One year. Every day. 365 days through the Bible in community with tens of thousands of others around the globe following the same quest. Broadcast daily, it is the adventure of a lifetime.
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Pôle Hip-Hop, c'est deux heures de bombes sonores au carrefour des genres et des styles puisant leurs sources dans les musiques africaines et caribéennes.
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L'expérience audio en français de la Cascades Female Factory
Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority
L'expérience audio en français de la Cascades Female Factory / de la prison pour femmes de Cascades (same as above) vous permet d'apprendre à connaître cet endroit ainsi que les histoires des femmes et des enfants qui y ont passé du temps. La plupart des structures et des bâtiments qui formaient ensemble la prison pour femmes de Cascades ont été démolis ou perdus au fil du temps. Vous pouvez aujourd'hui prendre le temps de vous balader dans cet espace et d'écouter les véritables récits du co ...
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I present here some results of my researches on sounds, music and spoken or sung words. I produce tracks with "BPM pro Mixer" by Alcatech, from playlists of musics that inspire me,sounds collected from own recordings or other sources, words spoken or sung by myself, or extracted from audio books. I mix two randoming play lists, running together at the same time along, applying level modulations, and sampling from time to time the playing files, in an improvised session. I wish I can share wi ...
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Raccords, un balado réalisé et financé par la Maison de l'innovation sociale (MIS) à Montréal, s'entretient avec des personnalités de différents horizons afin de creuser les grands enjeux complexes du 21e siècle et agir sur ces impasses socio-environnementales. Tantôt en français et tantôt en anglais, chaque épisode est enrichi de contenus complémentaires publiés au sein du trimestriel numérique bilingue du même nom, Raccords, et accessibles sur le site de la MIS ( ou en s'abo ...
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In 2002, Mehdispoz melts Mhd Underground / S-SENS REC in order to resolutely offer to the public its various musical experiments with titles house, Tek House… Its imaginations and its sources of inspirations melts that these pieces find already brilliance remixer international such as Phil Weeks (Robsoul Recordings), Lucas Konk West ( KW MUSIC, STICKMAN RECORDS, LE CHIC, RED MENACE ), PC Synergy (IMPERIAL DUB, SOUL SUPPORT RECORDINGS ) international Dj JOHNNY FIASCO, Mazi aka Audio soul proj ...
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#301 avec Borden & 80Rock + nouveautés de Nawfal & kheir, Veust, Sameer Ahmad & GrandBazaar...
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2:00:00Cette semaine, on reçoit Borden & 80Rock pour une entrevue et une performance autour de leur nouvel album Dead Prime Ministers. Nawfal & kheir - Slat 3la nbi Sameer Ahmad & GrandBazaar - Baume du tigre GAL & Guydelafonsdal - JV Facter Hemo & Dann Lee - La Dépression du Pion Boldy James & Chuck Strangers - Global Telling Black Milk & Fat Ray - Fran…
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Num 6:1-7:89, Mark 12:38-13:13, Ps 49:1-20, Pr 10:27-28Par DAB French
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Num 4:1-5:31, Mark 12:18-37, Ps 48:1-14, Pr 10:26Par DAB French
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Num 2:1-3:51, Mark 11:27-12:17, Ps 47:1-9, Pr 10:24-25Par DAB French
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Lev 27:14- Num 1:54, Mark 11:1-26, Ps 46:1-11, Pr 10:23Par DAB French
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Lev 25:47-27:13, Mark 10:32-52, Ps 45:1-17, Pr 10:22Par DAB French
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Lev 24:1-25:46, Mark 10:13-31, Ps 44:9-26, Pr 10:20-21Par DAB French
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Lev 22:17-23:44, Mark 9:30-10:12, Ps 44:1-8, Pr 10:19Par DAB French
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Lev 20:22-22:16, Mark 9:1-29, Ps 43:1-5, Pr 10:18Par DAB French
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Lev 19:1-20:21, Mark 8:11-38, Ps 42:1-11, Pr 10:17Par DAB French
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Lev 16:29-18:30, Mark 7:24-8:10, Ps 41:1-13, Pr 10:15-16Par DAB French
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Lev 15:1-16:28, Mark 7:1-23, Ps 40:11-17, Pr 10:13-14Par DAB French
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Lev 14:1-57, Mark 6:30-56, Ps 40:1-10, Pr 10:11-12Par DAB French
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Lev 13:1-59, Mark 6:1-29, Ps 39:1-13, Pr 10:10Par DAB French
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Lev 11:1-12:8, Mark 5:21-43, Ps 38:1-22, Pr 10:8-9Par DAB French
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Lev 9:7-10:20, Mark 4:26-5:20, Ps 37:30-40, Pr 10:6-7Par DAB French
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Lev 7:28-9:6, Mark 3:31-4:25, Ps 37:12-29, Pr 10:5Par DAB French
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Lev 6:1-7:27, Mark 3:7-30, Ps 37:1-11, Pr 10:3-4Par DAB French
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Lev 4:1-5:19, Mark 2:13-3:6, Ps 36:1-12, Pr 10:1-2Par DAB French
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Lev 1:1-3:17, Mark 1:29-2:12, Ps 35:17-28, Pr 9:13-18Par DAB French
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Ex 39:1-40:38, Mark 1:1-28, Ps 35:1-16, Pr 9:11-12Par DAB French
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Ex 37:1-38:31, Matt 28:1-20, Ps 34:11-22, Pr 9:9-10Par DAB French
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Ex 35:10-36:38, Matt 27:32-66, Ps 34:1-10, Pr 9:7-8Par DAB French
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Ex 34:1-35:9, Matt 27:15-31, Ps 33:12-22, Pr 9:1-6Par DAB French
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Ex 32:1-33:23, Matt 26:69-27:14, Ps 33:1-11, Pr 8:33-36Par DAB French
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Ex 30:11-31:18, Matt 26:47-68, Ps 32:1-11, Pr 8:27-32Par DAB French
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Ex 29:1-30:10, Matt 26:14-46, Ps 31:19-24, Pr 8:14-26Par DAB French
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Ex 28:1-43, Matt 25:31-26:13, Ps 31:9-18, Pr 8:12-13Par DAB French
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Ex 26:1-27:21, Matt 25:1-30, Ps 31:1-8, Pr 8:1-11Par DAB French
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Ex 23:14-25:40, Matt 24:29-51, Ps 30:1-12, Pr 7:24-27Par DAB French
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Ex 21:22-23:13, Matt 24:1-28, Ps 29:1-11, Pr 7:6-23Par DAB French
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Ex 19:16-21:21, Matt 23:13-39, Ps 28:1-9, Pr 7:1-5Par DAB French
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Ex 17:8-19:15, Matt 22:34-23:12, Ps 27:8-14, Pr 6:27-35Par DAB French
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#300 avec Raccoon, LeDji, Kamilou, Erika Zarya, Litige, Isac, Neimo, KaMa, Nawfal, DO The Outcast, Busy Nasa, Pres One, Flower, Mori$$ Regal, Borden, Hrshie, Ngoundieu & Greezy
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1:48:58Pour le 300e épisode de l'émission, on voulait faire quelque chose de gros, de grand. On a donc organisé un concert regroupant une vingtaine d'artistes de la scène locale à venir performer au Quai des Brumes! Le tout a été enregistré en direct et mixé par les soins de Figure8. La soirée a été organisée par Lumos MTL. Napoleon Da Legend - Pôle Hip-H…
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Ex 15:19-17:7, Matt 22:1-33, Ps 27:1-7, Pr 6:20-26Par DAB French
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Ex 13:17-15:18, Matt 21:23-46, Ps 26:1-12, Pr 6:16-19Par DAB French
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Ex 12:14-13:16, Matt 20:29-21:22, Ps 25:12-22, Pr 6:12-15Par DAB French
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Ex 10:1-12:13, Matt 20:1-28, Ps 25:1-11, Pr 6:6-11Par DAB French
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Ex 7:25-9:35, Matt 19:13-30, Ps 24:1-10, Pr 6:1-5Par DAB French
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Ex 5:22-7:24, Matt 18:21-19:12, Ps 23:1-6, Pr 5:22-23Par DAB French
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Ex 4:1-5:21, Matt 18:1-20, Ps 22:19-31, Pr 5:15-21Par DAB French
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Ex 2:11-3:22, Matt 17:10-27, Ps 22:1-18, Pr 5:7-14Par DAB French
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Gen 50:1-Ex 2:10, Matt 16:13-17:9, Ps 21:1-13, Pr 5:1-6Par DAB French
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Gen 48:1-49:33, Matt 15:29-16:12, Ps 20:1-9, Pr 4:20-27Par DAB French
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Gen 46:1-47:31, Matt 15:1-28, Ps 19:1-14, Pr 4:14-19Par DAB French
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Gen 44:1-45:28, Matt 14:13-36, Ps 18:35-50, Pr 4:11-13Par DAB French
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Gen 42:18-43:34, Matt 13:47-14:12, Ps 18:16-34, Pr 4:7-10Par DAB French
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Gen 41:17-42:17, Matt 13:24-46, Ps 18:1-15, Pr 4:1-6Par DAB French
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Gen 39:1-41:16, Matt 12:46-13:23, Ps 17:1-15, Pr 3:33-35Par DAB French
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Gen 37:1-38:30, Matt 12:22-45, Ps 16:1-11, Pr 3:27-32Par DAB French
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