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show episodes

The Humanist Report

Mike Figueredo

Chaque mois+
The Humanist Report is a progressive political podcast that analyzes political news stories through the lens of humanism. This podcast is hosted by Mike Figueredo, a Ph.D student of public policy and political activist.
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Humanist Trek

Sarah Ray & Allie Ashmead

Chaque semaine
Humanist Trek is a weekly #StarTrek podcast about the humanism in Star Trek. Hosted by Sarah Ray 🏳️‍⚧️👩🏼 and Allie Ashmead ✊🏿👩🏿‍🦱 Available at and everywhere you replicate your podcasts!
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El último humanista

Fernando Espí

Chaque mois+
Un programa sobre humanidades combinando la historia, psiquiatría, cine, filosofía y arte. Contacto: Instagram: elultimohumanista YouTube: Fernando Espi Forcen
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Głosy Humanistyki

Głosy Humanistyki

Chaque mois
Co powiedziałaby humanistyka gdyby miała głos? Prawdopodobnie to, co tu usłyszycie 🧠 Podcast naukowo-społeczny, którego celem jest nowe spojrzenie na nauki społeczne i humanistyczne. 24 wywiady z uczonymi reprezentującymi różne dziedziny nauki. Rozmawiamy o tym, jak pracują, co ich inspiruje, jak patrzą na świat i jak myślą. Udowadniamy, że humanistyka jest nie tylko przydatna społecznie, ale także fascynująca i inspirująca. Projekt dofinansowany ze środków budżetu państwa, przyznanych przez ...
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Glass City Humanist

Douglas Berger

Chaque mois
Explaining Humanist values, how we can live our values to support social justice issues, and responding to science denying Christian Nationalists bent on smashing the wall between church and state. Human problems require human solutions. There will be interviews, from time to time, with Humanists and other secular people in Northwest Ohio and beyond.
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New Humanists

Ancient Language Institute

Chaque mois
Join the hosts of New Humanists and founders of the Ancient Language Institute, Jonathan Roberts and Ryan Hammill, on their quest to discover what a renewed humanism looks like for the modern world. The Ancient Language Institute is an online language school and think tank, dedicated to changing the way ancient languages are taught.
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Radio Free Humanity is a podcast covering news, politics and philosophy from a Marxist-Humanist perspective. It is co-hosted by Brendan Cooney and Andrew Kliman. We intend to release new episodes every two weeks. Radio Free Humanity is sponsored by Marxist-Humanist Initiative (, but the views expressed by the co-hosts and guests of Radio Free Humanity are their own. They do not necessarily reflect the views and positions of MHI. Click here for a list ...
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The Humanist Hour (HH) Audio Podcast is a monthly one-hour talk show produced by the American Humanist Association. Every episode of the HH Audio Podcast explores a different area of humanist thought, from politics to pop culture.
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A podcast dedicated to "thinking slow" about how different topics relate to being more humanist in our approach to a complexly hurting world. Join us as we look at how everyday objects and seemingly straightforward topics can all reveal deeper questions about how to advance better policy and move among one another with greater compassion and curiosity.
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The Humanist Hubris Podcast

Mxolisi B Masuku

Tous les jours+
A Humanist Podcast from Zimbabwe. Designed to introduce and promote Free-thought and Secular Non-religious perspectives as a viable and more constructive alternative to live a more meaningful life. Primarily hosted by Mxolisi B Masuku and Tauya Chinama
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This is the audio feed for the hangout portion of Jeremiah's YouTube channel, Jerb the Humanist. In it, Jeremiah talks to activists and other folks doing important work online and in meatspace.
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An Eclectic Humanist


Chaque mois
Greetings, folks. In this podcast, I hope to explore the various facets of humanism from as many perspectives as I can manage. Some episodes will focus on the humanism as it has developed here in the West while others will look farther afield, sometimes to places that might surprise you. Always, though, the podcast will keep an eye toward how these ideas relate to contemporary life, and toward defending humanism against the anti-humanist discourses of fundamentalist religion and authoritaria ...
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The Christian Humanist

Damian Tharcisius

Tous les jours+
Hello Everyone. Welcome to the Christian Humanist Podcast. I am Damian. If you're interested in culture, religion, history, liberty, society, and above all humanity, then you are in the right place. The focus here is on the intersection between these realities, and how they pertain to questions that affect you and me: The minds who are left to live in this challenging but promising, tough but rewarding world. One that is ever-changing. Best D
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Humanist Experience

Atheists United Studios

Chaque mois
The Humanist Experience is a unique podcast series where we seek out radical experiences that educate our emotions and expand our world. Our commitment to social change motivates us to look for ways to effectively connect people to contemporary issues—and persuade them to become changemakers! The Humanist Experience uses experiential learning and storytelling to do just that. We see story, context, and experience as crucial tools for real understanding. Our podcast uses these tools to provid ...
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Humanists@Work is a UC-wide initiative geared towards UC Humanities and humanistic Social Science MAs and PhDs interested in careers outside/alongside the academy. Humanists@Work is a targeted continuation of the Mellon-funded Humanities and Changing Conceptions of Work. This initiative, which sought to examine the changing conceptions and experiences of work in the face of major economic, technological and social developments, supported multi-campus research projects, individual scholars, a ...
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BC Humanists Podcast

BC Humanist Association

Chaque mois
We are building a community based on reason and compassion in BC through education, outreach, support, and advocacy. This podcast contains recordings of speakers at our weekly Sunday Meetings in Vancouver. Some speakers may use profanity or discuss explicit content.
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The Humanist Dude

The 'H' Dude

Tous les jours+
The most profound discovery of our time is that life is meaningless. We are never meant to find the meaning of life instead we are here to create the meaning in life. It's about growing together. We must learn to go beyond self-centeredness to create a room within ourselves for others. The Humanist Dude podcast takes you on a journey of self exploration where one might discover the ideas that were hidden inside of you for decades. A journey to find calm, self-understanding, and connection – ...
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Welcome to Democracy Watch - brought to you by Matt Jones of The Humanist Network, where meaningful conversations converge on the pillars of democracy, human rights, and profound philosophical explorations. I'm your host, Matt Jones, author of the book "Where have the Patriots Gone?" Here at Democracy Watch we: 🌐 Explore Democracy: Dive into discussions that unravel the intricacies of democratic systems, dissecting current events, historical contexts, and the evolving landscape. We believe i ...
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show series
When the Enterprise executes a wellness check on a terraforming station, they find the scientists have been genociding baby crystalline entities. But when the babies grow and begin to communicate, we’re forced to question why we didn’t learn this episode last time on the Star Trek: The Original Series episode “Devil in the Dark.” Visit our website …
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On March 18th, a significant ruling from Ohio's 10th District Court declared the state’s ban on gender-affirming healthcare for transgender youth unconstitutional, a decision made in light of an appeal from the ACLU of Ohio. We explore the implications of this ruling, from its roots in legal arguments to the broader message it conveys about the pro…
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Send us a text In the final chapter of Climbing Parnassus, Tracy Lee Simmons distinguishes between the "skills" and the "content" arguments for classical study, and says that the skills argument is in fact the stronger. Content, Simmons says, can be learned by reading translations - or even from scanning Wikipedia (or asking A.I.!). What is irrepla…
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Co-hosts Andrew Kliman and Gabriel Donnelly discuss Karl Marx’s 1852 book “The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte,” written soon after French president Louis Napoleon—or, as Marx refers to him, Louis Napoleon—staged an auto-coup in 1851, replacing a parliamentary republic with “rule by bayonet.” Shortly thereafter, he declared himself Emperor N…
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When a reclusive alien race becomes unable to have children, they steal some from the Enterprise. While Wesley leads a rebellion on the planet, the adults on the D science the problem. Will a 3rd grade recorder concert convince the aliens to let the children go? Visit our website at Support the show at Pick…
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When I got serious about Christian discipleship in the early nineties, Christian worldview was in the air. The menace of secular humanism loomed large, and when I enrolled at Milligan College (now Milligan University), a Christian liberal arts college, several people in my life were quite pleased precisely because there, I might emerge with somethi…
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Marek Jeziński, profesor, dyrektor instytutu i kierownik katedry na Uniwersytecie Mikołaja Kopernika 📀🎸 Medioznawca i politolog specjalizujący się w marketingu politycznym. Bada kulturę masową i popularną, w tym przede wszystkim muzykę, oraz jej wpływ na społeczeństwo. Analizuje komunikację masową i współczesne media. Naukowo zainteresowany także m…
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When a crusty old Admiral is sent to negotiate for hostages with a man he negotiated with 45 years prior, the Enterprise uncovers a 3-layer dip of revenge. But when the Admiral OD's on some Harry Mudd de-aging pill, Sarah is sent on a midlife 'funk'. Visit our website at Support the show at Pick up your mer…
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In 1917 four seismic shocks rocked the human species: in Russia, the Bolshevik Revolution brought a specter from Europe into the center of the world’s most expansive land empire. In Europe, an armistice ended the Great War. Around the world, a pandemic virus began to kill its millions. And in America, the first jazz recording became available. Comm…
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Krzysztof Abriszewski, profesor, kierownik Katedry Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej na Uniwersytecie Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu 🎞 Kulturoznawca i filozof specjalizujący się w teorii aktora-sieci (ANT) oraz jej zastosowaniach w analizie kulturowej. Naukowo zainteresowany kulturą popularną, kulturą współczesną i nowoczesnością oraz procesami mod…
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While Riker endulges in some holoporn, an alien race of non-binaries hijack the D in order to save their homeworld. But when Picard drops into the Holodeck and ruins the mood, both Riker and Picard are held hostage by a Real Doll. Visit our website at Support the show at Pick up your merch at humanisttrek.c…
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In this episode, we look at the pressing issue of rising egg prices in the United States and yet another attempt to inject religion into Ohio public schools. We explore the interplay of economics and environmental factors driving the increases in egg prices influenced by the avian flu which has severely impacted the egg-laying bird population. We b…
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With the obvious exception of Plato’s Phaedrus, really old books don’t spend much time on technology. Perhaps the tools didn’t change fast enough. Perhaps their writing materials were expensive enough that they didn’t want to spend time on instrumental matters. Perhaps the questions just never occurred to them. But some time in the modern era, folk…
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Send us a text Classical education has declined and fallen before - as the Roman Empire succumbed to internal weakness and external threats, so did its bilingual educational regime. Humanists in the Renaissance revived the ancient world's Greek and Latin literary paideia, or at least created a new system of education modelled on it, which flourishe…
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Leonard Crofoot (Trent) joins us for this review and discussion of TNG's "Angel One"! When the Enterprise visits a matriarchal society while looking for survivors from a Federation freighter, they find themselves in the middle of a gender revolution. But when the survivors refuse to leave, Trent's Angels sentence them to death. How hard is it for a…
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Co-hosts Andrew Kliman and Gabriel Donnelly discuss Gabriel’s upcoming article “American Unionism andTrump: Where are the unions in the struggle against Trumpism?” set to be published soon in Marxist-HumanistInitiative’s publication With Sober Senses. The co-hosts, and the article, consider the state of trade unionismafter Trump’s second election. …
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The Enterprise visits the old farm where Data grew up, hoping to learn about Data's past. But when Star Trek introduces an "Adam and Stuart Chandler" dynamic into this Soap Opera in Space, the crew face almost certain destruction. Do androids have SSD's? Is it really that bad to hard shutdown your android? Is Lore also "fully functional"? AND - A s…
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We look at the urgent and current threats to democracy and how our humanist values compel us to take direct action. The discussion emphasizes that as humanists, we hold accountable our shared principles of social justice, compassion, and critical engagement in times when these ideals are increasingly under siege. We reflect on the challenging polit…
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Send us a text A truly classical education is centered on the study of the Classics: the ancient languages and literatures of Greece and Rome. The adjective "classical" is thus a misnomer for a school that strays promiscuously from the true Classics into the "Great Books" or the "Great Tradition." So argues Tracy Lee Simmons in his landmark book, C…
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Adam Nimoy, former lawyer and director (ST:TNG "Rascals" and "Timescape") talks about his new book, "The Most Human: Reconciling With My Father, Leonard Nimoy". Adam discusses the cycles of difficult relationships between fathers and sons, the cycles of addiction, how playing Spock impacted Leonard's parenting, and shares how the tools of 12 Step R…
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In honor of Gabriel Donnelly recently finishing his first-time reading of Marx’s “Capital,” Volume I, fromcover to cover, Andrew Kliman interviews him about the experience. Gabriel is asked why it took him so long, and what the experience was like. Andrew gets in on the fun, telling the story of his own first-time reading. The co-hosts also discuss…
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When Star Trek revisits the 1940's mob scene, Picard and some friends get trapped in a malfuctioning Holodeck with the safeties off. While young Wesley rewires the controls, a diplomatic deadline quickly approaches. Will Boy Wonder save the day (again)? Play along with our Starfleet Academy Cadet Challenge -- Share this episode using the hashtag #S…
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En el audio de hoy hablaremos de la oferta gastronómica de los Estados Unidos, reflejo de un crisol de culturas que han formado la sociedad norteamericana. Amigos invitados: José Gavidia, profesor de college, Charleston, South Carolina. Minuto 1:01:00 Ana Moreno, empresaria, San Diego, California. Minuto: 2:54:30 José Méndez, psiquiatra, Orlando, F…
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En el audio de hoy hablaremos de la oferta gastronómica de los Estados Unidos, reflejo de un crisol de culturas que han formado la sociedad norteamericana. Amigos invitados: José Gavidia, profesor de college, Charleston, South Carolina. Minuto 1:01:00 Ana Moreno, empresaria, San Diego, California. Minuto: 2:54:30 José Méndez, psiquiatra, Orlando, F…
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Send us a text The Renaissance humanist Biondo Flavio dedicated his massive book Roma Triumphans, a historical investigation of what made Rome great, to his fellow humanist Pope Pius II. He contended that central to the story of Roman greatness was Roman religion, and that the Roman Catholic Church was the heir of the Roman Empire, correcting its f…
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Bill Riker's hard-on gets crushed when Deanna Troi's long lost fiance shows up, but before any knots can be tied, an old plauge ship shows up threatening to give everyone small pox. Will the wedding go on? How many Steve Miller Band jokes can one podcast make? Play along with our Starfleet Academy Cadet Challenge -- Share this episode using the has…
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Resuming a discussion of Paul Raekstad’s “Karl Marx’s Realist Critique of Capitalism,”the co-hosts respond to the book’s interpretation of Marx’s conception of socialist society. Paul contends that socialism, for Marx, centers on democratic planning, ending the division of labor, and distribution according to need. The co-hosts discuss important fe…
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Liberty has always carried tricky questions with it. Most folks in 2025 would agree that human beings should have liberty, but how one becomes free persists as a debate. Do we spring fully free into this world? Does participation in certain kinds of communities make us free? Can education of this or that sort develop freedom? This last question lea…
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When Q offers Riker an invitation to join the cult, Riker is tempted. But when the power starts corrupting absolutely, Picard and crew must remind Riker of his humanity. Would you have saved that dead child? And what was a child doing at a mining operation, anyway? Doesn't the Federation have child labor laws? Play along with our Starfleet Academy …
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We dive into the latest developments regarding the contentious case surrounding Dad's Place Church in Bryan, Ohio. The narrative grapples with complex issues of religious freedom, municipal regulations, and homelessness, ignited by Pastor Chris Avell's decision to operate a homeless shelter within his church premises without the required permits. A…
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