Sunday message audio from West Side Christian Church - Springfield, IL -
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The greatest investment you can make in this lifetime isn’t in accounts or assets -- it’s in people. Point others toward Jesus and watch it yield eternal dividends.Par TJ Dane
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Jesus faced accusations, mockery, and calls for his execution, yet he responded with quiet love instead of offense. When tempted to be hurt by others' words or opinions, follow his example and choose to remain unoffendable.Par Chip Ewald
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Pain and suffering in this life are inevitable -- and all a part of God's plan. When life's hardest moments have you feeling broken, lean into the One who knows deep suffering firsthand. Allow Jesus to carry you through.Par Eddie Lowen
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Want to be more like Jesus? Instead of clamoring for power and visibility, become a humble servant of others.Par Eddie Lowen
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Words mattered to Jesus. They should matter to you, too. Follow his lead by saying what you mean and meaning what you say.Par Eddie Lowen
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We know a guy who spent a good amount of his life investing in healthy friendships, and he hopes you’ll follow suit. Do as Jesus did and give your best energy to choosing your friendships wisely and building them intentionally.Par Eddie Lowen
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When we’re too proud to admit that our sin runs deep and contaminates us, we’re akin to the Pharisees of Jesus’ day. We should instead be like the woman who mourned her sin so deeply that it led her straight to the feet of Jesus, where cleansing and forgiveness are always found.Par Eddie Lowen
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A casual, convenient Christianity will never fulfill, never satisfy, never transform your life. Ready to remedy a shallow faith? Go deep with Jesus and embrace the inconveniences that show up along the way.Par Eddie Lowen
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When the world becomes dark, grasp onto Jesus, the light of the world, and let him guide you every step of the way. The cure for darkness? It’s always light.Par Eddie Lowen
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God introduced himself to us through his creation and explained himself to us through Old Testament prophets, but it’s through Jesus Christ that he has made himself known to us. The wonder of Christmas all began when God himself decided to put on flesh to be with us.Par Chip Ewald
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In his hardest, loneliest moments of life, Joseph had the character and integrity to make wise relational decisions. Aim high when life gets hard and allow God to continue writing a good story in you.Par Eddie Lowen
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Though God is constantly at work orchestrating outcomes, his timing rarely aligns with ours. And so we wait. And wait. And sometimes, wait some more. It’s when we learn to trust in his providence, as Joseph and Mary did, that our waiting sees impatience turn to eagerness and frustration to beautiful anticipation.…
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What if there were two simple ways to help people move toward God? And what if these two behaviors were things that absolutely anyone could do? Telling people about Jesus shouldn’t be complicated. After all, God does the converting – we can simply focus on blessing others.Par Eddie Lowen
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Money loves to lure people in and trap them. The Bible warns about its effects and instructs us to guard our hearts against it. When it comes to people to watch out for, be wary of money-chasers. Before you point fingers in the other direction though, look within first. Has the love of money ensnared you?…
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We live among peacebreakers who are bent on fighting and defending, but following Jesus means laying down our spears in favor of calm resolution. When you’re under attack, commit to doing the good-hard work of being a peacemaker.Par Chris Sandel
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The world is flooded with truth-twisting dishonesty. Watch out for people who distort, omit and exaggerate that which is real by staying grounded in the truth that comes from Jesus and his Word.Par Eddie Lowen
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When it comes to discerning others’ character, watch out for self-promoters. They can often be found applauding themselves, seeking attention and demanding special treatment. They’re everywhere, but if you happen to see one staring back at you when you look in the mirror, take action: Ask God to help you remove the spotlight from yourself in order …
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Joy comes from contentment. Just ask Paul. Whether life is abundant or scarce, he’ll show you that when you trust that God has given you enough for today, joy will follow.Par Chip Ewald
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Anxiety and worry are epidemic, but not the answer to the difficult seasons life produces. Through Jesus, JOY can prevail in hard times. Ready to build a resilient spirit that can withstand the storms of life? Look to him.Par Eddie Lowen
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Obedience often gets a bad rap because it’s seen as restrictive to follow someone or something. The truth of the matter is that true freedom and joy are only found when one commits to a life of obedience and surrender to Jesus.Par Jeremiah Auble
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It’s human to live with a me first mindset. But Christ calls us higher. Just as he humbled himself by leaving the riches of heaven to relocate to our broken planet, we too ought to live lives drenched in humility. That’s where the joy happens.Par Eddie Lowen
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Consider the Apostle Paul your new joy coach, not because he jumped from one high to the next his whole life, but because he learned that deep and lasting joy can be present even in life’s hardest moments. If it can be true for him, it can be true for you, tooPar Eddie Lowen
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God created sex and designed it to be good. But he also determined the context in which it is good for us. In a world that preaches otherwise, let’s trust and follow God when it comes to our sexual lives – and let’s trust that his grace is sufficient to bring healing and hope when we have strayed outside the boundaries of his plan.…
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It’s an election year that promises to bring fear, anxiety and outrage for many. Rather than become enmeshed in the chaos, Jesus calls his Church to experience it from a higher place -- through the lens of his lasting kingdom. Let’s rise above the fray in this political season and bring Jesus’ calming peace to the political storm.…
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When it comes to TRUTH, it’s all about the source. Don’t expect to find it in your feelings, through culture or by way of celebrity musings. Truth has always had a singular, reliable source – Jesus. Discover the Way, the Truth and the Life in him.Par Eddie Lowen
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It’s time to celebrate! 147 people said goodbye to yesterday and welcomed NEW LIFE in Jesus through baptism today! The old is gone, the new is here! As you praise God for working in the hearts of so many, ask him to move in others who have yet to surrender their lives to Jesus in this most important way!…
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True, genuine love involves making a conscious choice to do and say what is right, even when it is difficult. Let's let God's Word and Jesus' example challenge us with what it really means to live a life of love.Par Matt Cleveland
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We live in a “get-even” society where vengeance and retaliation are encouraged and celebrated over forgiveness. The latter is rarely easy, but it’s the only way to move toward resolve and healing. Love keeps no record of wrong, so ask God to help you forgive others as he has forgiven you.Par Michael Swearingen
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Insisting on my own way, prioritizing my preferences, and seeking my well-being over others’ does not exemplify the life of love God calls us to in 1 Corinthians. Love is, after all, patient and kind. It’s not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. And it certainly does not demand its own way.Par TJ Dane
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Humility is not just a compelling character trait. It’s a life-giving gift we offer to those we love. Watch last Sunday’s message and realize that the greatest pathway to your own joy is to look out for the interests of others.Par Chris Sandel
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Do you find yourself feeling jealous of others? Maybe it only comes up every once in a while. But maybe your jealousy happens more often. And just maybe, it's become toxic. Whether you struggle with jealousy often or occasionally, Jake's message will help you grow in your love for others.Par Jake Morgan
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Love is not just a word. It must become a way. It’s not just a feeling, rather, it needs to be a habitual behavior. In a world bent on outrage and reactivity, practice love by being patient with others when they fall short. After all, it’s how God loves you.Par Chip Ewald
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Earthly treasures make empty promises – don’t fall for them. Place your trust (and finances) in something eternal. When we seek the Kingdom of God first, he throws in more than we ever knew we needed. Let guest speaker Tim Harlow remind you that when you chase after God in all areas of your life, he’ll provide for you in ways you can’t even imagine…
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What does it look like to TRUST God fully with my money? If you’re ready for him to shape you more into the person he wants you to become, check out this compelling message on learning to trust him in all things.Par Eddie Lowen
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When it comes to raising the next generation, what matters most? Check out our Mother’s Day teaching featuring Jodi Hickerson and instill this truth in the kids you love: Who you are is more important than where you go or what you do.Par Jodi Hickerson
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Zacchaeus was rich by the standards of his day, but at the soul level, he was dirt poor. Then he met Jesus. If money has yet to give you the happy, fulfilling life you thought it would, check out this message and allow Jesus to redefine what it means to be RICH.Par Eddie Lowen
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When the going got tough, Queen Esther didn’t wilt under pressure. She leaned into grit and saved her people. What hard thing is God is calling you to do today? Though the task may feel daunting, do as Esther did: lean into grit and find confidence, knowing that God has called you for such a time as this.…
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Perhaps in the end, there’s actually only one kind of suffering after all: the kind God uses to teach us. To shape us. To purify us. To make us complete and mature. If you’re in a current season of suffering, check out this message and cling to your Father, who will not only see you through your suffering, but also teach you more about his loving g…
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We're certain that only one thing can consistently defeat worry: God's word. Things around you can be swirling out of your control, but there's a truth you can deploy to counter it: God is enough. Need to gain some grit like this in your life? Watch Eddie's full message, Gaining Grit.Par Eddie Lowen
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When the going gets tough in life, you need a gritty faith to get you through. This important quality will help you lean into God and hold on longer than expected. So, don’t give up. Hang on, commit to grit, and take the next step.Par Eddie Lowen
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They should have known based on all they had been taught, but they nearly missed it. Jesus’ resurrection from the dead caught even his closest followers off guard. Sometimes, God’s plans look different than our own. When they do, reorient your life to follow the One who always knows best.Par Eddie Lowen
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As we enter into Holy Week, reflect on the events that led to Jesus’ death on the cross. What began as people showering him with honor and praise quickly turned to betrayal, denial, insult, desertion, and rejection. Christ’s murder was intended to stop him once and for all. Praise God there’s far more to the story ……
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One of the most important postures you can take in life is one of repentance. Just ask King David. Sin separates us from God, but a repentant heart? It’ll bring you back and save you.Par Eddie Lowen
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Many of us move toward God only to remember our sin and hide from him. Friend, you have been redeemed. There’s no need to hide. If killing a man wasn’t the end of Moses’ story, your mistakes and messes aren’t the end of yours. Trust that God is still writing!Par Eddie Lowen
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It’s crystal clear: You will never move beyond your anger if you don’t face it. And anger that goes unchecked? It might not lead to murder, but it certainly won’t lead to peace in your life, either. Fortunately, we can learn from others’ mistakes, in which case, Cain has much to teach us.Par Eddie Lowen
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You can't live a new life if you're stuck in your old ways, so throw off your old self once and for all and surrender fully to Christ. You'll look different from the world, but that's because you are. Thank God for new life and second chances!Par Michael Swearingen
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God knows the highest and best use of your life, and he is committed to equipping you for it. In fact, he has instilled in you a gift, a God-given capacity that is needed by others and is fulfilling for you. Curious how to figure out what you’ve been made for? Watch Eddie’s message, Custom Made, and learn how you can live out your truest calling.…
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God cherishes one thing above everything else he created: people. He designed you to look like him – to bear his image--along with the rest of humanity. So, reflect your maker in all you do; after all – you were made for this!Par Eddie Lowen
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You were made to elevate Jesus over everything and everyone– including yourself. So, what does it look like to live by the words, less of me, more of you? Check out Eddie’s teaching and ask God to use your life to point toward his.Par Eddie Lowen
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With life comes disappointment. How you handle it makes all the difference. Check out Eddie’s teaching and lean into this truth: No matter how much people hurt and disappoint you in this life, God can redeem it for good.Par Eddie Lowen
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