Join us as we gather together to learn who God is and what he has to say every Sunday morning at First Free Rockford, in Rockford, IL.
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Patriotic Celebration 2019 – 50th Annual
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C.S. Lewis wrote: “We may be content to remain what we call ‘ordinary people.’ But He is determined to carry out quite a different plan.” Stephen was an ordinary man who valued following Jesus more than he valued his earthly life. The disciples recognized him as “full of faith and of the Holy Spirit,” and “full of God’s grace and power.” The entire…
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Peter and John pray for boldness and for miracles … and then God’s answers shake the world. What does our prayer life say about our view of God? If he answered what we prayed for this week, how would the world look different?Par Pastor Luke Uran
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There's a lot more to the story of Daniel in the lions' den than what gets included in most kids' Bible storybooks. This week we'll look at how a constant posture of gratitude to God helps us stand against opposition and trust him with our fears.Par Pastor Luke Uran
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Par Pastor Luke Uran
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It’s THAT section — the one every modern congregation reads and then says, "Why can’t our church be like that?” And then we think about all of the legitimate obstacles. Was the early church an unattainable ideal for us today? Or, as we dig into this passage together, might we discover something we’ve been missing?…
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Comfort does not equal contentment. In fact, one often works against the other. As we navigate a culture that craves comfort but can't ever seem to find true contentment, there is no better example than the Apostle Paul.Par Pastor Luke Uran
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10:30am Contemporary Service
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If anyone could have thought they were right with God, it was Nicodemus. Yet, Jesus offered him a challenge that he continues offering to every person today: You need to be born again. What exactly does this mean, and how do we know? A deeper look at this familiar passage may surprise you.Par Pastor Luke Uran
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Week 3: Signs from a Wedding
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36:29A hospitality crisis leads to Jesus’ first recorded miracle, turning water to wine. But it was about a lot more than that.Par Pastor Luke Uran
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John the Baptist offers clear words about who he is—and who he isn’t. A day later, he brings Jesus’ identity into focus. Then and now, we see the eternal significance in living a life that points to Jesus.
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As we begin a new series in the Gospel of John, we’ll immediately see that this disciple’s account is very different from the other three gospels. In his opening words, there’s information about Jesus that John wants us to know immediately.Par Pastor Luke Uran
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We finish our series with the best-known Psalm of them all. When we read Psalm 23 with an eye toward what it assures us about our Good Shepherd, we find some reliable expectations for our lives as Christ-followers.Par Pastor Luke Uran
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What does it really mean to be blessed by God? How should our lives (and even our faces) reflect this? And what is our proper response — and responsibility?
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Week 3: Worship-Filled Prayer
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35:39Everyone worships. They just don’t all worship God. Psalm 16 is a great example of authentic worship of God during a time of trouble. There’s a lot here to help our own prayer lives, including the opening request for God’s protection—which runs much deeper than physical protection.Par Pastor Luke Uran
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Week 2: Confession and Repentance
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36:06Sin breaks God’s heart, and we can never take that lightly. David’s words in Psalm 51 show us how to come to God honestly and humbly when we’ve messed up. Through Jesus, we have access to grace and restoration—which can transform lives, families and communities.Par Pastor Luke Uran
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The Psalmists' Guide to Prayer: Week 1
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33:55With the new year, we begin a new sermon series focusing on Scripture-fed, Spirit-led, worship-based prayer. Psalm 1 describes a blessed life, and it’s not about health and wealth. Rather than simply asking God to bless us, there’s a better way we can learn to pray.Par Pastor Luke Uran
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God’s Word is within easy reach for most of us. Yet, fewer people are accessing it on a regular basis. In a shallow culture, it can be easy to forget the deep, eternal value of Scripture in our lives and community. This message includes five practical tips to build world-changing habits.Par Pastor Luke Uran
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Jesus said, "Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath." Jesus’ edict about the Sabbath overcomes religious activity and asserts that Sabbath rest is a gift. Jesus also said that he is Lord of the Sabbath and this means that He is the one we come to when honoring the Sabbath. Consider four practices that will make space for the restoration …
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We begin an Advent series of messages to help us all make room for Jesus through spiritual disciplines. This week: In a culture that so often overindulges, God can use fasting to grow us in humility, trust and self-control.Par Pastor Luke Uran
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As followers of Christ, we are called to live in community. It is important to recognize that while some of our relationships move us closer to Jesus, others may end or let us down. To endure and finish well, we need faithful friends and our faithful God.
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What constitutes good preaching? As Paul nears the end of his life, he issues a serious challenge to Timothy and others charged with preaching God’s Word—and also to those who hear it.Par Pastor Luke Uran
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Part 7: The Faith the Word Built
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31:46How has God woven Scripture into your faith story? 2 Timothy 3:14-17 illustrates that those who first witnessed to us, possessed a faith rooted in Scripture and that Scripture is foundational to our growth, our walk with Christ, and our ability to witness to others.Par Pastor Dave Creek
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In challenging times, 2 Timothy 3:1-13 urges us to remain faithful by rejecting selfishness and ungodly influences. By staying rooted in Scripture and surrounding ourselves with Christ-like people, we can endure hardships and live with purpose.Par Luke Uran
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We are to hold fast to the primary points of our faith. But when it comes to disagreements on secondary issues, there are good and bad approaches. Debating doesn’t help; that’s simply trying to prove another person wrong, and it causes division. But a humble conversation can protect relationships while each side might even learn a thing or two. Liv…
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Sometimes when life gets difficult, we forget about the power and authority behind us in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Paul’s reminder to Timothy serves as a reminder for us, too.Par Pastor Luke Uran
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Part 3: Be Strong in His Grace
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30:25In a fatherly voice, Paul tells Timothy: God knows you and has invited you to be a leader. But this calling doesn’t come from your own ability. You need his grace to follow his calling faithfully. What does it look like for us today to rely on God’s grace?Par Pastor David Creek
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Paul tells us not to be ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. That’s a deeper point than we’ve usually thought about. It’s worth considering WHY we are tempted toward shame, the risk it poses to our faith … and how we can fight this tendency.Par Pastor Luke Uran
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We begin a series from Paul’s last recorded letter before his execution. It’s a very personal, pastoral letter to a younger friend who’s going to help carry on the ministry. Paul’s final words are carefully chosen and worthy of our attention as the church.Par Pastor Luke Uran
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Part 3: Worship in the Wilderness
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35:58Depending on our response, troubling times can bring us closer to God. When we pray, we sing … we worship—even when we don’t feel like it—God meets us there in ways we never expected.Par Pastor Luke Uran
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Sometimes, God’s Word doesn’t seem to match what’s happening in my world. That’s a season of waiting, and we all know those. We can’t always control our circumstances. But, as we’ll learn from the prophet Habakkuk, there are a couple of important factors we can control.Par Pastor Luke Uran
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The prophet Habakkuk has some hard questions for God. Why is everything such a mess? How can you possibly allow this? Aren’t you going to do anything about it? Then, God answers—but definitely not in the way Habakkuk wanted. For us today, it all sounds a little too familiar.Par Pastor Luke Uran
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Jesus describes the kingdom of God as an enormous party in which God pays for everything and invites the unlikeliest people. What would it look like if our church modeled the invitational culture Jesus describes in this parable?
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