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Na vida de cada um de nós há duas ou três músicas que nos transportam para as pessoas ou acontecimentos significativos da vida de cada um. Por trás de cada música, há uma história. Por trás de cada história, há uma pessoa ou um momento especial.
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Chaque mois+
MusicalTalk is the UK's longest running independent musical theatre podcasts - featuring discussions on new and old shows, interviews, new songs and behind the scenes stories.
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France Inter

Chaque mois
La nouvelle chronique musicale du lundi au jeudi à 7h24 signée par Aline Afanoukoé Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Off Book: The Improvised Musical

Jessica McKenna and Zach Reino

Chaque mois+
It takes years for a Broadway musical to hit the stage, but on OFF BOOK: The Improvised Musical, you get a brand new original musical every week! Each episode, Jessica McKenna, Zach Reino and a special guest create a new musical on the spot. Accompanied by Scott Passarella, King of Pianists, Pianist of Kings.
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Musicality Mondays is hosted by singer songwriter, vocalist, and youtube personality Jazicality and airs Mondays at 2PM CST. This podcast focuses on artists in the Twin Cities (MN) area!
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Mondes musicaux

Christine Borello

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Écoutez Mondes musicaux : venez à la rencontre d’une personnalité qui vous fait partager sa pratique artistique ou culturelle, et découvrir la musique au cœur de son identité. À l’occasion, venez aussi y explorer une thématique. Rendez-vous à l’émission Mondes musicaux, avec Christine Borello, le vendredi à 16 h sur les ondes de CKIA 88,3.
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My Wife Hates Musicals


Chaque mois
One wife loves musicals... the other wife hates musicals. Join us as we journey through musical theatre throughout the ages, providing humorous perspectives, Etcetera, Etcetera. Will this adventure lead to the Something Good or will their relationship be in deep Shipoopi?
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Inside MusiCast

Rick Such and Eddy Cabello

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Inside MusiCast provides in-depth interviews with amazing musicians, producers, session players, and front-line artists. We dedicate our podcast to those who go “beyond the liner notes”. Now, you’re inside the music scene.
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Charm Scene: Improvised Musicals

Charm Scene: Improvised Musicals

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Join Lily Ludwig, Austin Packard, Music Director Sam Scheidler, and drummer Chris Ditton as they create brand new musicals — completely on the fly — alongside some of Chicago’s most charming music improvisers and performers. Welcome to the scene!
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La nouvelle émission musicale de France Culture parle de musique, mais propose surtout d’en écouter. Une émission libre de tous les styles, tous les rites, toutes les origines et de toutes les provenances. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Após um terrível acidente com Rogerinho no Choque de Cultura, os pilotos Renan, Maurílio e Julinho resolveram fazer o que nunca puderam antes: falar sobre música. O podcast “Ambiente de Música”, que não é mais secreto, vai mostrar que este ambiente pode trazer reflexões importantes para nossa sociedade. Os profissionais da opinião debatem os temas mais variados, partindo da inteligência de Gabriel O Pensador, Djs, até o gênero Emo, festivais, paternidade, entre outros, provando que música ta ...
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Musically Meditated Podcast

Joe Riley: music lover, podcaster, and host of Musically Meditated

Chaque mois+
Musically Meditated with Joe Riley is a show about Musical Exploration. Musically Meditated host Joe Riley talks about all genres of music and occasionally talks about the importance of meditation. Joe reviews music and frequently has some fantastic guests. This is what a show about music should be. We’re always sending positive vibes. Hit that subscribe button and check out "Musically Meditated" on Instagram and watch on YouTube. Email Joe and the show with any comments or questions at musi ...
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A Musical Theatre Podcast

Jeffrey Scott Parsons

Chaque mois+
Conversations revealing the cultural and emotional impact of our favorite musicals in theatre history. On each episode of “A Musical Theatre Podcast,” Jeff welcomes a special guest to explore one musical from theatre history. Together they get to the heart of the show’s cultural and emotional impact by looking at its creators, context, and storytelling. Always fun and heartfelt, this is the podcast to celebrate the humanity of our musical theatre art form.
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show series
Vianoce, to je aj čas stretnutí. Stretávania sa rodín, či priateľov. K jednému milému stretnutiu prišlo aj na pôde Slovenského rozhlasu, kde sa konal záverečný koncert festivalu Viva Musica 2024. Stretnutie učiteľa so žiakmi na pódiu. Legendárny pedagóg Boris Kuschnir a jeho slovenskí žiaci, huslisti: Dalibor Karvay, Karol Daniš a Ondrej Jánoška. V…
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Nesta edição, Cleber Facchi (@cleberfacchi), Isadora Almeida (@almeidadora), Renan Guerra (@_renanguerra) e Nik Silva (@niksilva) relembram alguns dos principais acontecimentos que movimentaram o mundo da música nos últimos meses. Apoie a gente: https://apoia.se/podcastvfsm Playlist Seleção VFSM: https://bit.ly/3ETG7oE Contato: sobremusicavamosfala…
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Thjs episode has music from the “Cuento Resonante” Podcast, episode 005, The Captain without a Ship. Episode 005 on the “Cuento Resonante” Podcast:https://pnc.st/s/cuento-resonante/d54e9a5f/005-the-captain-without-a-ship website: https://oportuno.org DISCLAIMER: To help support our channel to keep making videos, there may be affiliate links. If you…
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a cura di Maria Teresa Ferrante PROGRAMMA Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827) Sonata per corno e pianoforte in fa maggiore, op. 17 1. Allegro moderato 2. Poco Adagio, quasi Andante 3. Rondo. Allegro moderato Anneke Scott, corno Steven Devine, fortepiano Introduzione e variazioni per trio con pianoforte in sol maggiore, op. 121a sul lied "Ich bin der…
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O último LoGGadoCast de 2024 está no ar! E nesta edição, Edu Sacer, Márcio Zanon e Leo Oliveira relembrar seus melhores e piores do ano na música, nos filmes e nas séries! Para ouvir, dê o play, aumente o volume e deixe seu feedback nos comentários! Comentado no Cast: 08:04 - 2024 no LoGGadin 28:25 - 2024 na Música 01:15:18 - 2024 nos Filmes 01:58:…
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Programa de música latina urbana, Radiofórmula de Musicalatinaurbana.com que incluye los últimos éxitos del momento del Top Latino Urbano internacional. Conéctate a escucharlo desde tu plataforma favorita: https://www.musicalatinaurbana.com Las Mejores playlists musicales aquí, noticias, videoclips y estrenos de música latina en fusión urbana. Maga…
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Nuestro tradicional relato de los acontecimientos de la Natividad: la Judea ocupada por el Imperio Romano; el misterioso mensajero Gabriel que se presenta a Zacarías y le anuncia el nacimiento de Juan el Bautista (primo de Jesús); el mismo mensajero que se presenta a Myriam (o Mariam, o María) en Nazaret y le anuncia que será madre de un Libertador…
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durée : 00:56:37 - Côté Club - par : Laurent Goumarre - Côté Club, le rendez-vous de toute la scène française et plus si affinités reçoit Camille et Clément Ducol pour la bande originale du film et lewis Evans et son nouvel album "Coeur céleste". Bienvenue au Club ! - réalisé par : Stéphane LE GUENNEC…
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durée : 00:54:38 - Very Good Trip - par : Michka Assayas - Ce soir, je ne me trouve pas, comme d’habitude, à l’intérieur de ma bulle, face à une vitre puisque je fais face, au public du studio 104 de la Maison de la Radio, et ce n’est pas pour présenter un concert. - réalisé par : Stéphane RonxinPar Michka Assayas
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1. Dosem, Supernova - The Nasty Way (Original Mix) 2. Dosem - Chase The Link (Original Mix) 3. Dosem - Externalizer (Original Mix) 4. Dosem - Ellipsis (Original Mix) 5. Dosem - Projection (Original Mix) 6. UMEK, Mike Vale - All I Want (Dosem Remix) 7. Dosem - Optimism (Original Mix) 8. Chus & Ceballos, Oscar De Rivera, DJ Chus, Pablo Ceballos - Blo…
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Kňaz, salezián a pedagóg Tibor Reimer sa narodil sa Slovensku, vyrastal v Nemecku, študoval v Taliansku. Vyskúšal si náročnú prácu s problematickou mládežou, bol pri založení najväčšieho mládežníckeho futbalového klubu u nás. Sandre Vychlopenovej porozpráva o svojom koníčku jachtingu, obľúbených prechádzkach, a zistíme, ako to nielen na Vianoce fun…
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V špeciálnom sviatočnom vydaní relácie Aeterna musica bude v Rádiu Devín znieť hudba stredoveku, renesancie a baroka určená na obdobie Vianoc. Vianočnú mozaiku diel starých majstrov doplní tvorba skladateľov 20. storočia. Výber z gregoriánskeho chorálu, ranej polyfónie, motet franko-flámskych majstrov a pastorálne ladených omšových a kantátových ča…
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Christmas in Slovakia has evolved significantly in recent years. Climate change has made a white Christmas less predictable, and the consumption habits of the modern Western world have lessened the appeal of handmade, locally produced goods. However, there are individuals and communities across the country who are preserving traditions and shifting…
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Počas vianočných sviatkov hrá hudba dôležitú úlohu. Vytvára v nás sviatočnú náladu, prináša láskavú atmosféru a premieňa obyčajný pocit na výnimočný. Hudba má veľkú moc vrátiť nás do čias minulých, navodiť nám emócie naviazané na našu mladosť, rodinu a priateľov. Vráťme sa o pár desiatok rokov späť a pripomeňme si ako vyzerali Vianoce v 80. až 90. …
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Zuzana Knezlová; sviatky hinduizmu na Bali, v Indii a v Nepále - Dnes máme pre vás špeciálny rozhovor, ktorý prichádza v čase, keď u nás vládne vianočná atmosféra. Pre nás sú Vianoce najväčšími sviatkami roka, ktoré trávime s rodinou a oživujeme tradície. Aké sviatky však oslavujú kultúry, ktorým Vianoce nič nehovoria? S dnešnou hostkou Zuzkou Knez…
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Рождественская программа: Беседа с директором Словацкой филармонии Марианом Турнером и арфисткой СФ Катариной Турнеровой. Встреча с супругами-художниками Марией и Даниэлом Биделницей. Интервью с руководителем балетной труппы Словацкого национального театра Ниной Полаковой. Детская рождественская сказка.…
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durée : 00:04:33 - C'est une chanson - par : Frédéric Pommier - A l'occasion des fêtes de fin d'année, nous dédions cette semaine aux athlètes qui ont marqué les Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques. Aujourd'hui, nous réécoutons l'interview que Frédéric Pommier avait réalisée avec la lanceuse du disque Mélina Robert-Michon, porte-drapeau de la délégati…
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Špeciálne, vianočné vydanie relácie prezentuje poetickú hudobnú tvorbu z dielne renomovaných umelcov slovenskej a českej hudobnej scény: PAVOL HAMMEL a PRÚDY - Pokoj Vám // VLADIMÍR MIŠÍK & BLUE SHADOWS - Noční obraz // KATARÍNA KOŠČOVÁ, DANIEL ŠPINER - Krehkosť // VLASTA REDL – Pecky téměř všecky // DEŽO URSÍNY, IVAN ŠTRPKA – Modrý vrch…
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Eva Križková: Vlaková koleda / Jednu vec majú Vianoce a vlaky spoločnú. Spájajú ľudí. Autorka fíčru sa vydáva na autentickú cestu vlakom naprieč Slovenskom, na ktorej stretáva rôznych cestujúcich, ich želania a problémy. Anketový záznam nadobúda vo výsledku formu rozhlasového roadmovie, v ktorom sa samotná cesta stáva cieľom a Vianoce rámom pre zrk…
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