Atlanta United and MLS quick hits for soccer fans of the culture #atlutd
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Mindful Kids, Omi and Friendz® meditation for kids.
Mindful Kids, Meditations with Omi the Elephant
Mindful Kids is the official podcast of Omi and Friendz: dedicated to providing kids and families a place to come and reset. Our short meditations are hosted by Omi the Elephant®, who shares how to take a moment to STOP, BREATHE and RESET. Learn to set intentions and begin to feel happier, calm, and refocused. Perfect for kids to listen to on their way to school, before bed, or anytime they need just a moment to connect with themselves. Understanding how to pause will help children regulate ...
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Three friends with no love life or game joke around.
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Podcast by Roch Matthews
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Priatelia, kamaráti, kolegovia a zaujímaví ľudia z bezprostredného okolia Yaela a sveta mladých ľudí. Talkshow Friendzone vysiela Dobré rádio v premiére každý pracovný piatok po sedemnástej hodine, v repríze v nedeľu po 11.00 hod. a dostupná je aj ako podcast na všetkých obľúbených platformách.
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A podcast about two idiots who decided to watch MTV's Friendzone and then talk about it
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A friend in need is a friend indeed. Experience the other side of friendship. HubHopper.
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Podcast by The RideShare Podcast
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Rated "M" for Mature. Experience the humor of their "Love/Hate" friendship in this heart warming podcast based on the original misadventures of "ViBE" & "Holls" from their youtube web-series' "JUGGz & BALLz" & "SNAPCHATTER" Join them as they provide their comically inappropriate social commentary on random current events, entertainment, social media, trending topics and news. This is the "Friendz With Issuez" podcast where no topic is too inappropriate! Strap in and don't be a b*tch! Want to ...
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Personal Twitters: @DillonNels @michaelshaw440 Personal IG: @dillonnels @mshaw27 2-3 FriendZone Accounts Twitter: @2_3FriendZone IG: @2_3friendzone
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The Friendzy is here to change the conversation around age so that you can celebrate all your years rather than lie about them!
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Welcome to ”In A Friendzy” – the podcast where we dive headfirst into the chaotic whirlwind of life, sharing laughter, relatability, and the magic of connection! Join us as we navigate the ups and downs of life, while forging friendships that last a lifetime. Whether you’re in the midst of a frenzy or just looking for a dose of companionship, our podcast is a little reminder that we’re all in this together.
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In this episode, Omi presents a fun challenge: sitting still! He guides you through a meditation to help you find peace and focus. Picture yourself in a serene garden, breathing deeply and feeling grateful for the moment. Omi encourages you to notice any tension and gently release it as you practice being still. This episode is a great way to culti…
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Karin Haydu: Rola matky je tou najkrajšou, akú som dostala
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Panelák, Ordinácia v ružovej záhrade, mnohé divadelné aj filmové diela. Karin Haydu patrí medzi obľúbené a talentované slovenské herečky, no vyznačuje sa aj niekoľkými superschopnosťami. Doštudovať vysokú školu ako čerstvá matka, to nedokáže každá žena. Najmä v tom prípade, ak sa venuje materstvu, herectvu a štúdiu naraz. Spríjemni si leto ďalším r…
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Welcome to my first video episode!! In this weeks episode I discuss my break, self-esteem, relationship struggles, reframing and how to embrace your Barbie era. Love ya k byePar kailyemmasmith
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Producent Manny Mijares: Svet je plný hviezdičiek, ktoré rýchlo zhasnú. Skutočné hviezdy rastú roky
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Jeho meno je vo svete šoubiznisu veľmi dobre známe. Spolupracoval s mnohými hviezdami pop music a v súčasnosti jednu budúcu hviezdu formuje priamo na Slovensku. Producent Manny Mijares v lete pricestoval z USA na Slovensko, aby nám prezradil tie najzaujímavejšie tajomstvá z kuchyne speváckych ikon. Našu krajinu si nevybral náhodne, medzi jeho zvere…
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Nela Pocisková: Občas sa na pľaci pýtam, prečo som tu a nie v nahrávacom štúdiu
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Talentovaná, úspešná a skromná. Mama dvoch nádherných detí, partnerka, skvelá herečka aj speváčka. V rámci svojej doterajšej kariéry stihla dosiahnuť mnohé veľké úspechy. Slovensko reprezentovala na Eurovízii, vyhrala tanečnú súťaž Let´s Dance, hviezdi v televíznych seriáloch a najnovšie sa opäť vrátila k milovanej hudbe. Ako sama vraví, hip hop je…
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Omi the Elephant is here to help you find your happiness. It’s not so hard , so give it a try!
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Tomáš Striž: Nadprirodzené javy sa dejú okolo mňa neustále. Vrcholom bolo hrajúce rádio vytiahnuté z elektriky
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Kým sa jeho rovesníci venovali zábave a randeniu, Tomáš začal pracovať v rodinnom biznise. Je štvrtou generáciou v pohrebnej službe. Odprevádzanie zosnulých na druhý svet sa stalo neoddeliteľnou súčasťou jeho života a zároveň našiel spôsob, ako stratu milovanej osoby pozostalým uľahčiť. Vyrába jedinečné šperky, ktoré im budú blízkeho navždy pripomí…
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Aneta Slotová z Ruže: Čakala som od šou viac romantiky, menej intríg
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Reality show TV Markíza, v ktorej sa krásne ženy uchádzajú o priazeň lepšie situovaného podnikateľa, sa na Slovensku stala fenoménom. Čísla sledovanosti lámali rekordy a televízia ohlásila už ďalšiu sériu. Ako svoje účinkovanie v šou vníma po vypadnutí Aneta? Prečo nebola spokojná s rande na plantáži a ako by volala Radka, ak by medzi nimi preskoči…
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Ep27. Lessons from therapy (in love)
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Self-explanatory. Love ya'z <3Par kailyemmasmith
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Charlotte Racová: Pilotovať lietadlo som vedela skôr, než šoférovať auto
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Par Dobré rádio
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How familiar are you with love theories? Maybe you're aware of the 3 Big Loves theory? Maybe you've heard of The Triangular Theory of love? Let's explore formal and hypothetical love theories on this week's podcast!Par kailyemmasmith
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Ep25. The Art Of Letting Go
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Paired with my obsession for my new sneakers and a weird little analogy, we dive into the difficulties of Letting Go and welcoming in the new in this week's episode. We discuss limiting self-beliefs, purging, decluttering and the fears that are accompanied with letting go and moving on into the unknown. Love, K…
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Lu: Myslel som si, že po vypadnutí z Love Islandu ma budú všetci nenávidieť
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Patril medzi najkontroverznejšie postavy reality show Love Island. Už počas nej sa však zároveň javil ako skromný chalan, ktorého vášňou je hudba. Vie, že sláva je dočasná, a tak sa po návrate do reality zamestnal v kreatívnom štúdiu.Par Dobré rádio
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Friendzy fam, let's talk about loneliness. As we explore this weeks topic we discuss; - A little back story - Types of loneliness - How to navigate all three types - How to help someone who may be experiencing lonelinessPar kailyemmasmith
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Jozef Buhaj: Pozrel som sa na fotku Dua Lipy a hneď som vedel, že chcem fotiť koncerty
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Pôvodne chcel byť hercom, no absolvoval štúdium žurnalistiky a už roky sa spolupodieľa na bezchybnom vysielaní Telerána. V poslednom období však v sebe náhodou objavil vášeň pre koncertnú fotografiu a jeho kariéra má raketový štart. Už dnes spolupracuje s viacerými zvučnými menami slovenskej hudby aj instagramovej scény. Spoznajte ďalšieho zaujímav…
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Ep23. Dating Fails & Horror Stories
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This one is a right ramble, Friendzy fam! Join me as I spend a majority of the episode chatting your ears off with life updates and then we get into the dating fails and horror stories from our listeners :)Par kailyemmasmith
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René Rendy: Deň bez hejtu sa mi už ani neráta. Ľudia vždy budú rýpať
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Najúprimnejšia spoveď v slovenskom éteri! Po návrate z liečenia odhodil Yael všetky obavy, predsudky a ochotne svojim priateľom zodpovedal zvedavé otázky týkajúce sa jeho liečby a boja so závislosťou. Svoju trinástu komnatu otvoril počas rozhovoru s Reném Rendym, ktorý sa neplánovane zhostil úlohy moderátora. Pozor! Súčasťou epizódy je i jedno nádh…
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With some helpful advice from Matthew Hussey, and realizing a few of my own self-abandoning behaviors, let's talk about loving ourselves and what that can actually look like so we can run and continue to operate a successful self-love club. In this episode: - Catch up - Is seeking validation self-abandonment? - The Self-Love Club analogy - Matthew …
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This podcast episode by Omi the Elephant about practicing happiness together sounds absolutely wonderful! I love the idea of imagining a warm, glowing light in our chests that represents happiness. And how cool is it to think about all the things that make us happy and then share that happiness with others? It's like creating a chain reaction of jo…
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You know that uncomfortable detachment period after a breakup? Yeah, so do we. This episode goes out to all those who are going through a transition period, namely, the transition period that comes after a breakup. As always we're starting the episode with a little catch up and then we'll get right into it. topics covered: - Hobbies - Work - My wee…
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Ep20. What's NOT a love story
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Ever fell so hard and fast for someone only to realize you were playing in the wrong love story? I feel you friendzy fam and I've been you which is why I've got you covered from the toxic love stories, the torn love stories, the star-crossed lovers love stories and so on, in this weeks episode.Par kailyemmasmith
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That podcast episode by Omi the Elephant about waking up with a meditation sounds amazing! I love the idea of starting the day feeling happy and refreshed. Taking deep breaths, stretching, setting intentions, and expressing gratitude are such great ways to wake up your body and mind. I'll definitely give this meditation a try tomorrow morning. 🌞🧘♀…
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Ep19. Spring Clean (your life)
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The winter is over friendzy fam and the Spring is springing, the blooms are blooming and we're ready to spring clean anything that hasn't been in alignment with living our best, healthiest lives, in order to usher in new, aligned, happy, healthy, vibrant, energy! Big Spring Energy let's go !!Par kailyemmasmith
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Ep18. Been bett-ER! Health update & lessons
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Join me in this catch up episode as I take you on a story time journey of the past two weeks where I navigated many emergency rooms through a health scare. Along with the lessons I took away from the experience, that I believe we can all benefit from. Love KailyPar kailyemmasmith
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Hey there! That podcast episode by Omi the Elephant about finding calm while driving to school sounds awesome! I totally get you, sometimes the car ride can be stressful with all those thoughts and worries. But doing a meditation can really help make it more relaxing and peaceful. Just taking some deep breaths and imagining positive energy filling …
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Hey there, my little dragon friend! That podcast episode by Omi the Elephant about the Dragon Breath technique sounds so cool! Just imagine yourself as a powerful dragon, taking a big breath in through your nose and blowing out all those icky feelings. It's a great way to calm down and feel better when you're feeling upset or mad. You've got the po…
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Ever felt like a failure? Feeling like you're behind compared to everyone else? Struggling to determine what success means for you? Or maybe you're having a mini panic about turning 30. Let's chat as I tell you a little story about success.Par kailyemmasmith
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This podcast episode by Omi the Elephant about positive affirmations sounds super cool! Did you know that when we repeat positive things to ourselves, it can make us feel happier and more confident? I love the affirmations they shared, like "I am strong and brave" and "I am loved by my family and friends." It's a great way to start the day feeling …
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Ep16. Have you been hoovered?
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Have you been hoovered? Let's discuss as we look into and cover: - What is hoovering - Signs of hoovering - How to handle hooveringPar kailyemmasmith
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this podcast episode by Omi the Elephant sounds amazing! It's all about doing a body scan to start your day off right. You just find a quiet spot, close your eyes, and focus on each part of your body from your toes to your head. It helps you feel relaxed and focused, and you can even set a goal for the day. I'm definitely going to try this tomorrow…
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So you're dating in your 30s, huh? Look at us, on this eye-opening journey together. How different is it, really? Let's look into some dos and donts and take a trip down memory lane.Par kailyemmasmith
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this podcast episode by Omi the Elephant is so cool! It's all about how meditation can make us feel like superheroes using our breath as a superpower. Just by taking deep breaths and imagining ourselves as superheroes, we can conquer stress and negativity. It's like having a secret weapon right inside us! 🌬️💪😄…
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Ep14. 10 Rules to Navigate a Toxic Relationship
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We've all likely had one toxic relationship or another. If this is you, or was you, or worry it may be you - fear not; I feel you I was you and I stand by you! Friendzy's toxic relationship's are never easy and that's why in today's episode I bring you 'The 10 Rules Out Of Toxic' for you to know, to hold and to follow for if/when you find yourself …
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Ep13. Catch Up - Valentines Day & The 7 Day Glow Up
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Hi Friendzy's!! It's been awhile since we had a catch up chat so let's dive in and talk about what I've been up to, ways you can spend Valentines day alone AND if you're time-poor like me, how we can have a glow up in seven days !!! Yes, that's right - seven days! Love !Par kailyemmasmith
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In this fun meditation called "Stop, Breathe and Reset," we find a cozy spot to sit down and take a big breath in and out. Then, we imagine being in a busy city and create a magical bubble of peace and quiet around us. We let go of our worries and fill the bubble with happy thoughts. It's a great way to find calm and reset our minds. Give it a try!…
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Ep12. PCOS, acne and having kids
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Join me as I chat and attempt to make light of my experience being diagnosed with PCOS, struggling with hormonal acne and whether or not I want to have kids someday, now that I'm basically just one big adult kid. Sending love to all the beautiful humans out there going through a health issue, acne and/or trying for a family. <3…
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Omi the Elephant guides kids to take a few deep breathes and feel calm before their exam. He reminds them to be confident and to do their best!
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Ep11. Sharing locations with your SO
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Sharing locations in a relationship is becoming a little controversial. Some people feel it gives off controlling vibes whereas others find it to be an absolute must have in their trusting ships! So what are your thoughts? Let's discuss on this weeks episodePar kailyemmasmith
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Ep10. Healing, detaching and rediscovering you
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Friendzys there's been A LOT of breakups and heartache going on so come with me on a healing journey as we explore the ups, the downs and the process of healing, detaching from someone and the rediscovery of you. Love! Let's get into it. Intro Healing from a breakup or traumatic event Detaching from someone Ways to rediscover you Outro…
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New mini ep!! Let's chat about what energy we're bringing into 2024!Par kailyemmasmith
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In this episode, we will learn about the power of kindness and discover how taking a moment to focus on our breath can help us feel calm, centered, and ready to spread kindness to the world. Learn more at
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Ep 8. Weekly catch up & boujee behaviors
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Catch up on what I've been up to over the holiday break PLUS let's dive into some of the more boujee behaviours we partake in when we have no business being boujee. How many of these are you guilty of? Let me know :)Par kailyemmasmith
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Ever run into conflict with your parents due to different generational beliefs and upbringings? Let's explore reasons as to why that may happen, should we actually be cutting them some slack and how we can better enforce boundaries in order to nourish the relationship.Par kailyemmasmith
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Ep6.Christmas Ghost Stories
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Merry Christmas Friendzy's !!! I know Christmas can be a lonely time for some, therefore, I wanted to put out a fun episode where you could listen to your friend (that's me), chat about ghost stories and hopefully feel a little less alone on this Christmas Day, wherever you are in the world. Much, much, MUCH love, K. <333…
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Ep5. Giggling about weird hobbies
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Care to join me for a spot of extreme ironing, anybody? Let's go down a rabbit hole of some of the finer hobbies in life and perhaps giggle a little while we're at it.Par kailyemmasmith
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Ep4. Vegemite or PB&J? Differences between Australia and the USA
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Let's explore all the fun, different and often times confusing differences between these two glorious countries, including all your Aussie slang need to knows.Par kailyemmasmith
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Ep3. The Dos&Dont’s Of Navigating the Holidays with Your SO and Their Family.
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First time spending the holidays with your new partner or the person you're dating? First time meeting the immediate fam or the workplace fam? Nervous? Don't worry, my anxiety and I are right there with you! That's why I took it upon myself to collate a list of all the dos and don'ts so this holiday journey can go as seamlessly and successfully for…
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Come with me as I go on a spiral, I mean journey, to my first ever botox appointment. Let's discussPar kailyemmasmith
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Ep1. Tarot and Psychic Readers
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I. Am. addicted.. Anytime a minor inconvenience occurs in my life - tarot! Anytime a heartbreak - tarot! Anytime i’m bored - tarot ! Anytime i’m uninspired - oop time for a psyhic read ! Does anyone else do this and on that note, has anyone ever had a reading that’s come completely true? Let's discuss.…
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Ronie: Singel Búrka som venovala zosnulej mame. Je to moja jediná nahrávka, ktorú počula #1
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Par Dobré rádio
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