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The Hidden World of Women


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So much of women's lives and so many of our experiences are hushed up, not spoken about and hidden. The Hidden World of Women is focused on bringing awareness to the experiences of women. There is no shame, no secrecy. Just women talking openly about their and our experiences. We want to let women know that you aren't alone, we want to bring awareness and shine hope for women.
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show series
In this episode, Emma is joined by Fiona MacPherson to talk about her experiences with Lipoedema. This is a common connective tissue disorder that causes an abnormal buildup of fat that cannot be removed without surgery. Despite affecting 11% of women, Lipoedema remains underdiagnosed, often mistaken for obesity, and is not recognised by Medicare i…
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We’re back for another year, and in our first episode, Emma wanted to talk about transitions. As schools, unis, and TAFEs go back, how do you cope when your baby isn’t a baby anymore? When your child starts kindy, there’s an outpouring of support. But when they finish primary school, high school, or even uni, no one really talks about how scary cha…
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May is Ehlers-Danlos Syndorme (EDS) and Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders (HSD) Awareness Month. During this month, people worldwide show their support for those with complex, multisystemic conditions. The awareness ribbon is black and white zebra striped pattern and zebra are used throughout the awareness campaign with phrases like #dazzletogether …
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The latest instalment of The Hidden world of Women is a two part episode with Penny focusing on living as a visually impaired person. Penny is a mother of 5 children who doesn’t let having been blind since birth stop her doing anything! This is Part two of the episode, for part one follow the link at the end. While being blind in a world made for s…
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The latest instalment of The Hidden world of Women is a two part episode with Penny focusing on living as a visually impaired person. Penny is a mother of 5 children who doesn’t let having been blind since birth stop her doing anything! While being blind in a world made for sighted comes with its challenges Penny shares with Emma how she tackles th…
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It’s International Women’s Day today! This years theme is ‘Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress’ (find out more here https://www.un.org/en/observances/womens-day) As we’re a women’s organisation and gender based service we had to take the time to focus on acknowledging the 8th March. This year we struggled to come up with a topic for conversation p…
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In this weeks episode of the Hidden World of Women, Emma is joined by Serena. Serena is one unit away from completing her masters in counselling and was diagnosed with ADHD when she was 54. While this episode was going to focus on studying and careers with ADHD, in true ADHD fashion we went everywhere! This episode talks about Serena’s path to diag…
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In this week’s episode of the hidden world of Women we are joined by Ginger. Ginger has been in the adult industry for the last nine years and shared her experiences as a stripper and skimpy worker. She started stripping after returning from the UK and needing a job and source of income fast. The social expectation of a stripper is that they’re peo…
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In this weeks episode of the hidden world of women we continue the “Working Women” series. We’re joined by Kiah, a professional declutterer and organiser. Kiah started her business in 2019 after her husband suggested that she use her skill set and passions and start Declutter with Kiah. With the support of her friends and family she started helping…
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October sees the celebration of Frocktober for ovarian cancer awareness. As we’re a women's health organisation we had to do an episode talking about it. In this episode of The Hidden World of Women, Emma is joined by former host: Melanie Brown! Melanie shares her story losing a friend to ovarian cancer and caring for someone who was dying. This ex…
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September is the month with the highest rate of births in Australia! In episode of Hidden World of Women we’re asking the question “what is a doula?” Emma sat down with Michelle to find out. Michelle talked about how she felt like she’d been an unofficial doula for the last 20 years after helping advocate for her friends and family within the hospi…
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It’s women’s health week! Given this podcast is brought to you by Women’s Health and Wellbeing Services (https://whws.org.au ) we couldn’t let it pass without a podcast episode related. This year’s theme is Grow Your Knowledge. As always there is a different prompt for each day and Monday is Check Me Out – women’s health checks including cervical s…
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In this week’s episode of Working Women, Emma spoke with Kitty Woodhouse, The Maiden of Metal. Kitty shared her experience as a professional metal artist. Emma asked about what drew Kitty to metal art (a broken gate that will one day be fixed….maybe) her experiences learning the craft (spite is apparently a good motivator) and the impact it has on …
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In this second episode of the ‘Working Women’ series Emma spoke to Linda Gerwar. Linda is a truck driver on the mines in Western Australia. Mining is something people talk about a lot but you don’t necessarily hear about the specific jobs on site. In this episode they talked about Linda’s career change later in life and the motivations for it, what…
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Welcome back people! After a hiatus we return with a new series “Working Women.” This series was created after numerous conversations with women saying they don’t know what they want to be when they grow up (some of these women were in their 40s, 50s and 60s and some were in their teens and 20s) and one of the reasons; they just don’t know what’s o…
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November is PRIDE month in Australia. Pride month provides an opportunity to celebrate the impact that LGBTQIA+ community has had on the world. For many in the Pride community it is a chance to celebrate how far we have come as a society (while still recognising that we have a long way to go!) In this episode I spoke with Emma Atkinson about her ex…
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Every year, twice a year in fact, we put out a service evaluation asking people what they would like to see us cover. Every time people say ‘menopause’ but when we offer information sessions people just don’t come. Whether that is because of the stigma that still surrounds talking about menopause or it is because women in perimenopause years are ‘b…
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October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. In this episode I spoke with Richelle, an absolutely glorious woman who is a devoted mother, loving wife and dedicated tribal belly dancer and tribal dance teacher, she also happens to be a breast cancer survivor. In the episode Richelle speaks about her experience with diagnosis, the importance of early de…
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This is our 50th episode (and between the last episode and this we celebrated our second birthday!). 50 episodes seems like a milestone so I posted on socials to ask listeners what we should do to celebrate and it was suggested we talk to someone about turning 50. In the episode I spoke with Pip Brennan, author, independent lived experience advocat…
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It’s Women’s Health Week! A few months ago I was approached by Megan from Centre for Women’s Safety and Wellbeing about co-hosting a podcast for Women’s Health Week focusing on women in sport. The idea being that we would shift away from some of the more standard topics that are covered for Women’s Health Week. We had a couple of chats about it. We…
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Speaking with many women, it seems that incontinence, light bladder leakage etc is something that they feel like they need to just live with after having a baby or as they age. So many times I have heard ‘I can’t jump on a trampoline’ ‘don’t make me laugh, tears of laughter will run down my legs’. Whether it is the advertising for incontinence pads…
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When we are planning to start a family we get a picture in our head around what it’s going to look like. It very rarely looks like the romanticised picture we create. Sometimes, the reality is as vastly different to that picture. In this episode Bri shares how her family doesn’t look how she anticipated. Bri and her husband have two children. When …
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While some parts of the world celebrate Pride month in June, here in Australia we celebrate Pride in November but Pride is for more than just one month a year. The more we can learn about people’s experiences the more empathy and understanding we can show. The 2016 Census counted 1,260 sex and/or gender diverse people in Australia, 26% of those ide…
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Why are we hearing about more women being diagnosed with ADHD as adults? Why were they not picked up and diagnosed in childhood? What does ADHD look like in women? ADHD looks very different in girls and women to the stereotype of the naughty boys who are disruptive and destructive, always in trouble and doing the wrong thing. It can look like fidge…
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So many women in Australia experience Family and domestic violence. The statistics in Australia show one in six women (and one in 16 men) experienced physical or sexual violence by a current or previous partner since the age of 15, one in four women (one in six men) have experienced emotional abuse by a current or previous partner since the age of …
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In Australia one in six women (and one in sixteen men) experienced physical or sexual violence by a current or previous partner since the age of 15, one in four women (one in six men) have experienced emotional abuse by a current or previous partner since the age of 15 and one in five women (and one in twenty men) have experienced sexual violence s…
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Some parts of the world celebrate May as Mental Health Awareness Month. While we don’t celebrate Mental Health Month until October here in Australia, when you run a mental health service, every month should be mental health month. Up until 2019 it was fair to say that most people may have experienced some job related stress. When does stress stop b…
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This is the fourth and last episode in our ANZAC day series. The series has focused on how the Department of Defence impacts womens lives. Whether that be women as serving members of Defence, or as wives, partners or mothers. Being connected to the Department of Defence shapes women’s lives and I wanted to speak with women about that experience. In…
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On the April 25th we celebrated ANZAC day here in Australia (and New Zealand). We wanted to talk to women whose lives are impacted by their connection to the Department of Defence, whether that be as serving members, as a partner of a member of Defence or as a mother of someone who serves or has served in the Department of Defence. In this episode …
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April 25th is ANZAC day here in Australia. To pay tribute to ANZAC day this is the second episode in the ANZAC series exploring how being connected to the Department of Defence impacts women. Women in the military, the wives and mothers of those in the Department of Defence. In this episode I spoke with Nicky Thomas who joined the Army Reserves for…
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April 25th is ANZAC day here in Australia. I wanted to do a short series talking to women who have experience with the Department of Defence to look at the ways that the armed forces impact women. Women in the military, the wives and mothers of those in the Department of Defence. In the first episode of this series, I spoke with Helen Burgess who w…
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In previous episodes I have mentioned that the jobs our children may have possibly don’t exist yet. In this episode I speak with the amazing Paola Magni who is a perfect example of this. As a child, Paola was fascinated by nature and science and as she continued through her science education she fell in love with the natural sciences and in particu…
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Tomorrow is international women’s day. As this is a podcast for women by women and brought to you by Women’s Health and Wellbeing Services, we couldn’t let the day without pass without having a conversation around IWD. This years theme is Changing Climates: Equality today for a sustainable tomorrow. In this episode Emma speaks with Jayde Robinson-C…
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In the last episode I spoke with Paris about with an introduction to home schooling. One of the fears that is often discussed when talking with parents about the idea of home schooling is how will it impact my children’s further education? ‘The only way into uni is ATAR, can my kids do ATAR if I’m home schooling them?’ There are many pathways into …
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The school year is almost upon us again, someone remind me where the summer holidays went? This time last year I chatted to Cindy in Episode 12 about schooling in uncertainty, ways to help reduce anxiety as kids start school, return to school or perhaps start a new chapter in schooling, you can check out that episode here https://www.podbean.com/ew…
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Some women dream of becoming parents, other women make life choices not to become mothers and then the universe works in mysterious ways and when they meet the man or woman of their dreams the new partner comes with children. Being a stepparent has many challenges, negotiating different parenting styles, not wanting to overstep but wanting to do th…
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Journey into Motherhood – Same sex parenting part 2 This is the second part of the episode talking to Kelly and Sam Pilgram-Byrne about their experience and journey into motherhood and having to be a part of changing laws to be able to become mums. This episode picks up just after I have asked them if everything they went through was worth it. I wo…
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Journey into Motherhood – Same sex parenting Where do babies come from? Well when a mummy and daddy love each other very much…. But what happens when the couple doesn’t involve a daddy? What happens when it’s a mum and a mumma who love each other very much? In this episode I talk with Kelly and Sam Pilgram-Byrne about their experience and journey i…
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This is the third episode in a new series ‘Journey into Motherhood’. This series focuses on the fact that not all journeys into motherhood look the same. There are many different ways to become a parent. Journey into Motherhood – IVF egg donation Approximately one in 35 women are unable to produce their own oocytes (eggs). For those women their opt…
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This is the second episode in a new series ‘Journey into Motherhood’. This series focuses on the fact that not all journeys into motherhood look the same. There are many different ways to become a parent. In this episode Emma speaks with Cinta about her journey to become a mother. While not an unconventional journey into motherhood Cinta did start …
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This is the first episode in a new series ‘Journey into Motherhood’. This series focuses on the fact that not all journeys into motherhood look the same. There are many different ways to become a parent. In this episode Emma speaks with Rebecca about her journey to become a mother. Rebecca and her husband both knew from an early age that conceiving…
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In this episode Emma speaks with Kate about the importance of sharing stories of motherhood. Kate is the online learning co-ordinator at WHWS and Hidden World of You and recently MC’d the perinatal mental health symposium. During that event it was really highlighted how our birth stories impact us. During the symposium it became a bit of a running …
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Friday the 10th of September is World Suicide Prevention Day. World Suicide Prevention Day is about raising awareness of suicide in our communities. In this episode Emma speaks with Claire about her experience of losing her son Kai to depression, ending in suicide. Almost 10 million Australians know someone who has been impacted by suicide, that’s …
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Last year I was surprised to learn that people in interracial marriages still experience negativity, at times to the point of violence, about their relationships! I had heard Carisa and her husband Sam speak on Loving Day (the 50th anniversary of The Lovings vs State of Virginia in which the Supreme Court ruled that laws banning interracial marriag…
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In this episode Emma talks to Amy about her experience of the sudden death of her husband at an early age from heart failure. Being a young widow with three very small children, the process of trying to look after herself while looking after her children and the toll that took. While the statistics tell us that Heart failure accounts for almost one…
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In this episode Emma speaks with Lisa about her experiences with a brain aneurysm and subsequent stroke and her journey to recovery. We are sharing this episode in the lead up to national stroke week, the 2-8th August, #strokeweek2021 As always I want to thank Lisa for sharing so openly about her experiences and for finding humour, resilience and h…
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This is a slightly different episode of The Hidden World of Women. The podcast is brought to you by Women’s Health and Wellbeing Services and earlier this month we hosted two events focused on increasing awareness and decreasing stigma around mental health in the perinatal period. One theme that comes through in all the services we offer is how pow…
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June 1-30 is SANDS (miscarriage, stillborn and new born death) awareness month. In this episode of The Hidden World of Women Sophie shares her experience with a late term miscarriage. While somewhere between 1 in 4 and 1 in 10 (depending on which source you look at) pregnancies result in miscarriage, only 1 or 2% of pregnancies will end in a late t…
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Western Australia seems to have been bypassed by the Covid-19 pandemic (touch wood). With relatively little disruption and very few cases it is hard to comprehend what it has been like to live through in other parts of the world. In this episode Emma chats with Charlotte a community services manager in Nottingham, UK to hear what it has been like o…
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There has recently been attention on the restrictions that face birthing mothers. With only 1 support person in the room mothers are having to choose between having their partner in the room or having their doula there. This led to much discussion around the role of a doula and ‘what even is a doula anyway? And why is it a big deal if they can’t go…
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