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show episodes

Kresala Zinekluba

Kresala Zinekluba

Chaque mois
Kresala Zineklubeko kideok Donostia Kulturaren 'Ispilu Beltza' podcastean egiten ditugun kolaborazioak. // Colaboración que realizamos en el programa 'Ispilu Beltza' de Donostia Kultura.
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Zing Podcast


Chaque mois+
Počítačové hry a videohry jsou zdrojem jedinečných zážitků a skvělých diskusí. Herní magazín Zing.cz vám přináší pořad, ve kterém se o žhavých tématech z herního světa baví veteráni herního průmyslu s dvaceti lety praxe v oboru.
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Zinātnes vārdā

Radio NABA

Chaque mois+
Vada: Ivars Austers, Ieva Siliņa Raidījums iepazīstina klausītājus ar Latvijas zinātnieku pētījumiem, eksperimentiem un jaunatklājumiem. Raidījumā tiek iztaujāti zinātnieki par viņu akadēmisko un praktisko ikdienu – lekciju sagatavošanu un pasniegšanu, studentu darbu vadīšanu, sadarbību ar valsts institūcijām vai privātajiem partneriem. „Zinātnes vārdā” ļauj uzzināt, ar ko nodarbojas dažādu nozaru Latvijas zinātnieki, mēģinot runāt par zinātnieku darbu, sasniegumiem un grūtībām visiem saprot ...
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Horoscope Zine

Horoscope Zine

Chaque mois
Olá! Somos o Horoscope Zine e amamos RPG. Curtimos muito jogar RPG solo e RPG de mesa. Além disso, criamos conteúdo e jogos para compartilhar com você. Para que isso seja possível, precisamos do seu apoio (veja abaixo). Vem com a gente! Apoie nosso trabalho via Pix: [email protected].
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De Zingever

Omroep Gelderland

Chaque mois+
De Zingevers van het radioprogramma Zin in Zondag op Radio Gelderland bieden elke week een beschouwing op de actualiteit en het leven. Luister deze podcast en jouw zondag begint goed. Elke zondag komt er rond 9.30 uur een nieuwe aflevering online. Benieuwd naar onze andere series? Zoek op 'Omroep Gelderland' in je podcastapp.
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The M&A Zing

The M&A Zing

Chaque semaine
M&A Zing: Weekly Insights for SMB M&A, Search Funds, HoldCo Builders and Acquisition Entrepreneurs. Each week we dive-in to topics and challenges that impact SMB Succession, and explore the highs and lows of Searching, Acquiring, Owning, Operating and Exiting small and medium-sized businesses.
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The Zinnov Podcast - Business Resilience series is a technology and leadership podcast featuring conversations with leading thinkers, industry experts, and technology practitioners. The series touches upon topics such as leadership challenges, analyses of specific industries, and all things digital.
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Zing Wellbeing is dedicated to the health and wellbeing of women and is run by women for women. It has been created to support and empower women to feel in their best health possible. The focus is on a balanced, supportive and achievable approach to women's health, wellbeing, fitness and nutrition. Through our podcasts we will talk to health experts as well as talk to women sharing their own health stories with the intention to inspire other women on their road to better health. You can also ...
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Welcome to The Custom Copper & Zinc Podcast—where expert craftsmanship meets timeless design! Hosted by Jorge Fiscal, owner of Custom Copper and Zinc, this podcast takes you inside the art and skill of handcrafted metalwork. Whether restoring historic landmarks or creating striking modern designs, copper and zinc bring unmatched beauty, durability, and character to any project. If you’re a homeowner, contractor, architect, or designer, this is your ultimate resource for expert insights, crea ...
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Zin in Lesgeven

Arend Jan Zwarteveen en Peter van der Zwaal

Chaque mois
Benieuwd naar de ins en outs van de overstap naar het leraarschap. Benieuwd naar ervaringsverhalen van mensen die deze overstap overwegen, aan het maken zijn of gemaakt hebben. Benieuwd naar wat mensen uit het onderwijs ervan vinden. Luister dan naar de podcast Zin in Lesgeven. Van Peter van der Zwaal en Arend Jan Zwarteveen. Peter is docent en programmaleider Leraar van Buiten en Arend Jan is docent en onderzoeker bij de lerarenopleiding van Hogeschool Windesheim. Ze bespreken de overstap m ...
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Zinsgurus GmbH

Zinsgurus GmbH

Chaque mois
Der Kundenservice von Zinsgurus steht Ihnen telefonisch von Montag bis Freitag zwischen 9:00 Uhr und 16:00 Uhr sowie per E-Mail für Fragen und Anregungen gerne zur Verfügung.
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Chaque mois
Zing! discute cultura pop como coisa séria. São conversas profundas sobre assuntos aparentemente banais. Um olhar sobre as conexões do pop e o zeitgeist.
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United Zingdom

BBC Sounds

Chaque mois
Zing Tsjeng can apply for a British passport. But she’s already got one from Singapore, and she can’t have both. It's got her thinking, what does it mean to be British? She's off on a trip around the UK to find out.
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Zinema Movie Media

Kilat Media Nusantara

Chaque mois
Film adalah karya seni yang tidak hanya menghibur. Terkadang, ada pesan penting yang relevan dengan kehidupan nyata. Podcast ini akan membahas film-film atau serial-serial yang menarik untuk diulik pemaknaannya.
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Jonette Valenciano

Chaque mois
ZINE focuses on the Filipino independent artist -- their passions, motivations, daily hustles, and highs and lows. There's always something good to talk about and learn from, right here.
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Les Zinstrus

France Musique

Chaque mois
Un podcast jeunesse de France Musique produit par Saskia de Ville avec Florence Foresti, Benoît Poelvoorde, Laure Calamy, Didier Bourdon, Laetitia Dosch, Alex Vizorek, Laura Felpin, Jean-Pascal Zadi, Barbara Schulz et bien d'autres... Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir des milliers d'autres podcasts.
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Alexandre Maron

Chaque mois
Zing! discute cultura pop como coisa séria. São conversas profundas sobre assuntos aparentemente banais. Você nunca mais vai ficar perdido na hora de bater um papo sobre aquele filme, série, livro, música...
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Zinc VC

Beccy Lee

Tous les jours+
Welcome to the Zinc Podcast, where you can stories from our Founders. At Zinc, we help build tech startups to tackle the world's toughest social problems. *Mission 1 (2017-18): Mental Health *Mission 2 (2018-19): Automation + Globalisation
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Tous les jours+
A broke, unemployed millennial speaks her truths. Join Zoe as she whines about life, money, faith, queerness, politics, the job hunt, and trying to make something of yourself.
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Intelligent Automation – a powerful confluence of Process Intelligence, Intelligent Document Processing, RPA, Low Code/No Code application development, and Intelligent Virtual Agents, built on a stack of Advanced Intelligence capabilities, powered by Generative AI and supported by Next-gen Infrastructure. It empowers enterprises to drive integrated human experience outcomes, powered by agile configurable workflows.
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Zing and Jenn keep it raunchy and raw discussing the real deal on social topics, celebrities, politics, gossip, romance, latest trends, and whatever craziness happens in their lives that you can relate too! We keeps it real, REAL!
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show series
Mālpils zemeņu audzēšanas saimniecībā "Augusta zemenes" divas nedēļas agrāk kā pērn sākta zemeņu stādīšana segtajās platībās. Tas nozīmē, ka jauno ražu arī varēs sagaidīt ātrāk. Kādas ir tendences šobrīd zemeņu audzēšanā un vai mazdārziņu saimniekiem arī būtu jāpasteidzas ar savu zemeņu dobju sakopšanu jaunajai sezonai?…
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In dieser Folge von zines.fm treffe ich mich mit Lui Kohlmann zum gemeinsamen Bastel- und Zines-Nachmittag. Wir sprechen über ihre Erfahrungen auf Zinefests und Events, wie man sich bewirbt und einen coolen Stand kreiert sowie über die Kunst des Stempelschnitzens. Außerdem erzählt Lui, was es mit ihrem Buch "Gustav hat die Windpocken" auf sich hat …
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Tā kā pēdējos gados vairākkārt bijuši gadījumi, kad skolēni ienesuši skolā bīstamus priekšmetus vai vielas, skolu vadītājiem nu ļauts īpašā valdības noteiktā kārtībā pārbaudīt skolēnu mantas. Noteikta arī kārtība, kādā vecākiem turpmāk jāziņo izglītības iestādei par bērna veselības stāvokli un citiem apstākļiem, kas var būtiski ietekmēt izglītības …
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Ukrainai nav ticības Krievijas solījumiem izbeigt karadarbību un tā nepiekritīs Maskavas izvirzītajiem nosacījumiem, paziņojušas ukraiņu amatpersonas. Ukrainas prezidents Volodimirs Zelenskis apsūdzējis Krievijas vadoni Vladimiru Putinu diplomātijas sabotāžā, nosakot ļoti sarežģītus un nepieņemamus nosacījumus.…
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Agostinho rambles about Playboi Carti is FINALLY dropping IAM MUSIC this Friday (2:06), Prime Target (8:12) and Paradise (13:31) season 1 finale, Dutchavelli recent interview speaking on the allegations that were made against him 2020 and announcing his plan to 'comeback' to music this year (17:16), Doechii reveals 'being a straight man' is the big…
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Lielvārdē piektdien teju 50 jaunie valsts aizsardzības dienesta karavīri svinīgā ceremonijā deva karavīra zvērestu. Viņiem tika uzsvērts – no šī brīža viņi vairs nav tikai valsts aizsardzības dienesta karavīri, bet arī daļa no Gaisa spēkiem. Šis ir otrais iesaukums, ko rīko Gaisa spēki, un, kā norādīja Gaisa spēku virsseržants – jaunie karavīri die…
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Par viena dzīvnieka glabāšanu valstij var nākties maksāt gandrīz 300 eiro. Par to liecina nupat noslēdzies iepirkums "Dzīvnieku glabāšanas un izsniegšanas pakalpojumi uz trīs gadiem", ko organizēja Nodrošinājuma valsts aģentūra. Tas bijis saimnieciski izdevīgākais piedāvājums. Mainīta arī līdzšinējā kārtība, kā dzīvnieki tiek konfiscēti, ja pret vi…
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Pēc Krievijas uzstādītajiem noteikumiem pamieram, kuriem Ukraina nepiekrita, bumba tagad ir ASV prezidenta Donalda Trampa pusē, tā uzskata Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes lektors, ārpolitikas eksperts Mārtiņš Vargulis. Vakar Putins atbīdījis ASV īpašo sūtni Kītu Kellogu "pārāk labas attieksmes pret Ukrainu dēļ". Vienlaikus ASV pastiprina sankcijas pre…
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Bauskas novadā pirms četriem gadiem notikusī administratīvā reforma nozīmēja, ka Vecumnieku, Iecavas, Rundāles un Bauskas novadam bija jākļūst par vienotu veselumu. Toreiz neviens gan īsti negribēja šādas piespiedu laulības. Kā pagājusi šī četrgade Bauskas novadā, ko saka iedzīvotāji, kā paveikto vērtē pašvaldībā?…
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Krievijas vadītājs Vladimirs Putins ceturtdien, 13. martā, būtībā noraidīja Amerikas Savienoto valstu (ASV) piedāvāto un Ukrainas atbalstīto uguns pārtraukšanu jau vairāk nekā trīs gadus ilgušajā karā Ukrainā. Putins izvirzīja Ukrainai nepieņemamus nosacījumus pamiera īstenošanai. Savukārt ASV prezidents Donalds Tramps joprojām cer, ka Krievija pie…
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Welcome to Episode 5 of M&A Zing - a weekly show for acquisition entrepreneurs, search funds, and holdco builders across the UK and Europe. In this episode, Alfie Lambert and Gareth Hawkins break down the *Top 10 reasons* why small & mid-market M&A deals fail. Plus, they kick off with big news about recent SBA policy changes in the US - and how it …
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Agostinho rambles about Manchester United 1 - 1 Arsenal (2:50), Ayden Heaven appreciation (13:41), an alleged rape at Berghain (15:50) and Lakuti speaks out regarding her connection to the alleged incident (21:34), do we need to have an honest conversation about consent and personal responsibility in nightlife? (28:20), why wasn't there a "Black Hi…
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Meet The Host: Jorge Fiscal, Owner Of Custom Copper And Zinc Craftsmanship isn't just about skill—it's about passion, integrity, and the relentless pursuit of quality. Meet Jorge Fiscal, a master metalworker celebrating 25 years in architectural sheet metal who founded Custom Copper and Zinc after discovering traditional seaming techniques that far…
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Agostinho rambles about rent increasing (4:43), Zhenhao Zou 'charming' PhD student found guilty of raping and filming dozens of attacks on women (26:23), Joe Budden's interesting body shape while he attempts to play basketball (1:14:08), Skepta announces phase one line-up of the Big Smoke festival (1:37:01), Gramicci spring/summer 2025 look book (1…
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Kādi mediji veido mūsu realitāti? Kas ir informatīvais tuksnesis? Kā atpazīt kvalitatīvu saturu? Kas ir medijpratības higiēna? Kā mediji veido sabiedrības uzskatus par drošību? Kādi būs mediji nākotnē? Kā jūtas cilvēki pierobežā? Kā droši lietot sociālos tīklus? Par šiem un citiem jautājumiem par mediju lietojumu Latvijas reģionos runāsim ar Rēzekn…
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Welcome to Episode 4 of M&A Zing—a weekly show for acquisition entrepreneurs, search funds, and holdco builders in the UK and Europe. This time, co-founders Alfie Lambert and Gareth Hawkins discuss how to handle that all-important *first qualifying call* with a potential seller—from building trust to spotting red flags. Timestamps: [00:00:11] Intro…
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Agostinho rambles about Nike wins ruling against StockX on counterfeit sales (16:40), Jamie Carragher addressing his controversial Mo Salah AFCON and Ballon d'Or comments (24:17), PlaqueBoyMax and Fred again.. make beats on live stream (40:40), Bushwacka and John Digweed discuss why some DJs don't dance when they're DJing (56:09), Doechii appreciat…
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Agostinho rambles about TAZS being remonetized (1:36), thinking of starting a TAZS DJ mix series (6:03) and new YouTube channel focusing on the best and worst nightclubs in London (7:25), The Hundreds LA flagship store is now closed for good (34:25) and Bobby Hundreds stepping down as Creative Director after 22-years (38:59), Lil Yachty launching h…
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Agostinho rambles about his Korean skincare regimen finally paying off (1:58), RIP Gene Hackman and his wife, found dead at their home along with their dog (5:07), Yeezy Confidential part 2 by Louis Pisano (12:15) and more... Song of the Day | Hoodoo Gurus - I Want You Back [email protected] https://www.patreon.com/agostinho https://w…
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Hallo zur zweiten (und ersten richtigen) Folge von zines.fm! Ich bin Jenni und großer Zine-Fan. Unter @zines.cool organisiere ich unter anderem regelmäßige Zinetausch-Aktionen und teile mein Zine-Fieber. In dieser Folge spreche ich mit Daniela Kasimir, die nicht nur den Zineclub Hamburg gegründet hat, sondern in diesem Jahr auch schon zum zweiten M…
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Hallo zur kurzen Introfolge meines neuen Podcasts zines.fm! Ich bin Jenni und großer Zine-Fan. Unter @zines.cool organisiere ich unter anderem regelmäßige Zinetausch-Aktionen und teile mein Zine-Fieber. Das Zine zur Folge findest du hier: https://zines.cool/2025/03/01/zines-fm-01-intro/ zines.fm erscheint immer am 1. und am 15. des Monats. Hier fin…
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Welcome to Episode 3 of M&A Zing—a weekly show for acquisition entrepreneurs, search funds, and holdco builders in the UK and Europe. In this episode, we’re talking buy-and-build strategies, distressed acquisitions, and the ups and downs of leveraged deals with special guest Charlie Norton, founder of Vamos Business Transfer. *Episode Timestamps** …
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Ūdens ir ļoti interesants zinātniekiem. Tā pētījumu rezultāti ir interesanti mums visiem. Degvielu var iegūt gandrīz no jebkā. Šī arī ir saistoša tēma pētniecībai. Un arī mums visiem tas interesē. Raidījumā “Zinātnes vārdā” viesojas Linda Mežule, Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes Ūdens sistēmu un biotehnoloģiju institūta vadošā pētniece. Ar viņu saruna…
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Agostinho rambles about Ye and The Game baffling fans with bizarre feud against Beyonce's mum Ms Tina Knowles on Instagram (7:49), reacting to the 'Yeezy Confidential Part 1' by Louis Pisano an on the record expose from ex-YEEZY senior designer Pierre Louis Auvray (19:15), Beabadoobee getting trolled and triggered by the 'Artist who can sing vs Can…
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Agostinho rambles about getting locked out (2:55), Timothée Chalamet SAG Awards acceptance speech "I want to be one of the greats.." (13:00), why does Neymar have time to take pictures with fans but famous Techno DJ's don't? (19:22), Jamie Carragher's ignorant and racist comments about Mo Salah and AFCON (28:33), man getting caught trying to smuggl…
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Agostinho rambles about couples who share luggage while on vacation (5:12), why I hate sharing and ordering as a table at restaurants (10:12), Companion (2025) movie review (15:12), man finds out former NFL receiver and current NFL Network analyst Steve Smith Sr. has been sleeping with his wife and leaks their explicit text messages (30:30), Colour…
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Martijn Morren en Hubert Breukers kennen elkaar van de training Zin in Lesgeven. Ze maakten beiden in 20203 de stap naar het onderwijs. Een jaar later kijken Peter van der Zwaal en Arend Jan Zwarteveen met hen terug op de voorbereiding en de ervaringen in hun eerste jaar. Wat vragen de leerlingen van hen? Maakt het nog verschil of het een leerlinge…
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Rhian talks to Neuroscientist, Dr Jen Hacker Pearson, about the effect of menopause on the brain. Menopause marks a significant transition in a woman’s life, often accompanied by physical changes, hormonal shifts, and emotional challenges. Beyond the hot flashes, mood swings, and sleep disturbances, menopause also brings notable changes to the brai…
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Kas vieno privātdetektīvus un analītiskos ķīmiķus? Kā Latvijas koks nonācis kosmosā? Kas ir slimās ēkas sindroms? Kā tiek izstrādātas analīžu metodes? Kas ir valorizācija? Ko mums iemāca STEM? Kā apvienot modeles un zinātnieces darbu? Kādēļ Latvijā jāpēta koksne? Par šiem un citiem jautājumiem par analītisko ķīmiju runāsim ar Latvijas Valsts koksne…
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Agostinho rambles about A$AP Rocky found not guilty of firing his gun at his former friend (1:53) and everything sketchy about the trial (25:22), Delta Air Lines plane crash-lands upside-down in Toronto (46:58), Bonnie Blue announcing her possible pregnancy (53:02), Yung Lean on Subway Takes saying "the party is officially over" (56:43) and Tom Sac…
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Hosted by: Gareth Hawkins – CEO & Co-Founder at BizCrunch (exited founder, M&A investor) Alfie Lambert – Co-Founder & Head of Growth at BizCrunch (& resident outreach expert) In This Episode: • [00:18] Intro: Meet our hosts, Gareth Hawkins & Alfie Lambert (co-founder and Head of Growth at BizCrunch) • [02:03] UK & EU M&A News: Dean Curran's second …
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Probíráme nový Elden Ring či prezentaci PlayStationu. (00:00) Sponzor (00:06) Úvod (00:43) State of Play (03:54) Saros (08:34) Tides of Annihilation (14:08) Lies of P: Overture (19:32) MindsEye (25:55) Lost Soul Aside (29:47) Hell is Us (33:10) Directive 8020 (39:53) The Midnight Walk (41:08) Days Gone Remastered (46:50) Elden Ring: Nightreign (58:…
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Agostinho rambles about Jack Harlow spotted having a solo Valentine's Day dinner in NYC (2:07), new study finds 45% of men aged 18 to 25 have never asked out a woman in person (12:11), Damson Idris launches new high-end jewellery brand Didris (18:23), why being honest and telling the truth is overrated and DJs "faking it til they make it" (25:10), …
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Agostinho rambles about feeling really good lately (spoiler alert; no more baggies)[4:40], PARTYNEXTDOOR & Drake - $ome $exy $ongs 4 U (album review)[13:13], Drake announced as headliner for all three nights of Wireless festival (32:57) and UK Black Twitter is NOT happy about it (39:45) especially Mimi the Music Blogger (53:24), Drake & PARTYNEXTDO…
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