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show episodes
Quick Question with Soren and Daniel is a comedy podcast from the former editors of Cracked.com Soren Bowie and Daniel O’Brien. With new episodes every week, join Soren and Daniel in answering life’s deep and also probably shallow questions.
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Søren Banjomus har sat sig for, at musene skal ha den bedste jul nogensinde - men det er ikke så let, når der ikke er mad at spise. Derfor må Søren Banjomus, Lille Tim, Musanna og Smut ud på eventyr for at redde julen. Det kan godt blive farligt, men som Søren selv siger: "Det skal være farligt - ellers er det ikke et eventyr." Søren Banjomus' Jul er en helt særlig historie om en helt særlig mus, og alle de mystiske og magiske ting, han oplevede på loftet ved juletid. Fyldt med mus, katte, n ...
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Søren Cast


Chaque mois
Bem vindo ao podcast, onde falo sobre relacionamentos, fracasso, cultura pop, etc. Cover art photo provided by Gabriel on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@natural
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Stuart Sorensen

Stuart Sorensen

Chaque mois
I'm Stuart Sorensen, a British mental health nurse and trainer. Here I'll be sharing my thoughts on a range of topics from mental health and social care to philosophy, evolutionary psychology and current affairs.
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Melodie J. Rodgers

Chaque mois
SOREN LIT A Southern Renaissance literary journal... for storytellers with connections to the south. We showcase writers and artists who are women, femme-identifying, and/or non-binary creatives. The SOREN LIT podcast provides interviews, readings, and art reviews from our latest writers and artists. The podcast is hosted by SOREN LIT Founding Editor, Melodie J. Rodgers. SOREN LIT's published work and podcast episodes are also available on the official website: www.sorenlit.com
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Soren Paul

Tous les jours+
This Podcast aims to merge two or maybe more than two worlds. Buddhist philosophy or Zen and whatever it is that makes you burst our laughing. The idea of this podcast is partly because of my own subjective experiences attending very dry boring meditation retreats and listening to comedy podcasts that seemed to lack much substance or wisdom. As a lover of meditation and comedy, I feel the attempt to bring the two together could be one of the most important offerings a human being could make ...
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Are you ready to ignite the fire inside you? The one that will lead you to more influence, more impact, more income? In this podcast, 18-year entrepreneur, author, coach, and business owner Erik Sorenson brings stories, tools, and tactics to wake up men and women to their real potential and help the RISE to their potential so they can own life. Join the ignite community at facebook.com/groups/igniteincome.
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Tracy Soren and Jessie Jolles have regrets: hilarious, upsetting, sad, shocking, scary, stupid regrets. And now, in the interest of healing, Tracy and Jessie are ready to spill the beans. Alongside their regret-filled friends, the duo laughs, cries, yells, and perseveres through the unforgiving streets of Regretsville. Produced by the Forever Dog Podcast Network.
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Sandheden er at finde i glasset, når Berlingskes vinredaktør Søren Frank guider til vin og anden flydende nydelse: Hvad skal vi drikke? Og hvorfor? Søren Frank smager hver uge en lille håndfuld vine sammen med madanmelder og litteraturredaktør Søren Damm. Således kommer vi rundt i både geografi, kulturhistorie og alle aspekter af vinens univers. Vi ser på glas, serveringstemperaturer og selvfølgelig ikke mindst på, hvad man skal spise til de gyldne dråber. Og mon ikke vi en dag også kommer t ...
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Ben Sorensen's REAL Country

Ben Sorensen's REAL Country

Chaque mois
Currently Ben Sorensen's REAL Country content is being aired on over 110 radio stations across Australia, Europe, and New Zealand plus our growing list of 28,000+ online friends and subscribers! REAL Country aims to promote and support the Australian Country music industry by playing the best of Australian country, and some overseas country tunes.
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Der er en grund til at de to radioværter er blevet nomineret til en Zulu-Award, og fem gange er blevet nomineret til Ekstra Bladets "Den Gyldne Mikrofon"... Chit/Chat er ikke bare sniksnak. Det er knaldgod underholdning, som i årevis har vist sig ekstremt vanedannende.
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show series
Hej med jer, og velkommen tilbage på loftet. Heroppe er det ikke alle, der hører til. Selv om loftet er dragende, er det nødvendigt at forlade det efter noget tid – hvis man da ikke ligefrem bliver hevet ned først. I dag er det d. 12. december, og Søren Banjomus har siddet vågen den halve nat for at våge over Styrmand Rotto. Musene er ret nervøse v…
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The guys discuss the intricacies of thank you card politics before Soren gets curious about his criminal cullpability. Thanks to Factor for sponsoring this episode. FACTORMEALS.com/50QQ and use code 50QQ to get 50% off your 1st box plus free shipping while your subscription is active. Thanks to Rocket Money for sponsoring this episode. Thanks Rocke…
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Hej med jer, og velkommen tilbage på loftet. Heroppe kan der udspille sig de største dramaer om liv og død, venskab og fjendskab, samtidig med, at det går fuldstændig ubemærket hen nede i stuerne. I dag er det d. 11. december og Søren Banjomus er kommet i tanke om noget, han hørte nede ved Sørøverrotterne. Det var kun en henkastet bemærkning, men j…
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Kom frelst igennem december uden stress og overtræk i banken. Lyt til "Av for søren", som taler med forfatteren Nanna Hyldgaard, som netop kan hjælpe dig med at få styr på dig selv og julen i mere end en forstand. Vi lægger ud med det første juleråd, som måske kommer en anelse for sent, men det kan så bruges resten af dit liv. God fornøjelse "Av fo…
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Hej med jer, og velkommen tilbage på loftet. Heroppe står tiden stille. Papkasser og skabe står samme sted som de blev efterladt, og kun støvets tykkelse fortæller om tiden, der er gået – medmindre der er andre på loftet. I dag er det d. 10. december, og Søren Banjomus og Musanna har været fanget på det åbne loft, hvor nissen bor. Lurifax holder va…
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Hej med jer, og velkommen tilbage på loftet. Det er heroppe, at dyrene søger tilflugt og går i vinterhi. Dyr, du ikke kender, der slår sig ned og overvintrer i dit gamle tøj for at lave sig en varm og lun rede. I dag er det den 9. december. Søren Banjomus har netop fortalt Smut om rejsen ned i Sørøverrotternes rede, hvor de mødte den ubehagelige ka…
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Hej med jer, og velkommen i kælderen. I modsætning til loftet, hvor der kan ske alle mulige dejlige ting, er det lige omvendt med kælderen. Hernede er der mug og forfald, der er ulækkert og råddent – lige noget for en rotte. I dag er det d. 8. december. I går blev Søren Banjomus, Musanna og Lille Tim taget til fange af Sørøverrotterne. De skulle li…
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Hej med jer, og velkommen tilbage på loftet. Det er heroppe, at man skal være modig. Når det sparsomme lys kaster lange skygger, og man ikke kan se, hvad der gemmer sig i de dunkle kroge, må man samle alt det mod, man har. I dag er det d. 7. december, og Søren Banjomus har besluttet sig for at drage ned i kælderen sammen med Musanna og Lille Tim. V…
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Hej med jer, og velkommen tilbage på loftet. Det er heroppe, at minderne vækkes til live. En gammel rejsekuffert fyldt med billeder kan fortælle alt om den gyldne tid for længe siden – eller berette om forfærdelige oplevelser. I dag er det d. 6. december, og Smut har fundet ud af noget, som hun er meget spændt på at fortælle Søren Banjomus. Hvad mo…
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Hej med jer, og velkommen tilbage på loftet. Det er heroppe, at alle de sære lyde kommer fra. De høje hyl, de dumpe brag, de knirkende og knagende lyde, når huset vrider sig under vind og vejr – eller måske er der faktisk noget oppe på loftet? I dag er det d. 5. december, og musene er bekymrede for Lille Tim. I går var han lige ved at blive spist a…
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Hej med jer, og velkommen tilbage på loftet. Heroppe er der tusind gemmesteder. De mange hjørner, rum og krinkelkroge gør, at hvis man vil, kan man gemme sig så godt, at man slet ikke bliver fundet. I dag er det d. 4. december, og Søren Banjomus er godt gal i skralden. Han havde planlagt at stjæle fra menneskenes spisekammer, men sørøverrotterne va…
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Hej med jer, og velkommen tilbage på loftet. Det er heroppe, at en modig opdagelsesrejsende kan finde nye eventyr og lede efter skjulte skatte. Måske der endda ligger en glemt sørøverskat og venter på at blive åbnet. I dag er det d. 3. december, og Søren Banjomus har besluttet, at musene skal ha den bedste jul nogensinde – fyldt med en masse julego…
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Hej med jer, og velkommen tilbage til loftet. Heroppe gælder ikke de samme regler som nede i stuerne. Heroppe kan katte og mus tale med hinanden. De kan skændes, de kan narre hinanden, og de kan lægge store planer for julen. I dag er det den 2. december og vi vil fortsætte historien om Søren Banjomus’ Jul. Sidste gang flyttede Nissen ind på loftet …
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Hej med jer, og velkommen på loftet. Heroppe sker der en masse, som mennesker ikke ved ret meget af. De vandrer uvidende rundt nede i deres stuer og køkkener og badeværelser, og tror, at de ved alt det, der er værd at vide. Men oppe på loftet sker der mystiske ting. Heroppe findes magien – på loftet kan der ske alt muligt – især ved juletid. Nu ska…
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The guys make a list of songs that feel like Thanksgiving, Daniel takes aim at two beloved American musical acts, and Soren tries to sing Mary J. Blige. Let us know your picks for secretly-about-thanksgiving songs! Support the pod and get a bonus episode twice a month for $5/month at patreon.com/quickquestion, or on Apple Podcasts! Thanks to Master…
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The guys talk about the movies so bad they make you apathetic, from Challengers to Asteroid City. Plus Soren’s approach to The Penguin, why airplanes are the most emotionally resonant place to watch a film, and what Tinker Tailor Solder Spy can teach us about Rollerball. Thanks to Rocket Money for sponsoring this episode. RocketMoney.com/qq. it cou…
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The guys talk the things people swear are good but are in fact bad, like swimming and concerts. They also discuss the top-heavy nature of halloween playlists and the nature of sports fandom. Thanks to Factor for sponsoring this episode. FACTORMEALS.com/qq50 and use code qq50 to get 50% off your 1st box plus 20% off your next month.…
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Søren Banjomus har sat sig for, at musene skal ha den bedste jul nogensinde - men det er ikke så let, når der ikke er mad at spise. Derfor må Søren Banjomus, Lille Tim, Musanna og Smut ud på eventyr for at redde julen. Det kan godt blive farligt, men som Søren selv siger: "Det skal være farligt - ellers er det ikke et eventyr." Søren Banjomus' Jul …
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The boys are BACK and BOTH are MARRIED! They talk about Daniel's wedding, Soren's experience with Jersey City, and their early memories of love songs. Support the pod and get an extra episode every other Friday for $5/month at www.patreon.com/quickquestion or on Apple Podcasts with a quick scan of the ol' face. Thanks to Shopify for sponsoring this…
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Daniel's taking a much deserved week off, so today we're unlocking a recent bonus episode about Daniel's bachelor party. We'll be back with a new episode next week! The guys discuss Daniel's bachelor party and the difficulty of speaking about an upcoming bachelor party when you are unsure if your best friend and co-host is invited. You can support …
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The guys dive headfirst into an existential debate—can bandanas actually be fashionable? The jury's still out but Soren reflects on his own tragic middle school headband days. Meanwhile, Daniel celebrates his childlike enthusiasm and the question arises: how much daily whimsy and wonder can a relationship handle? If you want additional bat, spider,…
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The guys tackle the ultimate apocalypse question: what pointless societal rules would they ditch if they were the last people on Earth? Spoiler: parking gets chaotic, and the new life motto becomes “throw trash anywhere.” Soren ends up battling the thought he’s one step away from ending up on TikTok. If you want extra content to get you through the…
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The guys are joined by friend of the show Jason Pargin for Fun Facts Show & Tell. Everyone brought the heat, so soon you'll be armed with facts about everything from the Wilhem Scream, to counting to a million, to how to keep birds alive in a world with wind turbines. Learn more about Jason, his new book I’m Starting to Worry About This Black Box o…
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Soren and Daniel discuss Jared Leto's stolen climbing valor, a good movie about air traffic controllers, and the best art to emerge from the pandemic. Everyone but Jared Leto is allowed to support the show and get a bonus episode every other Friday for $5 at www.patreon.com/quickquestion Go to mybookie.website/QQ and use promo code QQ to sign up fo…
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Hair! Bachelor parties! Much more! Even more much more on Patreon, where you get an extra episode twice a month for $5. patreon.com/quickquestion Find Soren & Daniel on Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/sorenbowie.bsky.social https://bsky.app/profile/danielobrien.bsky.social Find the show on IG: https://www.instagram.com/qqsorenanddaniel/ Thanks to…
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How would the guys handle The Purge? How hard is insurance fraud? How many rule-clarifying questions can we ask before everyone gets sick of it and purges us early? Plus truck talk! If you’re Home Depot send us an email. Thanks to Rocket Money for sponsoring this episode. RocketMoney.com/qq. it could save you hundreds a year. Find Soren & Daniel on…
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De unge starter tidligere og tidligere! Minimarathon for børn løb over stablen. Nummer 100 havde simpelthen hjul under sig, og en skulle hjælpes igang, og blev båret over startlinjen, men så gik det altså så også løs! Der blev løbet igennem! Hør de små løbe, forældrene og de frivilige, som fik Næstved på benene en lørdag formidag. Så for søren.…
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NOT A DRILL. 6 years later, Soren's gift to Daniel is here. Get an extra episode twice a month for a lot less than Soren spent at www.patreon.com/quickquestion Thanks to Rocket Money for sponsoring this episode. RocketMoney.com/qq. it could save you hundreds a year. Find Soren & Daniel on Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/sorenbowie.bsky.social htt…
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The guys talk post-wedding melancholy, how to name your children, and Top Gun: Maverick, a movie that rules. Get an extra episode twice a month for probably about a handful of quarters at www.patreon.com/quickquestion Find Soren & Daniel on Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/sorenbowie.bsky.social https://bsky.app/profile/danielobrien.bsky.social My…
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Daniel got into a (minor) car crash, so the guys talk about car crashes and onlookers and awkward conversations with the police before pivoting to family heirlooms, sentimentality vs. practicality, and the importance of throwing away journals. Thanks to Factor for sponsoring this episode. Head to FACTORMEALS.com/qq50 and use code qq50 to get 50% of…
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Soren and Daniel, two best friends and comedy writers, share the specific ways they're a little bit gross. Learn about (or feel validated by) infinity spoons, towels of considerable mileage, wearing one pair of shorts all summer, and what our keyboards teach us about our hands. This is vulnerable stuff, so we hope if you're a little gross too you'l…
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Soren & Daniel talk about the transition from Cracked to writing for TV, how hard it was to learn the structures of their respective shows, the colleagues that showed them grace, and how to write your Greatest Gatsby. Find Soren & Daniel on Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/sorenbowie.bsky.social https://bsky.app/profile/danielobrien.bsky.social Yo…
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The guys do some catching up on wedding fonts, doing bits at your ceremony, and their experiences learning about the Trump shooting before questioning one another about deserts and hypothetical shark attack watching. H/t Catherine Newman & Sandwich: A Novel for the inspiration. 0:00: Wedding catch-up + Trump news reflections 22:49: Desert Daniel + …
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“Hey team, good luck titling an episode that is equal parts the history of cracked/rise of AI, sandwiches, and what to do if you find a bag full of drugs in the street.” - Daniel O’Brien “[Just call it] How Soren Helped Ruin the Internet and then Someone’s Great Night.” - Soren Bowie Did you know we’re doing extra episodes on Patreon? Every other F…
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In lieu of a Summer of Soren, Daniel shares a story of self-righteous glory, Soren shares his encounter with the calmest dad in Ojai, CA, and both of 'em have had good reasons for picking up other people's trash. Thanks to Shopify for sponsoring this episode. Sign up for a $1/month trial period at www.shopify.com/qq Thanks AURA. Go to AURA.com/PROT…
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Daniel was falsely imprisoned by a refrigerator repairman, so Soren and him discuss the legalities of refusing to leave, making landlords work, and how to talk to strangers. What's your wish? Do you believe in aliens? Tell us about it in the comments or on Patreon, where you can also get a couple of extra episodes a month! www.patreon.com/quickques…
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Friend of the pod Katy Stoll sits in the Soren seat to catch up with Daniel on revenge newspapers, secret dairy, and the things they did as kids that turned out to be perfectly on-brand for their adult selves. Find Katy on Instagram: www.instagram.com/katystoll Watch Some More News: https://www.youtube.com/@SMN If you missed Soren this week, he'll …
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Welcome to the Ignite Your Fire podcast! I'm Erik Sorenson, your host, and today we're tackling a topic that might be uncomfortable but essential for your growth. Have you ever felt stuck in a situation for years, knowing the way out but fearing the short-term pain of change? I was there, too, and in this episode, I'm sharing my journey of finally …
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The guys acknowledge their most audacious beliefs of self-efficacy, from landing a helicopter in crisis to dentistry. Plus, Daniel is back on a bike for the first time in years! We debuted a new theme song for Patreon? You can check it out and get two bonus episodes a month at www.patreon.com/quickquestion. Thanks to Factor for sponsoring this epis…
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