Join us for a reading and conversation about the 12 men who had the greatest influence on the way we think. Written in 1958, this work stands the test of time. There is no theory, conspiracy or otherwise, just the simple facts about these men, their thoughts and their influence--draw your own conclusions! Check out …
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De Oekraïense president Zelensky is voor het oog van de wereld uit het Witte Huis gegooid. Dat gebeurde na een knetterende ruzie met Donald Trump en vicepresident J.D. Vance in het Oval Office. De relatie tussen Trump en Zelensky staat extreem onder druk. Trump zegt geen zin meer te hebben in een grondstoffendeal met Zelensky en binnen de Republike…
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1.Avalan Rokston – Something To Believe In (Alex Caspian Remix)2.Imanbek, Trevor Daniel – In The Morning3.Dvbbs, Gattuso, Alida – Leave The World Behind4.Argy, Omnya – Aria5.Reese – Where Have You Been (Alex Caspian Remix)6.Pete Tong, Roro, Jules Buckley, The Essential Orchestra – Rhythm Of7.Alex Gaudino, Blender & Ragdoll – I Luv U (Sunny)8.Tiësto…
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Merval Pereira faz uma reflexão sobre o embate entre Donald Trump e Alexandre de Moraes envolvendo o Rumble, plataforma de compartilhamento de vídeos. Comentarista destaca que não faz sentido um ministro da Corte brasileira querer proibir publicações em outro país. ‘Isso é que tem que ficar esclarecido. Ou é um mal-entendido ou o pedido do ministro…
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What is life? What is reality? What is our place in the Universe? Why are we here and what does it all mean? And how can we best go about navigating this chaotic world so that we can have a peaceful life? I answer these questions and more in today's podcast. Please enjoy other episodes where I share meditation techniques, tips and spiritual lessons…
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Support: True Hemp Science https://truehempscience.com/ PROMO CODE: MONICA Support me on substack for ad-free content, bonus material, personal chatting and more! https://substack.com/@monicaperezshow Become a PREMIUM SUBSCRIBER on Apple Podcasts for AD FREE episodes! all for the cost of one newspaper a month--i read the news so you dont have to! F…
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Sanando Debilidades Secretas | La lepra de Naamán el Sirio Naamán era un gran general del ejército de Siria, un hombre de valor, un gran líder militar a quien Dios usaba. Pero este gran hombre tenía un problema secreto. Algo que ocultaba debajo de su armadura. Una enfermedad secreta. Una debilidad. Hoy, hay hijos e hijas de Dios conectados aquí, ge…
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Merval Pereira faz uma análise da pesquisa Genial/Quaest que avaliou os governos em oito estados: SP, RJ, MG, RS, PR, GO, BA e PE. ‘O único governador que não tem boa aprovação é Cláudio Castro, do RJ, o resto está muito bem avaliado. Esse é mais um problema para o Lula’. Comentarista destaca que a maioria desses governadores não é da base do gover…
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In this podcast episode, Tom chats with Antony Jaffee, chairman of Sterling Trustees, to discuss the importance of trust administration and the role of independent trustees. They explore the benefits of trusts for wealth protection and generational legacy, the advantages of South Dakota's trust laws, and the common misconceptions surrounding estate…
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Merval Pereira faz uma análise da pesquisa da Quaest, que aponta que Lula tem desaprovação maior de 50% em oito estados. Comentarista destaca os reflexos da pesquisa para as eleições de 2026. Merval ressalta que a baixa popularidade de Lula em São Paulo e em Minas Gerais. ‘A disputa em 2026 vai ser muito difícil’.…
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📮 Want tools for the art of living? Sign up here: https://perennial.substack.com/subscribe In this episode of Perennial Wisdom, my guest is Donald J. Robertson, author of How to Think Like Socrates. Donald is a psychotherapist, the author of several phenomenal books on Stoic philosophy, and a return guest on the podcast. In this conversation, we di…
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In this episode, Mickelle welcomes Jordan Guerrero, the force behind JeDutchy, a platform helping learners master Dutch with confidence. Jordan shares her journey from growing up near Rotterdam to traveling the world and discovering her passion for teaching. What began as a simple Instagram experiment has grown into a thriving language-learning com…
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