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show episodes

Fundamental Breakdown

Dkon Maverick

Chaque mois
Here we aim to discuss the struggles we face in life, are aliens real, harmony within oneself, religion, science, metaphysics, conspiracy theory and the esoteric studies. We strive to understand the basics of Human Nature and the fundamental foundation of it’s meaning..
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Fundament - Der Bau-Podcast

Thomas Krug, Jonas Betz

Chaque mois+
Entdecken Sie die Geheimnisse erfolgreicher Bauvorhaben mit "Fundament - Der Bau-Podcast", der Quelle für unverzichtbare Baueinblicke. Direkt von den Conwick-Geschäftsführern, Thomas Krug und Jonas Betz, erhalten Sie praxisnahe Ratschläge, um Ihr Bauprojekt stressfrei und effizient zu gestalten. Jede Episode ist gefüllt mit fundiertem Expertenwissen, realen Fallstudien und erprobten Strategien, die speziell darauf ausgerichtet sind, Bauherren in Deutschland zu befähigen, ihre Projekte mit we ...
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Fundamental Principle

Patrick and Jerome

Chaque semaine+
Catholics trying to get to the fundamental reality of our faith through a lens of tradition and reality. Our email Our substack Our gumroad Our telegram
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The Fundamental Molecule

The Fundamental Molecule with Tom Ferguson, Burnt Island Ventures

Chaque mois
Welcome to The Fundamental Molecule. This show explores the intersection of water, technology and entrepreneurship. Each week, Tom Ferguson, Managing Partner of Burnt Island Ventures, interviews innovators, experts, entrepreneurs and investors in the world of water, to help us understand where this trillion dollar industry is headed. These are the stories of the people building the future of the world’s most valuable and fundamental resource. Explore all of our episodes and learn more at htt ...
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The Fundamentalists

Elliott Morgan and Peter Rollins

Chaque mois
Hosted by philosopher Peter Rollins and comedian Elliott Morgan, The Fundamentalists explores life and culture through the lens of continental philosophy, psychoanalytic theory, and depth psychology. We apologize in advance.
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To listen to Fundamental Expressions is Meditation.The basic human predicament can not be solved by any positive explanation or statement. It is rested when you notice it. There is only one step; you have to disregard silently, spontaneously the relief offered by books, gurus, techniques, various entertainments and so on against your present state, which you call unsatisfactory. Just listen or go through. there is nothing to practise or implement. The point automatically takes root while you ...
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Fun is Fundamental


Chaque mois
Do you ever wonder when did you get so serious? Do you miss the good old days? Do you lack fun in your life? About half of Americans say they don’t have enough fun. Join me on a mission to prioritize fun in our lives and why the lack of fun is detrimental to our well-being. This weekly podcast pivots between solo episodes and guest interviews. I, either, talk about a fun activity that I did or explore ideas around why fun can be so elusive. I hope to inspire you to explore ways to incorporat ...
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Chaque mois
Fundament, tidligere Reflekterte Lekmenn, er en podcast om teologi og samfunnsspørsmål, utgitt av TeologiTavla. Vi tar for oss ulike spennende og viktige tema sett fra et kristent verdensbilde. Host er Richard Beharie. Følg @fundamentpodcast på Instagram.
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Conversa de Fundamento

Conversa de Fundamento

Chaque mois
Um podcast da Escola de Negócios da PUCRS. Conversas leves e descontraídas - mas com muito fundamento! - sobre economia, negócios, cultura e atualidades. Nesta temporada, em parceria com GZH. Siga o podcast também no Instagram @conversadefundamento
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Token Terminal

Chaque mois+
Fundamentals of the internet-native economy. The world's most valuable companies are born during major platform shifts. We demystify crypto to help you filter the noise.
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Fundamentele Gesprekken

Festival Cement

Chaque mois
Lotte Lola Vermeer gaat met experts uit de podiumkunsten in gesprek over actuele thema’s en vraagstukken. Van de inrichting van toneelopleidingen tot de vraag hoe je je als zzp’er in de kunsten staande houdt. Met relevante inzichten en verfrissende uitwisselingen werpt elk gesprek een nieuw licht op de veranderende podiumkunsten. Fundamentele gesprekken is een podcast van Festival Cement.
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Das Fundament

Jonas Martini

Chaque mois
Was ist das wichtigste Fundament in deinem Leben? Dein Mindset? Wie gehe ich mit Erfolgen um, wie mit Misserfolgen? Was ist Moral und was ist moralisch richtig? Darum geht es hier. In diesem Podcast teile ich mit dir meine Ziele und die Wege, wie ich sie erreichen will. Alles, was ich auf diesen Wegen erlebe, Erfolge und Misserfolge, kannst du hier hören.
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Daira Villavicencio

Chaque mois
Los pensamientos son creación de la mente, mismos que puedes modificar y mejorar para vivir una vida más plena. En este podcast te hablaré y daré consejos desde mi experiencia sobre cómo mejorar nuestra mentalidad, productividad, organización, y enfoque en la vida. Todo lo que cuento dentro de los capítulos son por experiencia propia y consejos que he seguido. No soy profesional en el tema, también sigo aprendiendo. <3 Soy tu Host Daira y te doy la bienvenida a FundaMental.
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show series
Willkommen zu einer neuen Folge von „Fundament – Der Bau-Podcast”! Wie führe ich ein erfolgreiches Bankgespräch, um meine Ziele zu erreichen? Wir geben Einblicke in die Gesprächskultur bei Banken und teilen Tipps, wie Sie Ihre Projektfinanzierung am besten zum Erfolg führen können. Viel Spaß beim Zuhören! +++++ „Fundament - Der Bau-Podcast“ - und w…
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Part 2 of this series could have easily been renamed "AI for science: The expert’s guide to practical machine learning.” We continue our discussion with Christoph Molnar and Timo Freisleben to look at how scientists can apply supervised machine learning techniques from the previous episode into their research. Introduction to supervised ML for scie…
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Sometimes things just strike you as dumb and then one day you understand why. The current model of desalination is a great example. It's something that everyone thinks that we at BIV should be invested in up to the eyeballs, and, of course, we support technologies that are pertinent to desal, but the legacy model is just a tough nut to crack. Ever …
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PG-13 Patrick and Jerome read Catholic and Identarian by Julien Langella. This book shows that being for ones own race is completely acceptable in a Catholic context. Our email Our substack Our gumroad Our telegram…
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Machine learning is transforming scientific research across disciplines, but many scientists remain skeptical about using approaches that focus on prediction over causal understanding. That’s why we are excited to have Christoph Molnar return to the podcast with Timo Freibusleben. They are co-authors of "Supervised Machine Learning for Science: How…
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Weekly summary of events from the week beginning 3rd March 2025 Bonds discussed in this episode include CONSEN, VAST, VTR, CNECN, QUIPOR + more Please reach out to your local Balanz sales representative for more information on any of the bonds mentioned in this podcast. Anyone listening to this audio must evaluate for himself/herself the convenienc…
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As the host of the parenting podcast "New Mom Talk," (previously Mama Wears Athleisure) and the Carlsbad Mom Crew group, she's passionate about creating a supportive space where moms can come together, share experiences, and find the resources they need to thrive in parenthood. Her mission is to empower and uplift mothers by providing valuable insi…
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If you’re constantly thinking about food—what to eat, when to eat, how much you’ve had, or whether you’ve “blown it”—you’re not broken. You’re experiencing food noise. In this episode, we break down where food noise comes from, why it’s not your fault, and the simple, science-backed steps you can take to finally quiet the chaos around food. We’ll c…
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Let's go right back to the beginning. In Season 1 Episode 1, Brian recounted his conversion story. "No bibles, no preaching, no god-bothering!" These were the conditions he put upon his two brothers, who had recently converted to Pentecostal Christianity, if he were to visit them while on holidays. What happened next would change the course of his …
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PG-13 Patrick reads Catholic and Identarian by Julien Langella. This book shows that being for ones own race is completely acceptable in a Catholic context. Our email Our substack Our gumroad Our telegram…
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Struggling with overeating? You’re not alone, and more importantly—you’re not doomed. In this episode of the Fat Loss Fundamentals podcast, we’re diving deep into what to do after you overeat. Because let’s be real—it will happen. Life happens. Cake happens. But what separates those who succeed from those who stay stuck is how they respond when it …
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Episode #185: The Pain of Betrayal This is part one of a two part conversation. Part one is a deeply personal episode, as we explore the profound impact of betrayal on our lives. Through candid story and heartfelt reflections, JC takes us on a journey of his life and ministry over the last 20 years. Together we delve into the raw emotions and chall…
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No podcast last week so this week we have two weeks of updates with the summary of events from the week beginning 3rd March 2025 Results season fully underway now with many names reporting form the O&G and Telecom sectors. Bonds discussed in this episode include ACUPET, HIDRVS, SIERRA, FECCN, PRIOBZ + more Please reach out to your local Balanz sale…
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Ever had one bad day and convinced yourself you’d completely failed? You go slightly over your calories, skip a workout, or eat something you “shouldn’t” have—and suddenly, it feels like everything is ruined. You forget the days (or weeks) of consistency and let one moment define your entire journey. This is called availability bias—your brain zoom…
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Felicia Marcus is one of the most significant public servants in water, having served on the Board of Public Works for the City of LA, served as Regional Administrator for the EPA in Region 9, COO of the Trust for Public Land and Western Director of the NRDC. As if that wasn't enough, she was also the Chair of the State Water Resources Control Boar…
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Ever found yourself changing your order at a restaurant because someone made a comment about your food? Or feeling guilty for skipping drinks because your friends acted like you were ruining the night? Yeah, me too. For years, I let other people’s opinions completely derail my progress. One little comment would plant the seed of doubt, and before I…
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In 2023, we talked with Clare Heath-McIvor, an exvangelical blogger and podcaster who has been operating under the pseudonym 'Kit Kennedy' since a dramatic and shunning-esque exit from her pastor father's church in 2016. In 2022, she and her ex-husband (a gay conversion therapy survivor) became whistleblowers for a 60 Minutes Australia political an…
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With summer just around the corner, I’m taking you behind the scenes of my own fat loss phase—no crash diets, no nonsense, just a realistic, structured approach that works. Right now, I’m in the middle of moving to Andorra, juggling work, stress, and a less-than-ideal eating environment, but I’m still making it happen. Because waiting for the “perf…
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In dieser Folge spreche ich mit Arnold Schimank, Personal Trainer und frisch gebackener deutscher Meister im Kettlebell-Halbmarathon Snatch 2025, über mentale Stärke, Disziplin und den Umgang mit Schmerz im Wettkampf. Arnold hat unglaubliche 490 Wiederholungen mit einer 24-Kilo-Kettlebell geschafft – eine Leistung, die nicht nur körperliche, sonder…
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Do you avoid cameras, hide behind baggy clothes, or obsess over loose skin? You’re not alone. So many women struggle with body image, feeling invisible in photos, and keeping “safety clothes” in their wardrobes just in case. But here’s the truth—hiding doesn’t make you feel better. It just keeps you stuck. In this episode, we’re talking about: ✅ Wh…
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In this episode I detail what dispensational theology is. A refresher for those that already know what it is and how it is biblical. However, even more so I debunk and expose the conspiracy fiction that says dispensationalism is a Rothschild conspiracy. That the Rothschild dynasty created it to push Christians in the direction of supporting nefario…
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Robert J Hunt is "The Accountability Guy" and the co-author of the book "Nobody Cares...until you do." He is a business owner in the Dallas/Fort Worth Texas area since 2008. Robert is an Executive Coach who runs CEO Groups in DFW since 2013 and he brings that experience and wisdom to help people reach their goals. Robert has been married 25 years t…
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Ever feel like weight loss is just too hard? Like you’re doing everything right, but the scale isn’t moving, your progress feels slow, and no matter how much effort you put in, you’re stuck in the same cycle? That feeling—the frustration, the doubt, the urge to throw in the towel—is what The Dip is all about. In this episode, we’re having a real, n…
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We came out of the gate swinging for this first episode of Season 4, and unpacked some of the most problematic and ridiculous aspects of the doctrine of eternal torment, aka Hell. We also gave some suggestions on how to overcome the fear of Hell. The resources suggested in this episode are: Christian That All Shall Be Saved: Heaven, Hell, and Unive…
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JC, Matt, and Nate are all back together for a new episode in a new year! This episode focuses on the Peace of God which passes all understanding. Peace is the fruit of the Spirit that defines the life of the believer. Jesus, the Prince of Peace, is leading His church into His will for us and He gives His peace to those who follow Him. Is our local…
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If you feel stuck in your weight loss journey, it’s not because you lack motivation or discipline—it’s because deep down, you don’t believe you can do it. And that belief (or lack of it) affects every decision you make. You hesitate, you avoid setting big goals, and you convince yourself it’s not possible before you even try. In this episode, we’re…
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Willkommen zu einer neuen Folge von „Fundament – Der Bau-Podcast”! In dieser Episode nehmen wir ein brisantes Thema unter die Lupe: die HOAI und die teuren Folgen, wenn Bauprojekte vorzeitig gestoppt werden. Was passiert, wenn ein öffentlicher Bauherr sein Projekt abbrechen muss und trotzdem hohe Honorarforderungen erhält? Wir sprechen offen und kr…
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A complete and detailed defense of neolibertarian politics in this dispensation of Grace. What is it? Why it is compatible with the most Fundamentalist Christian Culture and community. Plus; in the direction of mutual aid/mutualistic Capitalism. Finally; why it is compatible with Dispensational Truth. Most importantly what is the Gospel?…
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PG-13 Patrick and Jerome reads Catholic and Identarian by Julien Langella. This book shows that being for ones own race is completely acceptable in a Catholic context. Important links Our email Our substack O…
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Weekly summary of events from the week beginning 24th February 2025 Results season fully underway now with many names reporting form the O&G and Telecom sectors. Bonds discussed in this episode include GEOPAR, GTE, PERLNG, TOTALP, TELEFO, SILAMX, TIGO, HIDRVS + more Please reach out to your local Balanz sales representative for more information on …
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If you’ve been stuck in the cycle of losing weight, gaining it back, and feeling like you’re constantly starting over, this episode is for you. The truth is, weight loss is hard. Not because it’s complicated, but because it requires you to do things that, in the moment, you don’t want to do. It’s not just about eating less and moving more—it’s abou…
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If your old diets really worked, you wouldn’t still be trying to lose weight. Let’s be honest—how many times have you convinced yourself that this time will be different? That keto worked, that calorie counting worked, that cutting carbs or fasting was the thing that got the weight off? But if it really worked, why are you here? A diet only works i…
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A Thought Leader, a Catholic, a Father, and humorous soul are words that underplay the importance of the guest. We had Dimes on from Blood $atellite. Website Political Journal Merch Store Substack Telegram…
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I owe what I get to do every day here in a job I love to many people, but Scott Bryan really helped. In 2015, he took a chance on me to become the VP of Programming at Imagine H2O running the Accelerator, and it was a learning curve which laid the groundwork for what we do here at BIV. Scott is one of the most important figures in early stage water…
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In today’s Q&A episode, we answered some questions from our Break The Yo-Yo clients around nutrition, training, and mindset—including how to stop sabotaging yourself every weekend, whether frozen high-protein meals are a good option, and how to bring back motivation when exercise feels like a chore. We’re covering: • Are frozen high-protein meals l…
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Unlock the secrets to AI's modeling paradigms. We emphasize the importance of modeling practices, how they interact, and how they should be considered in relation to each other before you act. Using the right tool for the right job is key. We hope you enjoy these examples of where the greatest AI and machine learning techniques exist in your routin…
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PG-13 Patrick reads Catholic and Identarian by Julien Langella. This book shows that being for ones own race is completely acceptable in a Catholic context. Important links Our email Our substack…
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If you’re constantly moving the goalpost, you’ll never feel satisfied. You’ll hit a goal, feel a quick high, and then tell yourself it’s not enough. You need to do more, be better, go faster. And before you know it, you’re in a cycle of chasing happiness instead of experiencing it. In this episode, we’re breaking down why achievement alone will nev…
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Weekly summary of events from the week beginning 17th February 2025 Bonds discussed in this episode include VOLCAN, LBTCOR, ECOPET, AGRO + more Please reach out to your local Balanz sales representative for more information on any of the bonds mentioned in this podcast. Anyone listening to this audio must evaluate for himself/herself the convenienc…
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A jam packed 54 minute look at the lie that vaccines do any good. With a specific look at the Covid 19 Jab and it's consequences. #CovidJab #VaccinePoison #VaccineChoiceCanada #Vaxxed -----------------Sources---------------…
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Welcome to Look What You’ve Done!, a brand-new mini podcast series within the Animal Training Fundamentals catalog. This series follows the R.I.A. (Relate, Illuminate, Activate) approach—highlighting the remarkable stories of pioneers in animal behavior science, illuminating their contributions, and providing tangible steps to activate progress in …
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