"Baltic Championship Wrestling" (BCW) aus dem hohen Norden Deutschlands begrüßt Euch ganz herzlich zum hauseigenen Podcast. Hier gibt's interessante Interviews mit Wrestlern und Offiziellen, die direkt oder im erweiterten Kreis zur Familie von "Baltic Championship Wrestling" gehören. Viel Spaß beim Zuhören wünschen euch - stellvertretend für die BCW - Ron Rubyn, Nico Schnoor und Viper
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We are covering everything within the East Tennessee Championship Wrestling Community, in-depth interviews with the wrestlers, the staff, and rundowns of each event. Join us for a great time as an East Tennessee Championship Wrestling Fan and Podcast Subscriber! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/etcw/support
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The So Says Natal podcast will bring you..the listeners a wide range of topics from comic books to movies to video games to wrestling to real life events and more for your listening enjoyment. I want this podcast to grow and grow so if you want to contribute to any of the episodes or segments you hear on this podcast, then shoot me an email at [email protected] and follow me on Twitter @SoSaysNatal1 Thanks for listening ~N~
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We are covering our July 30, 2021, Bring On The Brawl from New Market, TN. August 7, 2021, at Springbrook Gymnasium in Alcoa, TN, and August 21, 2021, at the Rocky Branch Community Center in Walland, Tennessee! A NEW Reign begins, a streak ends, and questions need to be answered! https://etcwalcoa.com Sponsors: Maryville Music Academy R6R Lawncare …
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Shock, Awe, and Upsets... Oh My!
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15:48We are covering our July 17, 2021, Bring On The Brawl from the Rocky Branch Community Center in Walland, Tennessee! A Championship Reign Ends and questions need to be answered! https://etcwalcoa.com Sponsors: Maryville Music Academy R6R Lawncare Mountain Air Cleaning Services Ole Ben Franklin Motors --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spot…
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Mind Games and Destruction...
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12:31We are covering our June 12, 2021, Bring On The Brawl from the Rocky Branch Community Center in Walland, Tennessee! We crowned a new Cruiserweight Champion! https://etcwalcoa.com Sponsors: Maryville Music Academy R6R Lawncare Mountain Air Cleaning Services Ole Ben Franklin Motors --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/etc…
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Today we are covering the Smoky Mountain Bigfoot Festival, the June 12th, 2021 Bring On The Brawl Show, and new faces. We are so excited to finally be back to give you the BEST independent wrestling in the only Kid and Family-friendly wrestling promotion around. For ALL information and News, go to www.etcwalcoa.com We want to thank our sponsors Ole…
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In der ersten Folge stellt sich der 1. Vorsitzende Christian Müller den Fragen von Nico Schnoor und Viper über die Entwicklung der BCW und gibt ein paar Einblicke über seine private Person. Erstveröffentlichung 06.03.2020Par Baltic Championship Wrestling
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Zweite Folge, zweites Interview. Heute im Gespräch mit BCW-Urgestein Garett Noah über Wrestling, Bier und.... naja, hört einfach selbst. Viel Spaß Erstveröffentlichung 13.03.2020Par Baltic Championship Wrestling
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Folge 3 - Matthias Bernstein
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35:12Matthias Bernstein erzählt uns etwas zu seinem aktuellen Promo-Turnier, zu seiner Freundschaft mit Lucas Robinson und vielem mehr Erstveröffentlichung: 08.04.2020Par Baltic Championship Wrestling
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Folge 4 - Askeladd Gormsson
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35:55In der heutigen Episode gewährt uns der Wikinger ein Einblick in seine Vergangenheit, wie es zur Partnerschaft mit Capain Marcus Monere kam u.v.m Erstveröffentlichung 25.04.2020Par Baltic Championship Wrestling
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Folge 5 - "Freebird" Fynn Freyhart
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28:27Der Freebird erzählt uns von seinen Anfängen im Wrestling bis zu seinen Zielen. Und noch viel mehr. Erstveröffentlichung 01.05.2020Par Baltic Championship Wrestling
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Das Oberhaupt aus Berlin gibt sich die Ehre. Nickolas "King Fu***** " Kluth stellt sich diesmal unseren Fragen. Ein absolutes Muss zum Zuhören. Erstveröffentlichung 09.05.2020Par Baltic Championship Wrestling
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Crowchester ist einer der spektakulärsten Highflyer in WrestlingDeutschland und aus der gesamten Szene schon jetzt nicht mehr wegzudenken. Ein hochinteressantes Gespräch, das sich niemand entgehen lassen sollte. Erstveröffentlichung 04.06.2020Par Baltic Championship Wrestling
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Neu am Podcast-Mikrofon: BCW Supervisor Ron Rubyn! Gemeinsam mit Nico Schnoor hat er BCW-Booker Chris Tyson zu Gast, der sich zum geplanten Event "Revolution" am 03.10.2020 äußert. Erstveröffentlichung am 02.09.2020Par Baltic Championship Wrestling
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Ein Urgestein der BCW gibt sich die Ehre. DG Dash hat viel erlebt und noch viel vor. Sollte es eines Tages eine BCW-Ruhmeshalle geben, so hat dieser Hamburger Jung die besten Chancen, als Erster aufgenommen zu werden.Par Baltic Championship Wrestling
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Cruising Into A Family Feud
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23:07This is the 2020 ETCW Bring On The Brawl Recap Edition! In this episode, we are recapping the Double Header Bring On The Brawl events. The matches were incredible as we kicked off the 2020 year with a BANG! You saw some new faces making their presence known as well as the foundation of the ETCW. To help support the podcast, for a small donation eac…
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This is the December 7th Year-End ETCW Bring On The Brawl. In this episode, we are recapping the December Bring On The Brawl Year-End event. The matches were phenomenal! Some very special moments, and an interesting twist that happened at the end. You saw some new faces as well as some familiar ones. To help support the podcast, for a small donatio…
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In this episode, we are recapping the November Bring On The Brawl event. There were great matches, special moments, and the interesting twists that happened. Share, Like and Subscribe to get all of the latest podcast episodes as they come available! Announcements: November 2nd - ETCW Bring On The Brawl Link: https://etcwalcoa.com/news/blog/fire-wit…
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In this episode, we are recapping the October Bring On The Brawl event. There were great matches, creepy moments, the ETCW debut of Mid Atlantic Champion, Frankie Swamptower, and some interesting outcomes that happened. Announcements: October 5 - ETCW Bring On The Brawl event Recap. Link: https://etcwalcoa.com/news/blog/breaking-the-law October 18 …
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Savage or Destructive Tendencies
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22:30The ETCW Podcast: Savage or Destructive Tendencies... In this episode we are recapping the September Bring On The Brawl event. The Rogue Nation is once again showing their dominance as the new era has been ushered in. There has been a few men who have dared to stand in their way but so far ALL have fallen. Announcements: September 7th - ETCW Bring …
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The ETCW Podcast: Repeat Offenders... In this episode we are recapping the August Bring On The Brawl event. The Rogue Nation is showing their dominance as the new era begins. The ROGUE NATION powerhouse faction is looking to take over the ETCW! Who can stop them and who will be left standing if they try? Announcements: July 20th - ETCW Recap. 150 b…
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The ETCW Podcast: A New Era Begins... In this episode we are recapping the July Bring On The Brawl event. Many twists and turns happened that night and a new era began. The ROGUE NATION was formed and it looks like this powerhouse of a faction will be here for a very long time dominating all of the ETCW. Announcements: July 20th - ETCW is having a …
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The Summer is Sizzling! Bringing The Brawl In A BIG Way!
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11:49We are kicking things off with a BANG! We are so excited to bring you the podcast and we have some great episodes planned for you in the future so make sure you hit that SUBSCRIBE button so you don’t miss anything. We have some huge things happening within the ETCW Community and we will be announcing them right here as they unfold. First, let me sa…
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Hello and welcome to the East Tennessee Championship Wrestling podcast! I’m your host Jerry Martin, Recording Artist, Studio Owner, an avid wrestling fan and I will be bringing you News on everything within the East Tennessee Championship Wrestling Community, You’ll be hearing in-depth interviews with your favorite ETCW wrestlers. They are going to…
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PCW EP. 85 - NXT Takeover Brooklyn 3 & Summerslam 2017 Recap
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1:50:10On this weeks podcast we go over all of the events that happened in the four days the WWE took over Brooklyn NY. Hear who won and who lost and how we felt about the winners and losers during the four days of wrestling mayhem.'Raging Divekick' written and performed by Michael AndronicoPar Podcast Championship Wrestling
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PCW EP. 84 - NXT Takeover Brooklyn 3 & Summerslam Card Breakdown
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47:54On this weeks podcast we go over the card for NXT Takeover Brooklyn 3 and Summerslam 2017. Find out who is fighting and who we want to be the victor after their match.Raging Divekick written and performed by Michael AndronicoPar Podcast Championship Wrestling
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