The Festival of Blood Radio Network brings you hours of computer, gaming, and console news weekly. Subscribe to our podcast to receive our line up of shows!
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Skyrim, Gotham City Imposters, and iOS love on this week's show. Festival of Blood Radio #278Par David Silver
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Back again. TweetDeck, Infamous, Dragon Age and more on this week's show. Festival of Blood Radio #277Par David Silver
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Holy Crap, it's a new show. I'm back!! Festival of Blood Radio #276Par David Silver
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Kinect, PS3 Love, and CES on this week's show. Festival of Blood Radio #275Par David Silver
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It's all Playstation 3 on this week's show! Festival of Blood Radio #274Par David Silver
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Halo Reach, Fallout New Vegas, Borderlands, and more on this week's show. (sorry about the audio issue) Festival of Blood Radio #273Par David Silver
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Why PSN sucks, FREE MMOs and Halo on this week's show. Festival of Blood Radio #272Par David Silver
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Achievement hell, Borderlands DLC, Madden 11, and more on this week's show. Festival of Blood Radio #271Par David Silver
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Star Craft 2, Singularity, and Lord of the Rings Online (free!) on this week's show. Festival of Blood Radio #270Par David Silver
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Crackdown 2, King's Quest, and the Summer of Arcade on this week's show. Festival of Blood Radio #269Par David Silver
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Almost FREE stuff, possible FREE stuff, and FREE stuff on this week's show. Festival of Blood Radio #268Par David Silver
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It's all E3 on this week's show. Festival of Blood Radio #267Par David Silver
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Pre-E3 stuff, Supreme Commander 2, and Dungeon Siege 3 on this week's show. Festival of Blood Radio #266Par David Silver
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So, it is pretty much all Star Trek Online on this week's show. Festival of Blood Radio #265Par David Silver
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My PC Upgrade and a show about nothing. Enjoy! Festival of Blood Radio #264Par David Silver
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It's the Digital Distribution Age on this week's show. Festival of Blood Radio #263Par David Silver
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FREE MMOs, Darksiders (and God of War), plus Steam on this week's show. Festival of Blood Radio #262Par David Silver
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Borderlands, Mass Effect 2, and PC Love (games for Windows) on this week's show. Festival of Blood Radio #261Par David Silver
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The year in review and the 1st Annual Crappy FOB Awards. Festival of Blood Radio #260Par David Silver
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Torchlight, PC Love, and Unlimited goodness. Festival of Blood #259Par David Silver
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Dragon Age, a god name Ares, and God of War on this week's show. Festival of Blood Radio #258Par David Silver
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I'm Back! (again) This week its all the good stuff you have been missing (or not). Festival of Blood Radio #257Par David Silver
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It's been along time, but I am back. PS3 love, Battlefield love, and Candice love on this week's show. Festival of Blood Radio #256Par David Silver
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New additions, Free Realms, Battlefield Heroes, and demos that satisfy. Festival of Blood Radio #255Par David Silver
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