A Mishna Every Day
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An Amud of Mishna Brurah Every Day
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Nightly shiur following the Dirshu's Daf HaYomi B'Halacha schedule given by Rabbi Moshe Nadoff at KSDP
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Clear concise shiur, under 15 minutes, covering 1 Amud of Mishna Berura with Poskim.
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MishnahYomit.com Daily Shiurim by Yisrael Bankier. This podcast only displays the last 30 shiurim. For all shiurim visit http://www.mishnahyomit.com/shiurim
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Mishnah Berurah Yiddish 15 minutes משנה ברורה דרשו 15 מינוט
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A daily Mishna Yomi podcast with Rabbi Yosef Katz of Anshe Chesed of Linden NJ. Contact me at rabbikatz@anshechesed.org This podcast is powered for free by Torahcasts. Start your own forever free Torah podcast today at https://torahcasts.com/sign-up/ and share your Torah with the world.
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“Whoever studies halacha every day is assured a place in the World To Come.” Join us for a daily lesson in halacha, as we study the classic work, Mishnah Berurah.
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Ten minutes of daily Mishnah in clear, simple English, focussing on the content and the structure of the text and following the global cycle, finishing the entire Mishnah in January 2028. Running five days/week, the series covers between two and four Mishnayot on every episode. For source sheets and materials, go to www.thedailymishnah.com
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Following on the tremendous success of The Quick Daf which has revolutionized Daf Yomi learning the way we know it, we introduce to you The Quick Mishnah! Unlike any shiur of its kind, The Quick Mishnah caters to all learning styles. Every mishnah is translated and explained, and the basic background of the topics are clarified. Furthermore, it is easy to follow The Quick Mishnah as the Mishnayos are depicted and expounded upon in our unique trademark fashion: quick, clear, and concise. Our ...
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Rabbi Dov Tepler learned in the Philadelphia Yeshiva, and then went on to learn and receive Semicha in Beth Medrash Govoha. He is currently a Rosh Chabura in BMG, and has been giving popular Shiurim on Chumash and Halacha for many years. He also serves as a Rav in the Beis Ho’raah of Harav Shmuel Meir Katz Shlita in Lakewood, as well as in the Beis Ho’raah of Harav Binyomin Forst Shlita in the Five towns and Far Rockaway. Rabbi Tepler can be reached at dovtepler@gmail.com
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Daily Mishnah with Rabbi Dov Winston
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Going through one page of Mishnah a day. Five days a week
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Welcome to the podcast of Rabbi Schaum's Mishnah classes at Yavneh Academy! We are almost ready for season two!! In each lively and thoughtful conversation, 6th graders use their knowledge of Mishnah Brachot, Chapter 5 to discuss their opinion about important aspects of prayer. Please send questions or feedback to simcha.schaum@yavnehacademy.org. Enjoy!
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``רבי חנניה בן עקשיא אומר: רצה הקדוש ברוך הוא לזכות את ישראל, לפיכך הרבה להם תורה ומצוות, שנאמר (ישעיהו מב, כא): `ה` חפץ למען צדקו יגדיל תורה ויאדיר```. joeythecoffeeguy@protonmail.com
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A short and to the point trip through ששה סדרי משנה. We try to keep it under two minutes per mishna, two mishnas a day. This entire podcast is לע"נ ר' דוד מרדכי בן ר' שמואל הלוי ז"ל
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Learn Mishnayos at the pace of approximately 2 Mishnos per day.
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5 Minutes of Mishna
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Our mission is to create a platform that provides an accessible and comprehensive Mishna study based off of the commentary of HaRambam. We seek to generate an experience where students can become intimately familiar with the text and framework of the Mishna. This program will allow students to engage in an introductory in-depth (iyun) study of the Mishna, to understand its emergent laws, and to properly contextualize Torah Shebe’al Peh. This study’s objectives are to increase knowledge of ou ...
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Launched simultaneously along with The Quick Mishnah, we introduce to you The Quick Mishnah Junior! Geared specifically for kids, every Mishnah is translated and explained, and the basic background of the topics are clarified. Furthermore, its easy to follow The Quick Mishnah as the Mishnayos are depicted and expounded upon in our unique trademark fashion: quick [not too quick though!], clear, and concise. Our high-quality recordings provide a pleasant listening experience. This allows every ...
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lways wanted to learn Mishnah Berura? Don't let it sit on the shelf for aesthetic purposes! Now you can learn the Mishneh Berura following the Dirshu cycle of an amud Yomi. The shiur will cover some background information, the Shulchan Aruch, Mishneh Berura, and select psakim from contemporary poskim. This podcast is powered for free by Torahcasts. Start your own forever free Torah podcast today at https://torahcasts.com/sign-up/ and share your Torah with the world.
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Based off of the Gemara in Pesachim (6b) which states: 30 יום קודם החג שואלים ודורשים בהלכות החג(thirty days prior to the holiday you should learn and teach the laws of the holiday), this podcast studies the mishnayos that speak about each of the holidays starting from 30 days before, so that by the time the holiday arrives, you are fully educated on all of the laws pertaining to it! Here is the link to a WhatsApp group that sends out the podcasts everyday: https://chat.whatsapp.com/KULrV5 ...
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Par Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
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Par Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
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307:15-307:18 Is there anything I can read on Shabbos? Novels, News, and Advertisements
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23:54Par R Dov Tepler
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משנה ברורה הלכות שבת סימן שז סעיף יב - יד
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30:30Par Rabbi Ami Maierovits
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Par Rabbi Yosef Katz
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Par Rabbi Aaron E. Glatt, MD
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Eduyot 2:10-3:1 | Monday, March 24th 2025 | 24 Adar 5785Par Yisrael Bankier
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Eduyot 2:6-7 | Saturday, March 22nd 2025 | 22 Adar 5785Par Yisrael Bankier
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Par Rabbi Zecharia Resnik
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Par Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
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What if the “bitter waters” don’t work immediately? For the source sheet, look here: https://tinyurl.com/MishnatSota For other resources go to https://www.thedailymishnah.comPar Benedict Roth
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Eduyot 2:8-9 | Sunday, March 23rd 2025 | 23 Adar 5785Par Yisrael Bankier
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Eduyot 2:4-5 | Friday, March 21st 2025 | 21 Adar 5785Par Yisrael Bankier
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Par Rabbi Zecharia Resnik
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משנה ברורה הלכות שבת סימן שז סעיף ט - יא
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15:10Par Rabbi Ami Maierovits
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307:11-307:14 Who's Invited? Reading a Guestlist, and Intro to Shtarei Hedyotos
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22:50Par R Dov Tepler
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Par Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
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Par Rabbi Aaron E. Glatt, MD
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Par Rabbi Nachum Meth
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Par Rabbi Yosef Katz
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Par Rabbi Yosef Katz
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Par Rabbi Yosef Katz
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Par Rabbi Yosef Katz
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Par Rabbi Yosef Katz
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Par Rabbi Yosef Katz
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Par Rabbi Yosef Katz
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Does learning Torah make women sin? For the source sheet, look here: https://tinyurl.com/MishnatSota For other resources go to https://www.thedailymishnah.comPar Benedict Roth
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Eduyot 2:2-3 | Thursday, March 20th 2025 | 20 Adar 5785Par Yisrael Bankier
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Par Rabbi Zecharia Resnik
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משנה ברורה הלכות שבת סימן שז סעיף ו - ח
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16:19Par Rabbi Ami Maierovits
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307:8-307:11 Shabbat is Shabbat- Protecting your assets on Shabbos
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20:39Par R Dov Tepler
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Par Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
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Par Rabbi Aaron E. Glatt, MD
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Par Rabbi Nachum Meth
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Do we really force her to drink? For the source sheet, look here: https://tinyurl.com/MishnatSota For other resources go to https://www.thedailymishnah.comPar Benedict Roth
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Eduyot 1:14-2:1 | Wednesday, March 19th 2025 | 19 Adar 5785Par Yisrael Bankier
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Par Rabbi Zecharia Resnik
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Par Rabbi Yosef Katz
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Par Rabbi Yosef Katz
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307:5-307:7 Amira L'amira- Overnighting a Package
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18:00Par R Dov Tepler
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Par Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
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Par Rabbi Aaron E. Glatt, MD
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